
How to get laid?

52 posts in this topic

Btw any guy here who can tell me how licking the pussy feels like? I really am curious to know? and also what putting yr man part in there feel like ?



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@Vivaldo You need to watch like 100 hours of RSD videos.

All of attraction theory is fully known and articulated. That's what pickup is. It teaches you the fundamentals of how to talk to a woman with sexual intent.

Once you study the theory then you go out and practice a lot.

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1 hour ago, Vivaldo said:

Btw any guy here who can tell me how licking the pussy feels like? I really am curious to know? and also what putting yr man part in there feel like ?

Dude. Dial it back a bit :S Being sexual is good, but you gotta be a bit subtle and playful about it. You sound very young, I'd recommend you focus on socialising in the ways younger people traditionally socialise. If I could give my past self one bit of advice it would be that

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@Leo Gura yes sir! 

Gotta get real now. I wanna get super good at this because I know I have got only one life and gotta make the most out of it. And I know how terrible it feels like to be a virgin. It really sucks....

And I just searched RSD 

Nothing came. I don't even know the full form yet so can u tell me exactly what to look for?

Edited by Vivaldo

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8 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

Btw any guy here who can tell me how licking the pussy feels like?


Fun fact: you automatically know what licking a thing feels like just by looking at it.

Try it! Look at any object in your room and imagine what it would feel like to lick it. Then, do it. You'll see what I mean.

Edited by roopepa

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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7 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

And I just searched RSD 

Nothing came. I don't even know the full form yet so can u tell me exactly what to look for?

Look for RSD Max, or look-up Todd Valentine on YouTube. Todd is ex-RSD member and he is even better at teaching than the rest of their crew I think.

7 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

And I know how terrible it feels like to be a virgin. It really sucks....

Nah, don't get your expectations too high. In terms of how pleasant it feels sex is most of the time less pleasurable than wanking the thing yourself. For real, especially in condom, which you HAVE TO wear, even if the girl is on the pill, because the pill only protects from pregnancy and not all the nasty STDs. The only thing that is better in sex compared to masturbation is that feeling of intimacy, hugging, enjoying your time together, but only if you genuinely like the girl as a person and have some kind of connection.

My guess is that first time having sex you will get so stuck in your head that you won't even be able to come. I am guessing based on how you are over-thinking the taste of the pussy. xD Maybe I am wrong, but be prepared mentally for such eventuality.

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Real Social Dynamics, Owen/Tyler

See Owen Cook's YT channel.

Research was RSD was. He had to rebrand themselves. You can find old archives of their pickup videos. Find Owen's old videos. They are no longer on YT.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Vivaldo You need RSD teachings. Go for old RSD Tyler videos (you can found links to them online) and new RSD Todd videos ("AskToddV" and "ToddVDating" YouTube channels).

If these are not enough, go for the old RSD Todd videos ("Sergio Sorokin" YouTube channel).

Also check on the forum, a lot of info has been posted here. Use the advanced search function.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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On 9/6/2021 at 3:35 AM, Leo Gura said:

@Vivaldo You need to watch like 100 hours of RSD videos.

All of attraction theory is fully known and articulated. That's what pickup is. It teaches you the fundamentals of how to talk to a woman with sexual intent.

Once you study the theory then you go out and practice a lot.

I really think this is fantastic advice and all, but personally, I never had much success until I threw all that PUA shit out the window. HOWEVER, I had already learned it and internalized it, so yeah... Guess I'm more of what they call a "natural" (not at first). Though apparently I am very good looking (I'm told very often -- I honestly can't tell; hilarious lack of any sense of what an attractive male looks like), so I wouldn't take my advice. All I can say is I used to have an extremely difficult time attracting women, until I didn't. Intuitively, I would actually say the thing that helped THE most was Metta (loving kindness) practice.

And your first time will be utter shit. Even so, you'll no longer "be a virgin," which may feel like a weight has lifted.

Edited by The0Self

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4 minutes ago, Vivaldo said:

@The0Self ok can u share yr first time experience? 

18 years old in college. Was texting a girl for a few days, went to a party together and went back to my dorm. Was pretty fucking awkward but after that it was nowhere near as bad. Was still awkward until the 3rd or 4th time -- not with that first girl; never talked to her again lol, thank God. Then it was great.

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On 9/5/2021 at 11:43 AM, Vivaldo said:

@Roy @aurum @aurum @aurum @Vzdohi don't want to reveal my age 

I am pretty young tho!

Thank u guys for the suggestions 

Quite helpful

Hmm, check our Zan Perrions book and also a book called models

having purpose and a vision is key, through that you will meet high quality people and that will act as a filter to weed out all people that will make you regret life.

Make statements rather than questions
For eg, Instead of Will you go out with me?
tell, I would like to go out with you.

Never kiss and tell. Never. that's a unsaid rule.

Have self-respect and take L like a champ. Never get butthurt. that will ruin your night and entire day. If someone doesn't like you, "have a nice day" and keep moving.

If someone rejects you, you will feel like there is something wrong with you due to which she rejected you. Nah, you don't know how her day is going

and literally, anything could have happened for her to reject you. 

Announce what you want from life and you will get it.

Many more social grace stuff you will learn along the way

I'll let you off with this

You will always lose money chasing girls 
But you will NEVER lose girls chasing excellence

Women like to be taken on a journey, so you need to have a journey

Join Salsa dancing. will give you an amazing head start.

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@Leo Gura In your experience, do you think RSD is the #1, highest quality source material for getting laid?

@Vivaldo My advice is to make yourself have a goal (I will talk to 5 women per night) and literally force yourself to hit that goal every single night. Even if it's just "hey i like your shirt" because the biggest barrier to getting laid is basically being sackless. When you are sackless, you only end up talking to women who are below your standards, or when your piss drunk, and maybe do 1 or 2 approaches per week, if that. You'd be amazed at how sweet and welcoming most women are, and stay observant, the more observant you are you will notice little things that attract and push her away, test the feild, play it like a video game. This has been my tactic and I've slept with over 100 women and i'm not even 30, I solely say that to prove the validity of just staying observant and pushing yourself. Go into with the mindset of "i am willing to get rejected 5 times in a row tonight, because it will make me better stronger and smarter" All of that theory is just going to fuck with your head and make your nuerotic. I think you should have some theory to lay the ground work , but don't buy a bunch of books and courses on this shit, it's a natural interaction that is in your fucking bones.

The problem with all this theory is that it emulates confident or alpha behavior, when the subject is not exactly confident. So they say "hold your back up straight and speak from your chest" and you end up looking like a fucking clown because you are doing something unnatural to your personality. They say "poke fun at her, it'll make her attracted" and you end up insulting her and looking like a dipshit because all you wanted to do was have a chill conversation and compliment her, which she would have liked.

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Don't overthink it too much.

Do what @Roy said.

But it is also important that you don't hide your intent/sexuality. Be a little proactive, like Roy in his example.



Hundreds of books have been written on this topic but you only need to know very little.

Research what "flirting" means and describe what you learned here in one or two sentences.

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On 9/5/2021 at 7:58 AM, Vivaldo said:

I am a virgin 

I don't know anything about getting laid and how to have one night stands

Can someone tell me the exact step by step process on getting laid.

What should I do? 

Go to a club with a couple guy friends. And have a few drinks and dance with some women. Then try to get a number.

Women expect that they’ll get approached at a club to some extent. So this gives you some social wiggle room.

Just be mindful of crossing any serious boundaries. Just have a good time and interact.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald  It sounds like he's too young to go to bars or drink.  But he won't confirm or comment on age which makes it pretty hard to give good advise.

@Vivaldo First of all, my husband and I tried what you are proposing and it wasn't a turn on for either of us.  My husband gagged lol.  I suggest you familiarize yourself with female anatomy by exploring with your hands first.  If a female finds you to be a turn on in the first place, she'll let you go pretty far with that but don't try the big moves on her unless she is pushing for it.  You'll get there soon enough and you may not even like it.  And just a warning, I'm not sure why you would want to even put your junk in her mouth.  If she realizes she isn't into it , women have teeth don't forget and they can use them, then you won't have to worry about being a virgin anymore.  So start slowly.  Ask. 

Chat her up, be complimentary.  Ask her about herself, don't just talk about yourself or your boring hobby of stamp collecting.  Keep thing on a light note, but work your way closer to her.  Give her some light touches as often as you can.  Make physical contact in a subtle way. Women need some physical touches and not anywhere like her butt or breasts at first.  Make an excuse to get an arm around her, like ask if she's cold would she like you to warm her up *wink wink.. Women are sensative around the neck and feeling a man's warm breath on her neck and mouth along with a firm hand guiding her is a turn on.I don't mean forcing he r, just use a gentle hand to guide her head and lips closer.  Use your tongue on her lips and mouth but don't be sloppy.  That is simulated sex.  Talk suggestively if you get the vibe she's  into you.  I don't mean make dirty jokes. I mean tell her she is a very attractive woman, point out what you find attractive but don't use primitive disrespectful language and don't use lines.  Don't use  words like "ass" or "tits". That won't win you points. As you name off her facial attractions, if you are already speaking softly in her ear you can give her little kisses (not loud and not sloppy) on each spot.  I broke up with a guy once because he was a sloppy  kisser.  When she turns her head to you, draws closer and seems focused on your lips, she is waiting for a kiss.  Don't do it close mouthed, blech.  Part her lips gently with the tip of your tongue and feel her mouth and tongue.  Don't just press.  Invade her mouth like you wish you could do to her pussy.  By this time she'll be getting hot for you, if she doesn't throw you off.  If that happens, apologize and back up again.  But if she's game and your'e in a private spot, you have permission to move down to her breasts with your hands and start kissing little kisses down her neck right to the top of her breasts. Murmur things about her beautiful breasts. If she's supper hot, she may take off her top or start undressing you. This is when you need a very private spot.  Just go with it.  Copy what she's doing  Help her undress if that's what she's doing but no rushing.  Try to make the mood last.  Don't worry,by the time you are  naked, being naked won't even cross your mind. 

But women are not like microwaves.  You cannot just push a few buttons, wait one minute for her to be hot.  Women are more like the electric burners on a stove. It takes some time to heat up.  So don't rush.  Ask if she's okay, or if she really wants to go further.  No matter what some man on a dating advice site tells you, if she says no, then no means no.  Period.  There is no fooling around on this one.  Some dating websites tell you she's just playing games.  Well, she may push away not really meaning it, but when she says no, then you need to back the "f"off and ask what's wrong.  It may take effort when you've got your genitals working against you, but if you don't want to get her pregnant or worse,  have her tell a friend or someone who encourages her to charge rape, then never force it.

 Read this book:

It comes with illustrations and so much information, I can't begin to tell you.  There are all kinds of tips on fastest way to turn a woman on; the most important parts of a woman's vagina and which parts to stimulate and how.  It gives you step by step instructions for the best sex when you get to that point.  It gives you positions with illustrations on how to get the reaction you want out of them.


Edited by Eternity

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