
Seems like all/most books/videos are just bs compared to sitting and doing nothing

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anyone else have this?

I have a ton of spiritual books, stuff i genuinely want to read, but i find wanting spending my free time just in nature staring at the trees and water. Not really even contemplating, but just fucking being, just enjoying being alive and enjoying my monkey mind when it gets all riled up too.

But i feel i am missing on tons of wisdom and if i just keep doing this i'll be super quiet and lose interest in social games completely 

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Depends on what you desire. 

The perceived need to partake in social games and other deficiency needs, you don't lose interest in or forget, they need to be transcended, in one way or another. 

Whether this happens or not is not depending on books. It's the result of transformation of internal processes, a form of maturity that is not all too likely to happen by itself. 

So getting there is the journey. 

Getting there on your own is of course possible.

Absorbing wisdom of others can be, but isn't necessarily, somewhat of a shortcut to get there, allowing for avoiding some traps on the road. 

Essentially, development is the journey. Development happens through challenges. Challenges happens through exposure. They are overcome by doing, not by absorbing theory. 

Spirituality can be pursued without tending to development. Enlightenment always was an option, throughout history, regardless of overall level of development. 

So, again, this depends on which path you choose.

But transcendence is not escape from that which we find challenging, that's hiding, suppression, avoidence, and fuel for that which fester in our shadows.

If you love spending time in nature, love and focus on that, not on the fear of missing out on some wisdom, instead build you own kind of wisdom.

It's all about your happiness, not what others think. What feels right, is right. 

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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Wise words, i will meditate on this. @Eph75When you say development is created through challenge, in your experience is not possible to develop through enjoyment or solely meditation? Is challenge neccesary for developing?

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Enjoyment is typically being within one's existing frame of development, or "comfort zone" if you will. With what's familiar. 

Development is the transformation of our current form of being, towards a more complex version of that. 

Meditation can be a challenge, and is a challenge. It pushes you into a different "space" where your brain is allowed to make new connection and new sense of what you already thought you knew.

Of course you can reach a point where the depth of meditation stalls, for different reasons, and then it's just maintaining status quo. 

And yes, stretching outside of what we know, do, are comfortable with, what's cosy, safe, familiar, presents us with such circumstances where our current complexity of mind is not enough to be successful in our sense making, and through that stretching of ourselves, we end up in territories where we have to make new sense of what's going on, to create new meaning for ourselves, essentially expanding our comfort zone. 

Ultimately developing a bias towards not holding on to current beliefs, and constantly looking for new, better serving beliefs. Development becoming self-serving. Which essentially, and paradoxically, is enjoyment through development, developing through enjoyment. 

While this is the accelerated form of development, developmental challenges happen all the time, you could call it life micro-dosing challenges of such small nature that we don't really look at it as development, and the shifts created are less profound so that we don't notice that shifting in our sense making happening. 

Just reflect over your past life since you were a toddler, learning to speak, walk, and all the way til today, it's one single developmental journey, and this, right here, is the progression of that journey. 

So again, what to pursue is more-so determined by what kind of outcomes you are looking for. 

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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I always go through phases and cycles with this, and I think it is a feature of the nature of this work: at times I just want to absorb wisdom and knowledge all the time. At other times, reading anything spiritual, I put down the book immediately because I know the only thing to do is to sit down, to be, to contemplate, to actually do the work. Reading would be mere distraction at this point. 

If experience pulls you inside its fullness and wants you to bathe in it, I say listen to this intuition and dive right in. 

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Everything is within you, including those videos and books and so forth. You're imagining them into being in the moment, and you have the ability to receive those knowledges and much much much much much more by turning within if you can do it accurately. There is no such thing as an out there, you're imagining everything you know, and you think you know, into being by your focus, in a sense, in every moment.

The reason you need those books and videos and so forth, about learning anything, is because you believe in them, you believe that they are "real" information that comes to you from "the outside". And it can very well be your path of least resistance to "receive" information from those socalled materials of course. 

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