
Fear Of Not Finding A Job

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I have a major fear of not finding a job, I am a psychology major in college at a university. For psychology it is difficult to find a job, but it is the feild I love. I often have people tell me I am making a mistake because of how little the industry pays and how inconsistent jobs are. But I am not sure if that is entirely true. I need to know what is true. I also hear psychology is easy, but is that really true, because it seems to be the easiest for me, but I talk to others and it is not so for them. Is it true that some people just are truely better at understanding people and analyzing things and synthesizing things than others or is it a skill that everyone has. Why does math and  science have that stigma for being harder than English, Philosophy, and Psychology? Is this actually true or is this just true for some people and not others. For me it is true. Am I just being egotistical?

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@Shane Roberts As a therapist you can make pretty good money. And there are many other options for psych majors.

If you were an English or History major, you'd have more to worry about.

And hey, I was a philosophy major and I never regretted it. And I've made more money than 99% of managers, programmers, or engineers can dream of. So don't let the dumb masses pigeon-hole you. You can earn big bucks with any degree, and even no degree. But you gotta be willing to roll up your sleeves and hustle. Don't expect handouts. Career success has VERY LITTLE to do with degrees. This fact cuts both ways.

Math and science are harder because they tolerate less subjectivity and bullshit, and there's more ways to be wrong than right. An engineering degree is definitely harder than a philosophy degree. I've done both tracks. But the difficulty is irrelevant. What matters is what you're passionate about. If your passion happens to be easy, so much the better for you. If it happens to be hard, that's your lot. The harder fields generally pay more and have more positions available, so there is compensation for your effort.

Oh, and BTW, a job isn't so much found as it's made.

Take responsibility for YOU making the job! Nobody owes you a job.

The best way to deal with this kind of fear is to take 100% responsibility, devise a strategy for success, and start taking action on it. You'll instantly feel better.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I don't expect handouts, but I have trouble with school. So, I have not been working during school. I just focus on grades. So far this semester I have received a 3.8 GPA taking 13 credits. But my work experience is limited. My classes are easy compared to most peoples. I am going to be a peer mentor next semester while working. On the side I am writing a book about my life and the adversity I am overcoming due to your incredibly work. I have a life purpose. Is it in any way normal to only be able to take 13 credits. This means it will take me like five years or more to get a Bachelor's degree. I fear debt, I am already 10 grand in debt after a year and half of school. I plan on moving to another university at which my debt will probably stay at about 15 grand for another two years. Is this good standing or is it dangerously threading debt? 

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My plan is also to be a peer mentor next semester working at the university, so yes I do have a purpose and a plan. But I still have fear. I also have an idea of what jobs I want to do next summer that relates to being a therapist. I still have fear. 

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@Shane Roberts Sit down and contemplate: Why am I creating this fear?

It's not like you're just beset by fear. YOU are creating it!

Why don't you take more credits?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I have trouble in school, it takes me long to do tests, assignments, etc. I have trouble focusing.  Its always been that way. So, the fear is from my adversity. 

Edited by Shane Roberts

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It takes me twice as long to do everything, I even have to have at least double time on tests. Yes, I have tried medication but I am still struggling to find anything that truly improves my ability to focus. 

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Do you think ADD can be cured through meditation eventually, or do I need to turn to drugs like Ritalin or Adderall?

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@Shane Roberts If you stay tuned, I will share an amazing technique in the future for curing ADD permanently. I have a backlog of important topics I want to share.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Well, I have it as bad as one could possibly have it, though I am very inteligent, it makes life so difficult. I have taken multiple drugs and have meditated for about 7 months and I have seen no difference. After doing a ton of the exersizes you recommend I have seen my life quality sky rocket, but I still can't pay attention to save my life. If you actually found a cure I would be impressed because I have tried almost everything. I have even lost hope.

Edited by Shane Roberts

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Shane Roberts If you stay tuned, I will share an amazing technique in the future for curing ADD permanently. I have a backlog of important topics I want to share.

That would be amazing. Being ADD makes it so much harder to pursue your goals and feel optimistic about yourself. I find meditation helps immensely, I've been doing an hour daily, broken up into two chunks. 

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What I've found is way more effective than meditation. And it doesn't take years or months.

Never lose hope. The field of self-development is virtually bottomless. There is much to discover.

I've found stuff that can cure you out of a coma!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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No kiding, I hope your right, because if you are I could produce some amazing work much quicker, to help others and I will be able to live a life like everyone eles for the first time. It would be absolutely revolutionary. 

Edited by Shane Roberts

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@Leo Gura is it hard to apply? How can people not know about it if it's so good? 

Do you mean ADD or ADHD? Do you mean that it can cure the hyperactive or the day dreaming? :) 

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I don't think you want to get rid of the hyperactive disorder, think about it, there are a number of actors that have ADHD. The hyper part can be used to create art. 

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There are a number of great musicians that have ADHD too, plus it makes you who you are. 

Edited by Shane Roberts

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@Lamp It's important to understand that people generally do not know about all the best things in life.

The expectation that mainstream society knows what's good, is very limiting and downright dangerous to your life.

The best stuff is often hidden in plain sight. Which is why its worth your while doing research.

It works for both ADD and ADHD. No, it's not hard to apply.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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