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Hypothetically speaking, should there be an age limit on certain psychedelics?

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Should psychedelics be limited to certain age groups for consumption (or purchase if they were legal)?

Of course in the US they have the legal drinking age at 21, or 19 years old here in Canada. Should this type of minimum age requirement be applied to psychedelic drugs? Or would you personally recommend psychedelic drugs to anyone at any age?

Basically I'm just asking if there's a consensus when it comes to what ages should or should not take these drugs.

Personally I was thinking of an age limit for each individual drug based on the potency of the drug. For example:

LSD, Shrooms - Ages 19+

Peyote, MDMA, Salvia, 2C-B  - Ages 21+

Ayahuasca, DMT, 5-MEO DMT,  - Ages 25+

I've only done LSD & Shrooms so I might've done a poor job with these age limits. Maybe 5-MEO could even be age 30+?

I write this thread because I often believe that younger ages are more susceptible to delusion or other serious side-effects with these drugs compared to those who are older, generally speaking.

This is all hypothetical of course, but what are your recommended ages for these drugs? Do you believe there should be these limitations or do you think these drugs are fine for anyone like teenagers to take as well?

We would assume that Leo's work attracts an older audience in their 30s, 40s, or older, but it seems to me that there are some teenagers or people in their early 20s in this community. And I was one of those people (still young today though), I found out about Leo when I was 19. Once Leo started talking about psychedelics that's when I started using them, around 20-21 years old. I sort of wished that I waited a bit until I was older to take them but I took them anyway. Not that it was a huge mistake or anything but I wouldn't say I was mature enough back then.

I think this is a pretty important thread and I don't think anyone is talking about this.

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9 minutes ago, 7thLetter said:

Should psychedelics be limited to certain age groups for consumption (or purchase if they were legal)?

The problem is that age does not guarantee maturity or readiness.

Some folks are ready at 21, others are not ready at 40.

I would be okay with a limit of 21 for all psychedelics, similar to alcohol. But of course it's not like people are going to obey that limit, so there's no point to it in practice.


We would assume that Leo's work attracts an older audience in their 30s, 40s, or older,

Most of my audience is age 21-35.

I don't recommend taking psychedelics before age 21.

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49 minutes ago, Droo_ said:

what are the reasons for not recommending psychedelics under the age of 21?

A general lack of maturity and responsibility.

Be careful that you don't screw up your life.

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3 hours ago, Droo_ said:

Kid and adult are just arbitrary labels, I know adults that are just old kids.

That's partially true. Keep yourself safe, obey the protocols, wear condoms, etc., you know all the usual stuff people talk about, and you should progress in life without too many hiccups.

Then in 5 years time take a look back at your younger self and see for yourself how much you have grown and matured. The difference will be huge!

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