
What if there's another way?

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Hey, I've been formulating/testing an alternative path to the truth (or at least a hypothesis which MAY lead to the truth, and I'm in the process of verifying it) 

*side note, I do not yet have a direct experience of God's existence - I have an intuition, but nothing concrete yet. But for the sake of this investigation, I am acting as if that's the case (just bc it seems right for some reason)


Supposing God exists, and is infinitely loving, infinitely wise, intelligent, and creative (etc) - why, with all the wisdom and creative power would God only create 1 PATH towards discovering the truth? If this universe is INFINITE, goes on forever, and thus includes every single possibility - why in the fudgeasaurus rex would God design this beautiful earth, with fantastic creatures, wonderful art, adventurous landscapes, and millions of unique personality expressions - just to then place the 1 PATH towards truth - being e.g. "Sit in a cave for 10 years and meditate to reach enlightenment" (Enlightenment being synonymous with "The Truth" / "The Answer" etc. ) 


From my perspective, if God is infinitely creative then surely God would be creative enough to design unlimited, boundless and infinite ways towards the Truth. (It being the ultimate goal and all) For I, honestly have to deem it quite "uncreative" (sorry God) for a dimension such as here to have just one boring, linear and plain path towards the truth. In a world with such wonder and awe and things to do, adventures to be had - nah the way to reach the truth is forget all that, forget your unique and original character, forget your attachments, forget the mind - turn away from life, be super strict and chart this serious path towards "the answer".


Here's the thing - It seems like there's a consensus within the spiritual community that to reach the truth it's all about this military, hard-nosed, strict and disciplined striving towards a treacherous mountain peak and if you don't basically become akin to a Buddhist Monk, ahhh well maybe in another 1 million lives you'll get to that point. Like jesssusssss! (sorry God) - surely you've created some other paths man.  Seriously, in your infinite wisdom - could you have not created a path that involves a "playful" journey towards the truth. Like if you just completely yielded into a playful nature, became authentically childish  (in the most positive meaning of the word) , found the fun and adventure in mundane life (like we did as kids), danced freely, laughed silly, made things, expressed ourselves and lived life as if it was our favorite video game? 

If we imagine the truth being in the center of a circle, and then lines from the outside towards the center represent paths towards the truth -  We could imagine that "ONE" of those lines is the "Discplined af" path, which yeah - it does actually lead to the truth, let's say.

However, why then wouldn't there be it's opposite? - and everything inbetween? Then the circle would basically have infinite lines coming from all angles and dimensions which all would lead to the truth.

Like maybe there's a musician path, maybe there's a zookeeper path, maybe there's a coffee maker path and maybe an ingeneral "play" path. 

On the one hand, I love this idea and I want it to be true. Yet, I find it to be incredibly tempting and fertile ground for self-deception. For example, my ego tends to run with this idea and use it as an excuse to eat anything, game all day, smoke weed and have a "fun" time. But I still long to maybe extract some truth in what's being uttered here. If God is in this infinitely creative mode and is almost in a state of infinitely entertaining itself (in a cosmic fashion) - why can't there be an "entertaining" way to reach the truth? 

What's the entertaining, adventurous, playful, fun, immersive, fantastic, awesome and epic path? 

Why can't there be a path like that? If there is, I wanna find it.

Because from the depths of my soul, my heart and whole being - the " super disciplined" and "hard hard work" approach is at incredible odds with my intuition. 

It does not work for me, it's miserable and vacuums the spontaneity and enjoyment out of life. Did no one ever become enlightened/ find the truth by playing? - 

What are your thoughts? 

Peace peace ?










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Who said there was 1 path to Truth?

There are infinite paths to Truth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Sometimes referred to as the three traditional ways 

The way of the monk - Emotion 

The way of the Yogi - Mind

The way of the Fakir- Body


The Fourth Way - Way of the Householder      Incorporates work with Emotion, Mind, and body.

There are different varieties and lineages of Fourth Way groups. All do inquiry of some kind for the mind and emotions usually categorized as self observation and Self remembering as well as practices for becoming  better grounded in the body.

Bare bones fourth Way info.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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