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Tancrede Pouyat

My Adventures With Altered States Of Consciousness

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This is gonna be fun.

I realized that a very powerful way to get myself closer to enlightenment is this right here. Altered States Of Consciousness.

For the next few months, this will be mostly (if not entirely) Astral Projection. I'm thinking about Lucid Dreaming but, I'm sure ap is more powerful.

Hopefully, I'll be making enough money to move out soon. Allowing me to do Psychedelics, and especially 5-MeO.

So I'll be documenting my experiences here. Sharing thoughts and all that. This is probably super important if I want to actually grow from this. Awareness...

Tonight I'll be attempting. I'll be going to sleep, setting an alarm for 3 hours from then, and then already see myself climbing the rope, up and up I go. Some people recommend trying to master sleep paralysis first, then just getting out. Some people recommend just using the rope method right from the beginning, it supposedly is going to help you master sleep paralysis and then getting out as well. We'll see about that.

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I'm making progress. I'm also adapting my plan. 

I didn't get outside of my body last night. I did get closer to it, though. I think I really need to master sleep paralysis first. 

I decided to master lucid dreaming first. The most intense lucid dreams are induced from a sleep paralysis state, which means that lucid dreams are kinda like soft astral projections.

I'm keeping a dream journal, and performing reality checks. And, most importantly, I'm cultivating dream awareness.

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What your doing sounds super interesting, looking forward to hearing more about it! :) 

Astral projection is definitely something that i'd like to delve into at some point. 




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Yesterday was day 1 on my 91-day journey towards mastering astral projection. This is from the book "Mastering Astral Projection," by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in AP.

I had an amazing dream ! It was super vivid, and I remember most of it.

I don't remember how it started, but I remember taking the tramway to the airport as my first memory. I arrive in Seattle, and then walk into a big room full of a lot of people, I see a guy sitting down on the floor, he looks devastated. I tell him "this election is gonna go okay." Then I sit down, tell him I'm from Geneva, visiting the ex-president Bill Clinton, two hot girls and another are there. Then I go to the store with one girl, I buy a bunch of stuff but before I can pay I remember I forgot my credit card, I get scared and fall on the floor. I remember now that, at this point, my awareness comes back to my physical body, here on my bed in Geneva, but I can't move. I come back into the dream, on the floor, and then open my wallet and see my credit card, I hold it up in the air and say "YES" ! I get up and go pay, and then I go see Bill Clinton and he makes fun of me for forgetting my credit card. And then it's the end of the dream.

It's really amazing having such vivid memories of my dreams. I kinda know all my dreams are this fucked up, but now I have a real sense of them, I can feel them for real.

I'm really happy about this journey that I'm undertaking here. It's gonna be amazing !

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So last week I was able to recall my dreams whenever I woke up. Although I had to be careful to write the sh*t down asap otherwise I would forget them, I know that because I actually lost a few.

I had one problem, though. My problem was that I wasn't really fully in my life. I was just kind of unconsciously sleepwalking through life. I did not make any progress creating the next video, I didn't journal, I half-assed my M.A.P. daily exercises, and I just wasn't fully in.

This changed yesterday evening when I went to sleep. Oh, yeah. It changed. Which was good :D

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My Very First Lucid Dream. Ever. 

The first thing I remember of it is me, lying on my bed, warm under the covers, sweating (but the comfortable kind of sweating), with tingling sensations all throughout my body. And I just knew I was lucid dreaming, I knew I was, I just had this intuitive sense. 

So what is the first thing I do in my first ever lucid dream? I get out of the covers, and fly through the window over my garden. There's a being there, tall, all black, an alien humanoid. I fly next to it, we float upwards for a while, and then I go back down, in water, it's bubbling, there are little orangish lights everywhere, it's beautiful. 

And then I go back up, in front of my house, take a car. It's a weird car, it's orange, the steering wheel isn't complete, the top is missing. I turn the car on without the ignition keys, start driving, it's a pain to steer, and it's slow as fuck. So I decide to fly, I try to get to Geneva but I can't, I'm blocked by an invisible wall, the end of the map. 

And that's it. It's the end. I decide to just stop the dream. And I do. 


Reflections :

Why did I do that? Why didn't I just sit there and did nothing? Why? For the first time I have control over what happens in my dream, and I do that. 

I didn't have control, I had the illusion of control. There's no free will. There just isn't free will. No free will at all. It's interesting to finally experience it. Fascinating, even. 

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