Leo's Last Video - WOW

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1 hour ago, Windappreciator said:

Well pain lowers consciousness so hard to get out of that.

au contraire ...








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@gettoefl At a certain intensity or period it does the opposite.

But I suppose you could always try to do it yourself.

As if otherwise you wouldn't.

Edited by Windappreciator

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14 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

@gettoefl At a certain intensity or period it does the opposite.

But I suppose you could always try to do it yourself.

As if otherwise you wouldn't.

divine messenger, one of god's best, i only say it since i employ it daily no other reason, maybe try it yourself some time

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4 hours ago, SQAAD said:

It's hard not to be biased against suffering and pain though. Because it inherently feels just terrible-_- Science or God doesn't tell us that suffering and pain is bad but it feels bad and therefore it is bad. That's what bad means.


People who don't feel physical pain often die in childhood from untreated injuries: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congenital_insensitivity_to_pain

Feeling physical pain is a bias towards survival. 

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There is some bias about bias.. lol.

I think there are some mixup between simple preference and bias.

Bias is pushing ones specific preferences into an unbalanced direction out of growing desire.

While preferences, are acknowledged as a attraction point/balance point.

If someone won the lottery, I'm not biased just because I myself would like to win the lottery. It is only when it becomes an obssesion to refute any lottery winners their prize with the exception for myself as unfair thing, that it is becoming biased.

So preference is good and healty.

Bias is unbalanced, skewed view.

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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

To me, pain and pleasure are not merely relative terms and also they have a serious basis in reality.. It is an absolute since the relative is the absolute. 99.9%-100% of people won't enjoy getting tortured. That makes it pretty absolute also.  

they are totally relative. they are just survival mechanisms. Obviously they seem very real and are very intense, if it were not like that they would be shitty mechanisms and you would not exist. They are very well done in the work of art that is life. The thing is: what is for you absolute and relative? I think here is the misunderstanding

Edited by Breakingthewall

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I'm 1 hour into the video and in my opinion it's just mental gymnastics.

Yes we are biased, that's obvious, and? As long as you are alive you will have biases. Why does Leo criticize biases so much when he is biased too.

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2 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

I'm 1 hour into the video and in my opinion it's just mental gymnastics.

Yes we are biased, that's obvious, and? As long as you are alive you will have biases. Why does Leo criticize biases so much when he is biased too.

It's because Leo wants to encourage us to become more selfless and less biased which leads to more happiness and more accurate perception. I am all for it But there are certain biases which cannot be transcended.

I can't drop my dislike for eating turds or my dislike for getting tortured. There are many other many biases that can be let go off though.  A racist for example can stop being a racist.

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1 hour ago, Natasha said:

The only things that are biased are concepts, because they're tied up to survival. The infamous phrase 'Curiosity killed the cat'...if the cat was thinking, it wouldn't have gotten killed. If an ant was thinking, they wouldn't have built their ant hill in the middle of the walking path. You get the drift. Biases are a survival mechanism and are conceptual, not actual.

Bias goes far deeper than that.

A housecat doesn't conceptualize, yet it has biases. Even a houseplant has biases. An ant could not survive without a bias for sugar. How would it know which direction to crawl? Nothing can survive without bias. But it goes even deeper than that.

Even an electron is biased!

Physical objects are biases within Consciousness. Without bias Consciousness would be absolutely symmetrical. All perceptible forms are breaks in the absolute symmetry of Consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

I'm 1 hour into the video and in my opinion it's just mental gymnastics.

Yes we are biased, that's obvious, and? As long as you are alive you will have biases. Why does Leo criticize biases so much when he is biased too.

That's a good point. As long as you are alive you have to be biased. That's how you stay alive in the first place. Because life is a bias against death. 

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Without bias Consciousness would be absolutely symmetrical.

Don't forget that there's also absolute symmetry in the symmetrical/asymmetrical dichotomy


Edited by Superfluo

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"The universe doesn't think that suffering is bad."

Maybe not, and? Does that mean you can enjoy suffering? No. 

You do subjectively think that suffering is bad, whether you're aware of it or not. That's why you avoid suffering. Be honest and admit that you're not immune to disliking suffering, which is the same thing as thinking that your suffering is bad (subjectively, for you, personally.)

Would you mind getting your fingers chopped off? Yes. So there you go. You dislike suffering and subjectively think that it's a bad thing. Simple as that.

If your answer is "no", then prove it. Chop your fingers off and videorecord it.

Does the universe care? No. And? On the other hand.. if you care, then the universe/reality does care in some sense.

Edited by Blackhawk

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1 minute ago, Superfluo said:

Don't forget that there's also absolute symmetry in the symmetrical/asymmetrical dichotomy


Like how

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@Windappreciator Symmetrical/asymmetrical is a duality, hence in the absolute realm they're the same, hence symmetry. A too much logical perspective though

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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20 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

"The universe doesn't think that suffering is bad."

Maybe not, and? Does that mean you can enjoy suffering? No. 

You do subjectively think that suffering is bad, whether you're aware of it or not. That's why you avoid suffering. Be honest and admit that you're not immune to disliking suffering, which is the same thing as thinking that your suffering is bad (subjectively, for you, personally.)

Would you mind getting your fingers chopped off? Yes. So there you go. You dislike suffering and subjectively think that it's a bad thing. Simple as that.

If your answer is "no", then prove it. Chop your fingers off and videorecord it.

Does the universe care? No. And? On the other hand.. if you care, then the universe/reality does care in some sense.

Ok I have watched more of the video now and the point seems to be that if you drop all your biases you become God, (he claims).

Maybe. Guess I will try to drop my biases then. God here I come (maybe).

Edited by Blackhawk

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:



2 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

the point seems to be that if you drop all your biases you become God, (he claims)

Yeah, that is why the traditional way consists of renouncing. Renounce to everything that is perceived as "good", eat what is essential, no sex, not talk, give up projecting a good image on others, any comfort. in short, to distinguish between good and bad, to relax the barrier and become enlightened.  Simon the Stylite for example lived 37 years on top of a marble column . Fortunately today we do not have to renounce so much since we can modify brain chemistry

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@SQAAD It's not about dropping our survival skills, it's about the big picture perspective. And speaking of your examples of eating turds and having your finger cut off, if you were starving to death with only a turd available in front of you, you'd eat it. And if you were given a choice between watching your family slowly killed one by one or your finger sliced, I have a feeling you'd choose the latter option? You'd choose the lesser pain over greater? Perspective.

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@Blackhawk I wouldn't say he criticizes biases per se. I guess he's just trying to point out that the more conscious you are, the less bias you have, thus the happier you are. His delivery is just the usual though-love style.

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