
Are we in a multiverse?

34 posts in this topic

I'm really hung up on this one. If God is absolute infinity, and God is all possible imaginations of reality, then surely it must hold true that there must be alternative universes with different laws of physics? Or even concepts that we could not even fathom with our tiny human minds?

And if that is true, then it must not be possible to access these universes from this universe, because by doing so we'd have to break our own laws of physics in order to enter a universe with different laws of physics. 

Another possibility in my mind is that I've got this all wrong, and all of reality is literally just my own direct existence in the present moment. So everything outside of my existence is non existence, and therefore there is only this universe which I am imagining right now? 

But this seems to be a paradox to absolute infinity. How can only my present experience exist, whilst absolute infinity exists? 

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Ooooh!  Good questions, I am super curious about the answers people give you.

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Yes basically.

This story about Big Bang and Planet Earth IS JUST ONE OF INFINITE MORE STORIES in infinite more dimensions.

There is INFINITE deepness. It goes on forever. In all directions and all dimensions. Every fucking detail of every fucking thing in every single fucking place or time or different dimension...... Exists.  

Just as a cute example... There are infinite more colors than you can see now in this current dimension..

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No. Reality is precisely what you're experiencing right now, and there's nothing else that could possibly exist.

Ta-da ;)

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My first-hand encounters suggest that reality does indeed include this stuff. So if my take is truly representative of reality as it is, then yes, reality is a singularity of infinitely many infinities similar to what @Someone here detailed above 

People will say that there can’t exist infinitely many things because, for example, that means that there must exist a supernova so powerful that it blows up infinitely many Universes. Therefore, how are we still alive if such things exist?

Well, that’s because reality would be so infinite that such a supernova could destroy infinitely many universes and there’d still be infinitely many more left over. So infinity accommodates itself so perfectly that it allows for the existence of anything and everything (including endlessly powerful supernovae). Though I do realize I’m saying all this without any evidence to offer. Just my first-hand take

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Think about it in this way maybe. If reality is a dream of consciousness, coming from consciousness, then what really can block it from imagining infinite infinite infinite infinite timelines, in that way also, into being. 

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"Infinite" goes beyond numbers or logical comprehension so take what you will away from that.

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@Stovo There are an infinite number of Big Bangs. There are infinite number of galaxies, There are infinite number of planets, There are infinite number of intelligent life forms, wich each are their own universe (every human here on earth is their own universe), Each cell in their body is their own universe, Even now, in your own body, you have a tremendous amount of multiverses in you. And in animals, and in plants. The way I see it, its multiverses in multiverses.

That's how I think of the multiverse.

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You can access some multiverses pretty easily, if your criteria for a multiverse is radically different physics or laws. For example: dreaming, astral projection, psychedelics, etc. 

Describe a thought.

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If you are God, you must be conscious of absolutely everything that exists, since God is Unity it cannot have any part disconnected from itself.

Infinite self-deception is required precisely because God is All-Seeing and cannot be anything but All-Seeing other than through self-deception. So believe it or not, you are in fact All-Seeing. You're just profoundly lost in imagination of "other".

If you keep imagining separation that's what you'll keep seeing, because you are God and whatever you imagine becomes reality. By imagining infinite universes you create them. How may universes will you imagine? Up to you. You could imagine zero.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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As far as we know our universe started spontaneously for no reason as an explosion out of nothingness, the big bang. So sure it could happen again many times. A big bang could even happen inside an existing universe, with different laws getting mixed up. What a way to go if a big bang happens here tomorrow ? 

The word universe should refer to everything, so it's outlived it's etymology, rather like atom, which originally meant the smallest indivisible particle. 


Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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No (with a capital N), but yes (with a lowercase y) if you imagine it.

Edited by Nos7algiK

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5 hours ago, Stovo said:

I'm really hung up on this one. If God is absolute infinity, and God is all possible imaginations of reality, then surely it must hold true that there must be alternative universes with different laws of physics? Or even concepts that we could not even fathom with our tiny human minds?

All which are possible isn’t quite the same as all which are, or, what is.  Unless human minds & the laws of physics are concepts. Then all possible is the same as all which are. 





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5 hours ago, Stovo said:

I'm really hung up on this one. If God is absolute infinity, and God is all possible imaginations of reality, then surely it must hold true that there must be alternative universes with different laws of physics? Or even concepts that we could not even fathom with our tiny human minds?

There's just the unknowable infinite, which has no possibilities, as it's already everything, and nothing in particular. And this is the whole of it -- it is without limit, and too boundless to be defined. There is nothing else, and there is no separation.

Edited by The0Self

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@Stovo I'm sure that the "universe" as it's conceptualized is not as we normally think of it. I believe our universe is more like a galaxy in the infinite sea of space. Hell, maybe multiple universes form a bigger cluster which is inside of another cluster, etc. Not to mention other dimensions to reality that we can't perceive. Just speaking from a material-angle here. 

Edited by Depersonilized

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So, right now in my own experience, I am imagining I am a finite being in this particular universe with these particular rules of physics. So this is all that is because this is all that I am currently experiencing or imagining in this present moment? 

Is this also true in the absolute sense? So I may be infinite consciousness capable of imagining an infinite multiverse, but just because I am capable of imagining this it doesn't mean that I am imagining this right now? 

Right now I am imagining I am a human called Stovo staring at a computer screen, typing on a keyboard, whilst outside it is a cloudy rainy day. So in an absolute sense, everything in my finite relative direct experience in this present moment is all that exists right now? 

Sorry for all the questions, I thought I had a lot of this figured out but the more I contemplate this the more questions I have, and the more I realise I don't have a clue. 

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@Stovo The problem here is that you expect to rely on some authoritative answer, like from me. But you cannot know whether my answer is actually true because I could be wrong or lying.

So the only solution is for you to discover Truth for yourself.

What is actually True?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Oh yes I have considered that.

My expected outcome here isn't for somebody to write a post here that explains all of reality and for me to be like "right I've figured that out then". I know that I need to put the work in to know for sure.

Nonetheless, I am interested in the perspective of various authorities, because they provide perspectives and ideas that I can then contemplate/meditate on deeply. 

There must be some value to seeking authority, otherwise, why do you release your videos? haha

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