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if the universe is Absolutely parcial, simmetrical, and unbiased, ....

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Since Im the universe, my Life should be impersonal.

You know you Will say "well thats the ego, which has made the Life personal. What you are is Awareness which is unpersonal,One,Nothing."


But this ego have some parents and another person has other parents.

This ego Drives a Hyundai and another another ego Drives a BMW.

Why why why if its really One why the fuck we are different and we are Stuck on personal stories until we die???

Maybe there are an infinite number of Gods/Awareness, and each of them is its own universe. 

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Think about this carefully. You can't have perfect symmetry without asymmetry. Your life is an asymmetry within God's overarching symmetry.

Reality would not be symmetrical if it did not contain asymmetry.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Creation is creative AF. Who would have thought? 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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we don't have parents or anything, it's all the ego's space opera. a real pain in the ass that is out there for us to do what we have to do. sometimes I think that by freeing yourself from the matrix we are going against our human nature. we are programmed to be immersed in all that shit. the reality is that our life is as personal as that of a sardine, all are tricks for the puppet to dance. there are no parents, no bmw, no history, there is only the current experience, no more, within which is also the ego software with all its movie nonsense

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Consciousness made your life personal, not the ego. It creates, and it destroys, which is another way of saying that it partitions and unpartitions itself, infinitely. It is all Consciousness.

Ultimately, you are impersonal. Only in the relative cosmos is personality a possibility. Within that cosmos, there must be differences, otherwise why create it in the first place?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Life seeming personal, isn't personal. That's basically it. Kind of disappointing, certainly. The personal is already not needed. It's just what appears. Impersonally.

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Perhaps this is entirely unrelated to the type of symmetry of which Leo is referring to, but this is something I’ve thought about just as recently as this morning.  Mathematicians categorize the different kinds of symmetries with things called groups.  Larger groups can be constructed from smaller subgroups (normal subgroups if you want to be anal about it), meaning larger symmetries can be constructed from smaller symmetries.  An example would be a 6-sided pinwheel.  This pinwheel can be seen to have six symmetric pins each 60 degrees from one another, or it can be split along 120 degree angles to get three symmetric pieces with two pins each, or it can be split along 180 degree angles to yield two symmetric pieces with three pins each, and lastly one could choose to not cut the pinwheel at all and leave it as one asymmetrical unit with six pins.  So the symmetry of a 6 sided pinwheel contains within it three smaller symmetries, namely the symmetries of a 3 sides pinwheel, a 2 sided pinwheel, and a 1 sided pinwheel.  Another example could be a square.  A square contains all the symmetries that a rectangle does, as well as additional symmetry.

Any standard kind of symmetry can be associated with a specific and unique group (at least in theory).  As it turns out, objects which are asymmetrical are associated with the Trivial group, the only group containing only one copy.  This means that while usually we think of asymmetry as being separate from symmetry, it is indeed a type of symmetry, the symmetry that represents objects with only one copy.  Furthermore, an important theorem within group theory is that the Trivial group is a (normal) subgroup within every other group.  To put this in English, every symmetrical object possesses within it smaller sub-symmetries, and one of these symmetries must be asymmetry.  Because of this, every object has a certain kind of symmetry associated with it since all objects are at the very least asymmetrical, the symmetry of one copy.

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