
Podcast With Leo Is Out!

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On 06/09/2021 at 5:21 AM, Preety_India said:

05:05:52 When you realize you're God, the universe ends

@Leo Gura In the interview, you mentioned that you have reached a point, which if crossed, you will take everyone with you. Meaning, that you don't dissolve only your perspective, but the perspective of everyone.

Kurt didn't challenge you on this. Would you care to elaborate? 

1) How do you know where that point is?

2) Isn't you knowing just a speculation given the fact that you haven't crossed it? 

3) Doesn't this require the consent of everyone? Why would your will, overrule the will of all?

Given that my "dream" is fairly consistent and has not been interrupted, my experience only supports the oposite of your view. 

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57 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

@Leo Gura In the interview, you mentioned that you have reached a point, which if crossed, you will take everyone with you. Meaning, that you don't dissolve only your perspective, but the perspective of everyone.

Kurt didn't challenge you on this.

Curt was sorta confused by it. Because it's very relativistic and strange loopy. And he takes it for granted that other people have some objective reality independent of his mind.


Would you care to elaborate? 

As I explained, its like a cone. As you move higher in consciousness towards the top of the cone the divisions between self and other collapse more and more unless finally you reach the pinnacle of the cone which is pure Unity/Infinity/Self. At the pinnacle of the cone only YOU exist. Others only exist at the base of the cone.


1) How do you know where that point is?

That point is the Godhead/Infinite Consciousness, where no more distinctions exist. Not even physical distinctions exist there. It's just empty Consciousness devoid of all form.


2) Isn't you knowing just a speculation given the fact that you haven't crossed it? 

You can become directly conscious that self/other is an imaginary distinction, just like all other distinctions.

You don't need to destroy the entire Universe to realize that the entire Universe is nothing more than your personal dream.


3) Doesn't this require the consent of everyone? Why would your will, overrule the will of all?

Do you require the consent of everyone in your dream in order to wake up in the morning?

Are you being an evil bastard for killing all your dream characters? ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  So you are saying that God designed it as a feature of this cosmic game, that when one character/dreamer becomes so one with the original designer again, that it's an automatic game over for all ? Man I really respect your work, but this one is a bit hard to swallow.  Or am I misinterpreting your words ? 

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@Leo Gura you're not in control of your dream though, there's no controller. Does reaching a point make any sense in the context of there being no controller. This very ayahuasca like idea that you're becoming and progressing, does that idea make any sense when there's no controller.

And yes, self/other is imaginary, but imaginary is still real. The pinnacle of the cone cannot exist without its base, and vice versa. This YOU, its not Leo, its me too. Its all of us. You can't collapse all of us(forever), because you aint in control. And we do exist, all of us exist, we are just imaginary. We exist as much as Leo/you exist. There's no hierarchy where your POV is more real them mine. Where Leo is more real then us. Its not true to say that your POV is the only POV that exists.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I have crossed something which sounds exactly like what you're talking about. Did it on 13 grams of dried shrooms, then did it again but deeper on 8 grams of dried shrooms lemon teked. I'm still here though. You're still here, all the people are still here. I don't even think its possible to erase the cone, heck i dont think its possible to reincarnate into another form this way.

I personally don't take the stance that there are others out there with their own POV, but i also don't take the stance that I am the only one that exists. I am the only one that exists is implying to me that you reckon the base doesn't exist and all there is, is the pinnacle. I take the stance that we are the only thing that exists, that stance recognises that you can experience both the base and the pinnacle, but you can't have 1 without the other.

Edited by electroBeam

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49 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You can become directly conscious that self/other is an imaginary distinction, just like all other distinctions.

I have become conscious of this on psychedelics. 

From my point of view, Leo is a dream character and a dream character can't stop my dream. They can only help me to wake up. :D 

Leo can't stop my dream.

When in the future I reach a point where I know MYSELF as EVERYTHING, The UNIVERSAL I can stop the dream.

@Leo Gura Thanks for your answers.

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@Leo Gura  When one soul is fully absorbed back into the Infinite Godhead, surely it can't mean that the universe ends completely ? :)

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


That point is the Godhead/Infinite Consciousness, where no more distinctions exist. Not even physical distinctions exist there. It's just empty Consciousness devoid of all form.


Leo, I´d greatly appreciate an aswer on this, because that´s where my own awakenings fall short:

 1/My experience of the world is one where pure subjectivity transcends the manifest, but in some way it needs the latter to be self-aware. In your experience of the Godhead, is "Consciousness devoid of all form" self-conscious, is there self-reflection of any kind, any understanding from the Godhead of being so? If that´s the case, how, since there is no objective reflection whatsoever (no thoughts, no sensations, no thing perceived) I mean, even in deep sleep there is total lack of reflection, total lack of self-consciousness. 

2/Are concepts as "aloneness" or "cosmic boredom" possible in that state, and are they a possible source of the desire for manifesting the Universe, as Love is?

Edited by Purple Man

This is my forest, my joy, my love and my shelter, the music I compose: loismusic.com


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10 hours ago, electroBeam said:

I'm still here though.

Yeah, you're dreaming.

If you keep dreaming stuff will seem to exist.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, you're dreaming.

If you keep dreaming stuff will seem to exist.

Yep but...

but what else is there other then dreaming? When hasn't life been a dream? When will it ever not be a dream? Is your work really beyond dreaming? Or is it just part of the dream? Can you really transcend the dream? How can you not dream? Not dreaming is like not being. "take everyone with you" ? Lol IDK

Its more then just things "seeming to exist", awakening, crossing that threshold, is part of the dream. You come back from those trips where you cross the threshold, and that trip, that awakening, that realization, integrates with the dream. "if you keep dreaming stuff seems to exist" gets embedded into the dream.

you've been here for eternity, you've crossed that threshold before. And here you are.

Even if you reckon you'll achieve mahasamadhi, and physically die, and dissolve into a place where there's no time, no memory of anything in this world. After an infinite amount of time, you'll slowly get to a point where you'll dream up a time or equivalent.

And this eternal dissolving forever and forgetting things, it doesn't need mahasamadhi, ive been there multiple times with trips ive had. I've been gone for millions of years, and here i am again. How do you know that crossing this threshold isn't just gonna give you a bigger awakening for this world? Like doesn't every awakening feel like you're gonna physically die and never come back? Or at least never come back to this life, what makes this one so special.

Physical death is something i guess a lot of us don't want, we want the pseudo psychedelic or yoga/meditation death where you come back to this world afterwards. But really, the only thing that makes physical death so much more worse then ego death is its more destructive and horrible. Its not more true. Its like how we would prefer to keep our plates in the pantry instead of throwing them on the ground and breaking them, or preferring not to rape someone. We don't wanna throw plates on the ground, not because its more true, but because it sucks. Same with raping someone.

So when you cross this threshold, will you really never come back? Is never coming back a requirement of truth, or rather is it simply a product of ignorance and unconsciousness, look at the people who physically die, they aren't the ones who know more about reality, they are the ignorant ones. Heck people even commit suicide. What you're so scared of doing, is something people who are a trillion times more ignorant then you, doing off of a whim.

Maybe im misinterpreting you, and you aren't talking about physical death, but a special case of an awakening which will end the dream forever. I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but "ending the dream forever" sounds much more like a blockbuster movie then an actual awakening, in other words, sounds part of the dream.

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19 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Maybe im misinterpreting you, and you aren't talking about physical death, but a special case of an awakening which will end the dream forever. I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but "ending the dream forever" sounds much more like a blockbuster movie then an actual awakening, in other words, sounds part of the dream.

What happened to all the dreams you've dreamt at night? Do they still exist?

They are gone.

So will this dream you call life.

You can move on to other dreams or you can just rest as an infinitely conscious singularity if you get tired of dreaming.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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