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The social matrix

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If you want to know what Leo thinks of covid and the vaccines when he isn’t induced by fear and actually thinks clearly watch his video called “the social matrix” the irony is extremely juicy at the 1:36:30 mark, also 1:41:30

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At 1:40:40 is good starting point

This is quite shocking. Leo if you're reading this, I'm curious how you'd explain this one - to say what you say, about conflict of interest, but then you attack those who point to just that. 


Scott Gottlieb

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Stephen Hahn

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Edited by Johnny Galt

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I regret sharing that video with you conspiracy theorists at all because you're so dumb you will use those profound insights to fool yourself into thinking that your conspiracy theories are actually intelligent.

What I communicated in that video was an excerpt from the book I'm writing, and it is way over your head.

Of course the government is corrupt with corporate influence and lobbying. But that does not make your conspiracies true. Nor does it make corporations evil. For every 1 person that Big Pharma kills it saves 100. Your Ivershmectin horse pills are made by Big Pharma.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

make your conspiracies true

in one breath you accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist 

and the next you say "Your Ivershmectin horse pills are made by Big Pharma."

you make yourself all the more obvious 

How can you be actualized if you fall so easily for the propaganda yourself?


Edited by Johnny Galt

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@Johnny Galt

57 minutes ago, Johnny Galt said:


At 1:40:40 is good starting point

This is quite shocking. Leo if you're reading this, I'm curious how you'd explain this one - to say what you say, about conflict of interest, but then you attack those who point to just that. 


Scott Gottlieb

Scott Gottlieb.png


Stephen Hahn

Stephen Hahn.png


It’s called cognitive dissonance 

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I regret sharing that video with you conspiracy theorists at all because you're so dumb you will use those profound insights to fool yourself into thinking that your conspiracy theories are actually intelligent.

What I communicated in that video was an excerpt from the book I'm writing, and it is way over your head.

Of course the government is corrupt with corporate influence and lobbying. But that does not make your conspiracies true. Nor does it make corporations evil. For every 1 person that Big Pharma kills it saves 100. Your Ivershmectin horse pills are made by 

A three hour video is an excerpt, how long is this book gonna be lol.

For one that likes trying alternative treatments especially nootropics it’s funny your suddenly for a one size cure all vaccine and against any other method. 

Isn’t attempting to corrupt an act of evil?! Why would you corrupt something to do good? Also corporations being amoral isn’t a conspiracy, they ain’t rubbing their hands and laughing maniacally in the board room. It’s that they just don’t give a shit. Their third mansion is more important than some strangers they don’t know. So you don’t have to deny that corporations are detrimental to humanity overall and in the long run to in order to still believe in the vaccine. I can deny a conspiracy of corporations being controlled by aliens in order to enslave humanity but still know that corporations are evil and do more likely evil things like push medicines, opioids for example that are harmful. Your acting like a bible thumper who can’t admit a single fault in their dogma without fear of it all unraveling. 

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Two theories on Leo acting so off about covid and the vaccine compared to his usual self;

Leo is running a business, he’s good at marketing and he found a niche and this is just to make money and he will shill out to push the mainstream narrative. Kinda like the young Turks sudden shilling after the 2016 election. 

or Leo is actuality trying to keep the enlightenment movement living for another day, Leo is good and smart and knows the battle must be lost now for enlightenment to live to fight another day, so what I mean is the Internet is currently being censored from anti big pharma speech, even obscure forums on Reddit are being banned. Leo has to stop the anti pharma rhetoric  on here before his website comes under attack even as far as to act very biased against us unvaccinated. In order for him to still spread enlightenment to the masses and through that alone they will realize the truth of what’s going on with the vaccine for themselves without having to be told 

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No, guys Leo is not playing any 5D chess.

Use the Occam's razor, he is disagreeing with you, because your position is just stupid, that's the simplest explanation.

Mainstream medicine is not all bad. It's overall good, like 85% of its solutions are good. As is in this case.

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lmao just a couple more idiots on the forum exposing themselves. covid denial is bannable so hopefully the hammer falls soon.

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Wished more people would work in a FDA-regulated manufacturing job for a year or so, might open their eyes a little about how the distribution of medical devices, drugs, etc. actually works. If the "eViL bOaRd members" "don't care" about the quality, safety and efficacy of the products, then why in a blue-collar job manufacturing the things, are you disciplined for not following quality regulations and Good Manufacturing Practices - GPM?

Built these from 2015-2018. Trust me - the FDA actually has an influence on medical manufacturers. The FDA does audits on these manufacturers, and so the manufacturers always try to be on their best footing regardless of what internet memes about them say. They're too busy pumping these things out to care about the "FDA being corrupt". The FDA being around actually causes a positive feedback loop within the company.

  And the people on the ground care about quality too. Why? Partially because they cared about what they make, partially because the board members indirectly told them to. Also, there's a vast "hierarchy" of people that work on the quality of these products. The board members don't use a magic wand to will the products into existence. It's a long chain of events by many different players.


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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I regret sharing that video with you conspiracy theorists at all because you're so dumb you will use those profound insights to fool yourself into thinking that your conspiracy theories are actually intelligent.

What I communicated in that video was an excerpt from the book I'm writing, and it is way over your head.

Of course the government is corrupt with corporate influence and lobbying. But that does not make your conspiracies true. Nor does it make corporations evil. For every 1 person that Big Pharma kills it saves 100. Your Ivershmectin horse pills are made by Big Pharma.

Liked the video, but maybe framing a sociological discussion as a Conspiracy Theory right at the beginning was a mistake.

That's like putting a loaded machine gun in to the chimp enclosure with the assurance that surely the chimps won't pick it up and use it B|

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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7 hours ago, p1xelm0nk said:

lmao just a couple more idiots on the forum exposing themselves. covid denial is bannable so hopefully the hammer falls soon.

Yeah maybe I was wrong about Leo paying 3D chess, seems like he’s employed bots on his forum who aren’t intelligent enough to debates facts and science so they keep crying to ban people 

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@Talinn On January 27, 2021 a coalition of 28 public health groups and opioid crisis organizations sent a letter to the Biden Administration regarding Woodcock's position as Acting Commissioner of the FDA. The letter said in part that "as the Director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) for more than 25 years, Dr. Woodcock presided over one of the worst regulatory agency failures in U.S. history."[35] Examples of improper opioid decisions mentioned in the letter include "approving Opana without adequate evidence of safety or long-term efficacy, approving Zohydro despite a vote of 11-2 against approval by a scientific advisory committee, and approving promotion of OxyContin for children as young as 11 years old."

The manufacturers care about has much safety as they can get away with 

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I find Leo's ego less and less tasteful. Especially the whole "you're not worthy of my teachings if you don't get vaxxed!!" shtick. I guess it's true what they say, psychedelics will kill your ego but it will resurface 5 times stronger.

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@Girzo  your right, the simpler explanation of Leo being a hack is more plausible 

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@impulse9  indeed! And why is Leo pushing misinformation about psychedelics? It’s an illegal and dangerous substance according to the government, experts and mass media. Why would they lie this whole time?  does Leo believe there is a conspiracy to ban them for no reason? 

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@MarkP He's not aware of his own biases, and he lack humbleness. Otherwise he would embrace the so called anti-vaxxers with love rather than with derision and contempt.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I regret sharing that video with you conspiracy theorists at all because you're so dumb you will use those profound insights to fool yourself into thinking that your conspiracy theories are actually intelligent.

What I communicated in that video was an excerpt from the book I'm writing, and it is way over your head.

I find that surprising, honestly. What you say is entirely up to you, and how your message is interpreted isn’t up to you at all. But you already knew that going into it, so why the regret?

Also, do you plan to self-publish or have you found a publisher you like?

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

you're so dumb you will use those profound insights to fool yourself into thinking that your conspiracy theories are actually intelligent.

For clarity sake, I'm a conspiracy analyst :P

Here's some more conspiracy for you and those you blindly follow corporate science.

I'm outta here haha. 

This has been fun


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