
Share Your Vaccine Experience!

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11 minutes ago, herghly said:

Friend has a pre-existing blood clot condition but has not had a blood clot in over 12 months.  A few days after his second jab he had the worst blood clot of his life and was rushed to hospital. He thought he was going to die. And since then he's had to go back on medication. 

So sorry to hear that, blood clots are scary:|, I definitely think they need to do something about the link between clots and vaccine, atleast not force people with bloodclots to take vaccines. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I felt slight discomfort including for the next few hours after the shot. 6h hours after I felt sick.

Day 1 after the shot: Nausea and headache only allowed me laying on the couch and do nothing. Any intellectual or manual work was hardly possible.

Day 2: Headache and light & constant (and thus exhausting) muscle and joint pain. Cold showers were the only thing helping with the pain (haven't tried pain killers though).

A few days after that there was only slight pain at the injections site.


A friend of mine had J&J from the same vial as me and had no reaction whatsoever.

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Pfizer, headache for like 10 minutes, fatigue for a day. 

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After several forum threads questioning the vaccine, I finally decided to take my first dose. I wouldn't say I've done enough questioning and I haven't fully understood both pro & anti-vaxx perspectives, but I went ahead with it anyway and took it yesterday. Mainly because it's time to go back to work and vaccine passports are now required to enter certain businesses where I live.

Soreness in the area that was injected. Fatigue, a 10 minute nap turned into a 5 hour sleep session. Chills. A bit of muscle & joint pain and that's about it.

As I'm writing this it's been about 19 hours since I took the jab.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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It feels wrong that I even have to write this report. All because of the covid anti-vaxxers. 3 minutes of my life wasted thanks to stupid people.



Pfizer - BioNTech: fully vaccinated since 3 weeks.

First shot: sore arm for a few days on the injection spot, and a bit headache for about 6 hours or something.

Second shot: no sore arm. Only a bit headache for about 6 hours or something.


I don't think the covid anti-vaxxers read this "Health, Fitness, Nutrition" sub-forum.. oh well.

Edited by Blackhawk

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1st Pfizer shot May 16th

2nd Pfizer shot July 10th

Zero symptoms during or shortly after the shots.

However I've had some pretty insane brain fog from May to current day. I have no idea if it's related though, I'm suspecting it's something with my diet and sleep patterns, perhaps even something with my spirituality and mental health.

Thought I'd be completely transparent.


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Tinnitus can also become more apparent as you raise your consciousness through meditation. So keep that in mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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First Pfizer shot, basically nothing.

Second shot, some unpleasant symptoms. Muscle weakness, headache,  nausea, general fatigue. Lasted for about 18 hours.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Mine actually went away because I used meditation to reduce stress. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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First shot, sore arm and fatigue. 

Second shot, sick as a dog!?

 Sore arm, fever, chills, body aches, sweating, GI symptoms, almost puking, near fainting twice. Lasted 32 hours, then gone.

I'd do it again and plan to get the booster, if needed. 

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– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Leo Gura

4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Tinnitus can also become more apparent as you raise your consciousness through meditation. So keep that in mind.

What are you basing this on?

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1st shot: Fatigue, lack of motivation, easily irritated and some mild anxiety. 1-2 days

2nd shot: Same as above but for a slightly longer duration: 3-4 days.

I had no fever. My appetite was still good and I managed to sleep quite well (oversleeping at times).

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13 hours ago, herghly said:

@Leo Gura

What are you basing this on?

My intuition

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1. shot - all good, no side effects, mild tenderness in the side of the shot for 2 days

2. shot - mild weakness and feeling as if my body was coming down with a flu that never really came on. Went to bed at 7 pm that day. The next day all was well again. 

No long term side effects for me. My girlfriend had exactly the same progression. 

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First dose:

  • Arm pain at injection site.  Like I got punched in the arm really really hard. I had this for a few days. 
  • No other symptoms. 

Second dose:

  • Same arm pain.  Lasted maybe a day more.
  • More flu-like symptoms the day after.  Like just feeling weak and flu-like.  No hot and colds though, nothing that severe. 

Both Pfizer... I think.

Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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I got Pfizer 

1st dose: a little pain in my arm for 48 hours. Wasn't even painful, just annoying. 

2nd dose: again, a little pain in my arm but also a sore throat and feeling of exhaustion for 48 hours

Also, I noticed that since taking the 2nd dose, I'm not allergic to cats anymore. Kinda weird I know but I'll take it lol

Edited by soos_mite_ah

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@soos_mite_ah hmm, you know, this year I have also had less allergy to cats, but I have thought it's psychedelics that affect that. Hmm. Allergy to cats is a weird one, very malleable it seems.

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@Girzo I wasn't allergic to cats growing up. Then randomly when I was 15 I got near a cat and got really itchy and watery eyes and my nose stuffed up and got all runny and I started sneezing a lot. And it's been like that for years but for some reason like a few weeks after the vaccine and I encountered a cat again, nothing happened. 

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Mine was Pfizer too.

Till now I got just the first dose, I'm close to getting the second one.

Well, I felt a small pain in my arm, not big, but kind of annoying. Maybe my muscle got hit or something.


Edited by Tudo

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