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I'm looking for quality resources on chakras

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I want to learn about the chakras and the energy system. I've been trying to find resources on the subject, but I've found nothing that resonates with what I'm looking for.

Basically, I want to understand what energy is, what chakras are, what is the function of each chakra, how do you know if the chakra is functioning well etc. I want as clear, direct and in-depth communication as possible.

For example, I'd like to know what is to be expected when each chakra opens. And I'd like to be able to map my own system and see what are the imbalances and what is functioning well, if that's any useful in building a good life.

If you know any good books, videos, etc. that would be nice. Thank you.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Those are covered by Reiki & Vipassana. They overlap. The two reveal one bigger picture.  I’d read a couple books on each, take the classes, try a retreat, and continue experimenting with the suggested practices & application.  And most importantly, enjoy it. 




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The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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I have direct experience in this area. From the beginning of this year to about 3 months ago I worked everyday to open certain chakras. I used the Bija mantras, LAM for Muladhara, VAM for Swadishthana etc etc. I would feel the elements becoming more prevalent in my body just after 3 hours of chanting. When I chanted HAM(Vishuddhi) for example, I would feel the space element growing in my almost as if nothingness was coursing through my veins. I was staying with parents one day, and I had chanted HAM for about 90 minutes, then my dad was looking for a lost TV remote with no sucess. He was talking about buying a new one. I said "You'll order the new remote, then later find the old one and it'll be for naught. The next morning, he had a vision of the remote sitting on a couch and proceeded to find it hidden under it. Funny, he was convinced no one would believe him, not realizing he had been influenced by me.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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7 hours ago, Medhansh said:

Sadhguru claims he has complete mastery over the energy system(Siddhi). He also tells about his previous life wherein he was Sadhguru Shri Brahma and was known as a Chakreshwara (one having complete mastery over the chakras). He also told how he left his body (Shri Brahma one) through all the 7 chakras on the 7th hill of the velliangiri mountains, nearby which the isha centre is located.

Now, I don't know how much of this is true, but Sadhguru definitely has a deep knowledge of Chakras, Naadis(energy pathways), and the energy system as a whole. The energy system is called as the "Pranamay Kosha" or the Pranic Body in traditional Indian yogic cultures.

I see that Sadhguru has video series on this in Sadhguru Exclusive. Have you seen it?

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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1 hour ago, roopepa said:

I see that Sadhguru has video series on this in Sadhguru Exclusive. Have you seen it?

I have, and based on my experience it seems to be highly accurate.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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14 minutes ago, JuliusCaesar said:

I have, and based on my experience it seems to be highly accurate.

Thanks!! Maybe I'll check it out.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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The Chakra Body of knowledge is another model/map for enlightenment and transformation, so just don't get to cling to it. It is distinctions of mind, albeit useful ones for some "seekers". Eventually, it will be more direct to grasp directly how you are doing self-imposed limitations with the mind, which is what ultimately causing "blocks" in the chakras, so to speak. Any chakra-based practice - Yoga, Chanting, Meditation or what not - is just another method or process designed to lead you to directly touching your limitations, because you lost touch with this ongoing activity you took on. At some point I invite you to entertain the possibility that you can directly "open your chakras" without any practice: you'll just need to drop your self and that is no easy thing to do.

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Personally, I would go beyond chakras to acupressure and meridians points in general. There are three verticals merdians, and the chakras of just one of them. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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The best book I have read on the subject and it answers all the questions that you have. 


if you want to go even deeper, read "Yoga and Kriya" too.

I have read dozens of books on chakras and kundalini and these two are, by far, the best.

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