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The first mystical experience

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Lost my glasses in a river. Went almost a whole year without vision correction. Being quite near-sighted, it was tough. You get used to it. Eventually the world being a blurry smear of colors that blend into each other becomes normal.

One day I found myself sitting on a bed, contemplating. I didn't want to go outside. I didn't want to people. They treated me different because they knew I couldn't see. I didn't want to be treated any different. Maybe I couldn't see perfectly but I could see, in a way. Because I had seen it all before. I knew what everything and everyone looked like. I could see it all in my head. 

As the last thought sunk in... it happened so fast. It is utterly mind bending how many thoughts a person can think in the space of about half a second. It was like a thousand piece puzzle being done by clicking all the pieces into place at once. "I could see it all in my head" became the realization that everything is just in my head. Not in a vague conceptual way but in all-too-real all-encompassing way. I almost wasn't ready for the depth of this realization. The other half of that second was spent wrestling with the urge to run screaming out the front door while ripping handfuls of hair from my head like a damn cartoon character. I came so very close to actually doing it.

That was the moment I realized that reality is just my imagination.

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