
Why suicide is not an option?

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I really really want a very very strong argument on why suicide is not a solution to the problem of life.

I have been looking for a good counter argument myself but so far I am not convinced by anyone.

So let's see who can provide a genius perspective on this and convince me.


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Life isn't a problem that has to be solved. It is an ever transforming, never ending art piece that you as the Creator are designing every moment. 

Let go of thinking that life is a problem, that way of thinking will never serve you, and start creating. Move towards discovering who you really are and who you want to be.  


The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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That it would cause massive suffering to those who are close to you.   In my opinion that's the strongest argument. But if someone is selfish then of course that argument is useless.

And personally I think that maybe we are here to learn and grow, and that suicide would disrupt that process.

Edited by Blackhawk

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The fact that you're still communicating means that there's still a part of you that wants to continue living, 


i've been in that darkness place you're right now, the best i can tell you is try to avoid being alone most of the time, that shit can drive you insane


also enroll into some sport you like eg soccer, baseball. Better it be physical, because it makes you sweat and feel connected to your body



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@Vivaldo There is nothing in death that cannot be in life. I don't say that as if I knew what death is, but because I know what life is. A boundless dream.

You are as free to live in joy as you are to commit suicide.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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You dont want to die, you want to live better. Suicide is when you want to get away from uncomfortable feelings like depression and anxiety, the egos fantasy is that in death it will find relief, why not find relief here in life, change the feelings in your body and you will not want to die. 

Source: Was suicidal on and off for 10 years.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Vivaldo You cannot escape life. you will just take another form and another identity. So if you killed yourself, your consciousness will find a new "host" for it. You cannot escape life by killing the body. But you can escape your current body. But don't give up on life yet. premature suicide carries its own karma. 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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@Vivaldo Suicide is an action driven by impurities.

Impurities comprised of egoic defence responses to the various traumas of life.

These impurities are like parasites upon us, and therefore are not us.

We find ourselves in our intuition. Our intuition, or soul, is what is left once we are stripped of our impurities.

And our intuition would generally never direct us to end our own lives. Therefore, generally we would never direct ourselves to end our own lives.



Therefore, generally, no one ever commits suicides. It is their parasitical impurities that end up killing them.


NB: I use generally in extreme circumstances, such as an act of heroism.

Edited by SLuxy

"I wanted only to try to live in accord with my true Self. Why was that so very difficult?" - Herse

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” - Goethe

"There are no bad parts" - Schwartz

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Of course it IS an option. It always is. Don't get me wrong, I'm IN NO WAY encouraging you to do it, but it'd straight up be false to deny that it IS an option. I don't know what your beliefs about death are, but here are my two cents on the matter:

There's no evidence that anything  you currently call "you" will survive death. What was there "before you were born"? What is there when "you" are in deep sleep? No matter what that is, I think upon some close contemplation you could agree that it is totally impersonal and the "you" that you currently think you are does not experience any of that state.

So, of course, you can decide to end life, but you will end up there, anyway. As far as I see it, there isn't any evidence that anything we do in life actually matters beyond the moment that it is happening, because everything we know as the world will (and, as a fact, does so every moment) perish and leave not a wreck behind. So, whether you're happy or miserable doesn't matter one bit in the end. Death is the great equator, the great liberator, in a way, because both kings and peasants will end up as a pile of rotting bones. This doesn't mean that death is something to be sought out, but it also doesn't mean that it is something to be avoided at all costs. Death is as pointless as life is.

Now, this might sound bleak and nihilistic, as if nothing mattered, but even the fact that nothing matters does not matter.

Another point that has helped me, because I also find myself in the place you're in time and again: How's "your" body? Does it really want to die? And if so, why doesn't it? Once it's time to die, there's nothing that "you" could do about it. As long as the body is relatively alive and well, there's reason to live, simply because the body wants to. The body is also the prerequisite for ANY action (at least in the everyday state of consciousness), thought and emotions are completely powerless without the body, maybe they're not even possible without the body, but that I don't know. You'd even need the body to kill the body. So, why live? Because you're still alive. The ego mind might not like this point, but apparently, as long as the body is relatively fine, everything's okay.

Maybe some of this helps, I wrote this to you as much as I wrote it to myself haha:$

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At a very basic level, think of all the people you love in this world. Do you think they will be better off without you?

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3 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

@alpha_ulrich I won't be there to think about them

There you have your answer: "You" seem to see the problem of life and "you" want it solved. But the "you" that sees the problem won't get to see the apparent "solution". So, it only seems like a solutiuon from this side of the equation. That also makes any thought about death rather moot, because they only make sense on this side, and not even there really. Any thought you have about death is not it.

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It is just Us as the Infinite Soul, all souls are like partitions in the Infinite Soul. Yet there is no separation, no place where one begins and another ends, just a seamless feild of Divine Consciousness. 

It is just You as Infinity, it is just You incarnated into every soul in the universe. You will be missed by those who love you, they are all You incarnated in different ways. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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On 9/5/2021 at 3:25 AM, Vivaldo said:

problem of life

Why do you say this? Does life not have the solution in it, as well?

17 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

Plus there no people in the world 

It's just me



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Why fight it?  Look for reasons where it is an option:

Most people don't need to... rarely is it an option if you need it.  These videos can help.  Looking at it from a distanced perspective, 3rd person perspective.  Be as rational as possible, not emotional when you dissect this.  Create the right mood or wait for the right mood to happen when you can really dissect it from that distanced place.

Also, I have been there and understand how it feels if anyone feels this way please send me a note to talk. <3


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suicide will not end your pain, it will make you to reincarnate to a worse life. this will be repeated until you learn the lesson of life without quitting the game. learn the fuckin' lesson and climb up in the spiritual realm. 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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On 05/09/2021 at 8:40 PM, OctagonOctopus said:

never ending art piece that you as the Creator are designing every moment.

I don't buy into this, there's plenty of past mistakes I would love to fix that occured, and they don't show me any lessons I've learned nor do I reflect back and think any of what I have lived to be worth the endless acute painful suffering, ALSO I wouldn't allow a lot of the things to exist like alcohol addiction, or my desire to escape sobriety and even on the extreme like child molestation or a mother killing her new born because it won't shut up ... wow, very artistic, actually these are traumatic enough that anyone to kill themselves over it seems reasonable to me,

Edited by Yeah Yeah

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