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Stage Umber

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I am going to use Stage Umber as a model for my life. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So I'll divide the Spiral Dynamics growth Timeline into 4 significant stages. This is in the context of moral principles. 



Stage Red 

Stage Blue 

Stage Green 

Stage Coral 


And I'll divide morality at each stage in following categories I created. 

Toxic morality 

Basic morality 

Organic morality 

Saintly morality 


From my observation of different societies at different stages of Spiral Dynamics, 

I'll say, 

Toxic morality belongs to Stage Red. Here it's survival of the fittest. 



Basic morality 

This is found at stage Blue. You're not allowed to murder someone, punishable offense. So basic security is guaranteed. 

However it could be a religious system that hates homosexuals. 

So anyone who does not comply with the system, no matter how non threatening is still considered worthless or looked at with contempt and treated badly. Marginal groups are threatened. 

You're a slave to the system. Slavery based morality 


So in a stage Blue religious system, a homosexual person will have no value. They could be stoned to death. This morality threatens the survival of anyone who dares to be different from standard protocol.

This morality is still dangerous because it only affords basic protection to survival. 

It's like a coat that you buy that you can use in winter but if you went looking for timber out in the frigid cold, that coat won't be enough to protect you. 


Organic morality 

This is stage Green morality where even minorities, those who don't fit in, marginal groups don't feel threatened and the survival of everyone, both majority and marginal is ensured. 

However this morality is strict on karma. You get what you give. 

If you hit someone, there will be self defense. Stand your ground principle. So if you do wrong, you pay consequences for your actions. 

Stage Green morality is high on equality and justice. Which means you get treated equally in terms of your conduct. You do wrong, you pay for it. Justice delivered to every group. 

This principle is also seen in stage Green empathy based relationships where its give and take 

The empathy at stage Green is highest among lower stages yet this empathy has an upper cap. This empathy is conditional and the morality is conditional as well. 

So in a stage Green relationship, both partners are expected to show equal love and devotion and loyalty to each other. 

At stage Green you can't show compassion to oppressors and criminals. 



Saintly morality 

This is stage Coral. 

Here it's turn the other cheek. 

You show compassion even to criminals and dictators and oppressors. 

You empathize with a cheater in a relationship. 

There is no equality here, only saintly behavior. You give but do not expect. You treat both criminals and saints equally. 

The empathy here is not conditional. 

It's unconditional. 









Healthy form of morality according to me. 

For me healthy morality is Organic morality. 

That's why I'm stuck at stage Green and not transcending higher. 


Toxic morality threatens my survival 

Basic morality threatens my survival, not adequate protection 

Organic morality ensures and protects my survival 

Saintly morality is a direct threat to my survival, it means anybody can do what they want and I should still forgive. 



So the  best suited morality which appears healthy and logical (but not overly logical or threatening to others) is Organic Morality. 

Zero narcissism based Morality. Zero domination. Full equality. Fairness 

Lower forms of morality, example Basic morality and Toxic morality are domination and narcissism based morality and are found in Patriarchal societies. 

Stage Green morality (my kind of morality) is Justice based. 






Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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To me stage Green represents the Break Even point on Spiral Dynamics in terms of principles and value structure. 

I get to grow at stage Green without compromising survival. 




At higher stages my survival is compromised although I gain higher spiritual value. At higher stages you sort of bypass survival. 

Stage Blue survival is limited survival so it doesn't give me enough freedom and room to survive. 

Stage Green survival ensures equal survival for all. 

Lower stages not only do not help with survival but they do not allow for spiritual values to develop as the focus is too much on basic survival and competition. Basically your whole life at stage Blue is only spent in ensuring survival. That looks like slavery more than survival. Like wage slavery which is very common at stage Blue and religious slavery as well.. 

This is again a threat to emotional survival. Your needs, desires are unmet, unfulfilled at stage Blue. 

However whether it's physical survival, spiritual survival or emotional survival, all forms of survival have full freedom and coverage at hippie stage Green 

This is comfortable to me Because my emotional survival is respected and guaranteed at this stage. 

At higher stages however my emotional survival is again at threat from a value structure that opposes my core value of justice.. 

Justice is not considered too important at higher stages and is replaced with Forgiveness. This can immediately feel threatening to those who favor justice over forgiveness. 

So it's like spreading your wings further than you would prefer. 

Thus the Break even points in terms of principles, value structure and survival are all unanimously reached at Stage Green 

I'll call it the point of balance in terms of both survival and spiritual growth. 

Beyond stage Green there can be transcending of survival in higher stages which can be threatening. So I won't leapfrog to those places. Probably those are meant for Saints. I'm no Saint.. 





Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Stage Umber 

I invented this concept a few months ago. It's there somewhere in my old journals. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Stage Umber. 


Stage Umber is collective stage that combines the good parts of Stage Red, stage Green, stage Orange and Blue. 

It's basically stage Green with combined benefits of Lower stages in it 


Because being excessive Green causes a bit of Orange shadow, so I decided to have a collective Stage that keeps the general sentiment and flavor of stage Green and removes shadow components of lower stages.. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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From now on, I will strictly follow stage Umber model in my life because it gives me multiple benefits not only in terms of survival but also the creative freedom and passion I experience at stage Green. 

All in one. Combo. 


This is a multidimensional model. 


And it takes multiple scenarios and dimensions of life into consideration. 






INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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This means I have to keep regurgitating aspects of lower stages meanwhile still enjoying my position, freedom and privilege at stage Green. 


This will require a comprehensive study of lower stages to extract the good stuff. 


It's almost like extracting tea from leaves. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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This post is dated 23 July. 

Today is September 9.




On 23/07/2021 at 11:40 AM, Preety_India said:




I combined the stages Red, blue, Orange and green to create a composite stage which I'll call stage Umber.

This stage will combine the positive aspects of all the 4 stages 



On 23/07/2021 at 11:43 AM, Preety_India said:


Stage Red

Strong survival needs 

Raw adaptation




Stage Blue 

Strong ethics and integrity


Stage Orange 

Self preservation


Stage Green

Love and creativity, Passion and growth


Stage Umber 

All the above 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So after 2 months(since July) of Contemplating the concept of stage Umber, I'm finally ready to integrate and implement it fully in my life. 

I have kinda got a grip on it finally. 


This is good. I have laid the foundation for my future development. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 23/07/2021 at 1:59 PM, Preety_India said:

This productivity school concept and the studio concept are definitely going to be very useful.

I'm going to focus on stage Umber.



On 23/07/2021 at 1:40 PM, Preety_India said:

One thing was being a studio artist.

And the second thing was to be in a ?? school.

I'll call it the productivity school




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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What's dis-unconnected lol? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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