
The Masculine and Feminine ALWAYS go Together

106 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Tudo said:

If it's true, why are there differences between most women and men as a result of evolutional and biological differences like testosterone?

And how there is still polarity?

Isn't it like yin and yang? Where  the yang part inside the Yin is smaller than the yin itself

Oneness.  Ultimately all is One.  That is why you as God possess both the feminine and the masculine.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Oneness.  Ultimately all is One.  That is why you as God possess both the feminine and the masculine.

But I think she is speaking on the individual level.


Edited by Tudo

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@Emerald And yet, here are all your beliefs of what masculine/feminine is. You are not becoming aware of an absolute truth, you are becoming more accepting of the variables in life that you have perceived and attempting to find balance/comfortability in said variables.

Reality itself is a shared egoic construct that we agree on. But, many of us here have realized the true illusion that is our reality and the Nothingness that is Actuality. But, very few people on this planet actually have become aware of this. If reality itself is that of an illusion, so is the idea of masculine/feminine and the more we embrace these ideas the more we delude ourselves from our true nature.

Once I gained the insight of the masculine/feminine I was able to integrate them as well, but the insights didn't stop there. If was to guess, the ego whishes to formulate understanding of these ideas in order to gain a self of control over self and other. The more control the ego has, the better if feels about itself. The grander the identity we have, the grander the ego has done it's job. 

The ego does not want to release it's identity and will justify it's existence in any way possible. Most people could never accept this is a "dream" for a lack of better words or we are all One. Just like most people can't accept the masculine/feminine are constructs of fabrication within reality itself and not an Absolute truth.

It's not about rejection of said polarity, it's about accepting the unknowingness of what we are attempting to tether to. The more we think we know, the less we actually know. The mind does not like this idea at all.

Again, there is nothing wrong with this. There are perceived benefits to living within the illusion. I'm only giving a differing take on this, because it's almost everyday we see these topics being talked about. It really seems like no one is getting anywhere except the personal satisfaction of stating their own opinion onto another.

Though, I may preach a non-dual way of living with these ideas. It's difficult for me to fully embrace that. Largely, I don't see masculine/feminine anymore within the confines of reality itself. Though, on a overarching scale of how reality is formed I have some beliefs of how these energies manifest reality itself. Though there is an attempt to drop these notions as well for I feel they are still part of self-deception. I'll explain them below:

Masculine is the dreamer that dreams the dream, or the mind behind what is formed.
Feminine is form itself or anything that our awareness can highlight. (Physical form, emotions, thought, and ect)
The masculine watches/observes the form(feminine) in order to evolve said form.
The feminine attracts the masculine to be observed, much like a bee to a flower. This creates the illusion we live in.
This process repeats instantly for eternality at once. Forever "creating"/evolving reality on itself.
Fear is what drives the masculine to be attracted to the feminine. Though this fear isn't human fear, but an attempt to complete itself by merging with the feminine.
Absolute Love is the totality of both energies unified.

This idea has nothing to do with men or women for our vessels are not defined by masculine/feminine for both male/female would be considered the observed form therefore inherently feminine. But, a product(dream) of the masculine therefore inherently masculine.

Though, one could remove all of those above ideas for there truly is Nothing behind them.

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11 minutes ago, Tudo said:

But I think she is speaking on the individual level.

Of course masculinity and femininity will exist on a spectrum for everyone. It’s not “everyone is 50% masculine and 50% feminine”.

But your mind can easily use that to pretend that therefore you have no feminine repression. “I’m just more masculine, that’s why I don’t resonate with any of this feminine stuff”. When in fact most of us in modern society are suffering from a lack of integrated feminine.



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2 minutes ago, Nos7algiK said:

@Emerald And yet, here are all your beliefs of what masculine/feminine is. You are not becoming aware of an absolute truth, you are becoming more accepting of the variables in life that you have perceived and attempting to find balance/comfortability in said variables.

Reality itself is a shared egoic construct that we agree on. But, many of us here have realized the true illusion that is our reality and the Nothingness that is Actuality. But, very few people on this planet actually have become aware of this. If reality itself is that of an illusion, so is the idea of masculine/feminine and the more we embrace these ideas the more we delude ourselves from our true nature.

Once I gained the insight of the masculine/feminine I was able to integrate them as well, but the insights didn't stop there. If was to guess, the ego whishes to formulate understanding of these ideas in order to gain a self of control over self and other. The more control the ego has, the better if feels about itself. The grander the identity we have, the grander the ego has done it's job. 

The ego does not want to release it's identity and will justify it's existence in any way possible. Most people could never accept this is a "dream" for a lack of better words or we are all One. Just like most people can't accept the masculine/feminine are constructs of fabrication within reality itself and not an Absolute truth.

It's not about rejection of said polarity, it's about accepting the unknowingness of what we are attempting to tether to. The more we think we know, the less we actually know. The mind does not like this idea at all.

Again, there is nothing wrong with this. There are perceived benefits to living within the illusion. I'm only giving a differing take on this, because it's almost everyday we see these topics being talked about. It really seems like no one is getting anywhere except the personal satisfaction of stating their own opinion onto another.

Though, I may preach a non-dual way of living with these ideas. It's difficult for me to fully embrace that. Largely, I don't see masculine/feminine anymore within the confines of reality itself. Though, on a overarching scale of how reality is formed I have some beliefs of how these energies manifest reality itself. Though there is an attempt to drop these notions as well for I feel they are still part of self-deception. I'll explain them below:

Masculine is the dreamer that dreams the dream, or the mind behind what is formed.
Feminine is form itself or anything that our awareness can highlight. (Physical form, emotions, thought, and ect)
The masculine watches/observes the form(feminine) in order to evolve said form.
The feminine attracts the masculine to be observed, much like a bee to a flower. This creates the illusion we live in.
This process repeats instantly for eternality at once. Forever "creating"/evolving reality on itself.
Fear is what drives the masculine to be attracted to the feminine. Though this fear isn't human fear, but an attempt to complete itself by merging with the feminine.
Absolute Love is the totality of both energies unified.

This idea has nothing to do with men or women for our vessels are not defined by masculine/feminine for both male/female would be considered the observed form therefore inherently feminine. But, a product(dream) of the masculine therefore inherently masculine.

Though, one could remove all of those above ideas for there truly is Nothing behind them.

Just don’t encourage people to spiritually bypass their issues with integration.

This issue with repression is actually taking a toll on people’s lives and psychological wellbeing.

So, while it’s true that these are the relative truths of Maya… Maya problems often require Maya solutions.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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7 minutes ago, aurum said:

Of course masculinity and femininity will exist on a spectrum for everyone. It’s not “everyone is 50% masculine and 50% feminine”.

But your mind can easily use that to pretend that therefore you have no feminine repression. “I’m just more masculine, that’s why I don’t resonate with any of this feminine stuff”. When in fact most of us in modern society are suffering from a lack of integrated feminine.

Well said

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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8 minutes ago, Nos7algiK said:

@Emerald l
Though, I may preach a non-dual way of living with these ideas. It's difficult for me to fully embrace that.


There is integration to be had yet...now that you have transcended the dream you also have the ability to fall back asleep.  Meaning there is a skill that God has which is to be able to shift between duality and non-duality.  Simply make the shift.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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12 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Just don’t encourage people to spiritually bypass their issues with integration.

This issue with repression is actually taking a toll on people’s lives and psychological wellbeing.

So, while it’s true that these are the relative truths of Maya… Maya problems often require Maya solutions.

Spiritually bypassing, is only bypassing if it comes from a place of non-realization. Though, I can understand where reading someone's ideas online and attempting to follow said ideas without the insight could be damning.

I don't disagree with about 95% what you are saying about the aspects inside the illusion themselves. You and @Etherial Cat have very healthy views on the masculine/feminine in my opinion. I rarely ever agree with @Leo Gura on how he talks about it. Though, he's well informed on his own view of things I believe it's toxic the way he sees it all. Normally no mind would be played at such ideas, but considering he has some fantastic ideas on awakening and non-duality. Others could potentially buy into his warped beliefs on women as the "correct" way of viewing them since he's proficient in other areas.

I only wish to mix it up a bit with what I post. Just curious to what you and others have to say about it. I don't believe I'm right here nor should others just buy into my bs. Again, I'm in agreeance with you since how you speak about it is much more practical in practice.

Edited by Nos7algiK

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1 minute ago, Nos7algiK said:

Spiritually bypassing, is only bypassing if it comes from a place of non-realization. Though, I can understand where reading someone's ideas online and attempting to follow said ideas without the insight could be damning.

Well, that’s not actually true. I’ve had realization and awakening and still been able to fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing. You can have very real awakenings and still use those awakenings as a means to avoid unpleasant aspects of life.

I don't disagree with about 95% what you are saying about the aspects inside the illusion themselves. You and @Etherial Cat have very healthy views on the masculine/feminine in my opinion. I rarely every agree with @Leo Gura on how he talks about it. Though, he's well informed on his own view of things I believe it's toxic the way he sees it all. Normally no mind would be played at such ideas, but considering he has some fantastic ideas on awakening and non-duality. Others could potentially buy into his warped beliefs on women as the "correct" way of viewing them since he's proficient in other areas.

Yes, that becomes an issue because there are many impressionable young guys or guys with low self-esteem who will double down on the very thing that shoots them in the foot.

I only wish to mix it up a bit with what I post. Just curious to what you and others have to say about it. I don't believe I'm right here nor should others just buy into my bs. Again, I'm in agreeance with you since how you speak about it is much more practical in practice.

Practicality is what I aim for. So, I usually aim for sharing more grounded insights over loftier spiritual insights. I find that the loftier perspectives are best unspoken so as not to create filters and prejudices that might create more obstructions along the path.


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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5 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Well, that’s not actually true. I’ve had realization and awakening and still been able to fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing. You can have very real awakenings and still use those awakenings as a means to avoid unpleasant aspects of life.

I agree, though I suppose this would be a difficult thing to become aware of until hindsight kicks in. I see no personal fault for accepting all as who they are rather non-acceptance based on what they are. But, this acceptance comes directly from the unpleasant feelings we get when we find someone we don't accept in life. There are no hidden non-acceptances though in my intentions that I'm attempting to cover up. But, is it best to accept you don't accept all? Or best to find a place inside yourself to accept all?


8 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Yes, that becomes an issue because there are many impressionable young guys or guys with low self-esteem who will double down on the very thing that shoots them in the foot.



8 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Practicality is what I aim for. So, I usually aim for sharing more grounded insights over loftier spiritual insights. I find that the loftier perspectives are best unspoken so as not to create filters and prejudices that might create more obstructions along the path.

I think what you do here is great and that also applies to your YouTube channel. :)


23 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

There is integration to be had yet...now that you have transcended the dream you also have the ability to fall back asleep.  Meaning there is a skill that God has which is to be able to shift between duality and non-duality.  Simply make the shift.

I'm in agreeance here.

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Is the opposite true aswell, that you by repressing your masculinity repress your femininity? 

Also, is it possible that you as a man can repress your masculine side aswell? How does that look like? I know that I for example still repress my feminie side by disowning it but that I also at the same time reject my masculine side.

It feels like I am both repressing my feminine side and masculine side. How does one solve both if that exists? Thoughts?

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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There is a movement towards inviting more feminine aspects into our lives, states of being, rather than doing, such as through stillness, meditation, and tapping into our intuition and creative processes. Along with this is living more in the present moment, being present to ourselves, and to others. It’s about allowing pleasure, and moments of purposeless play, surrendering to the luxuriousness of a connecting moment without action and forcing or making something happen. Pleasure is a way of freeing yourself from a joyless existence, and waking up to the sheer joy and divine grace of being alive. It’s living each moment to the fullest, not deferring pleasure and delight to some later date, but trying to squeeze the maximum pleasure from whatever you’re doing – even if it seems mundane. The idea is not to do anything because of the reward it will bring later, but because you’re enjoying it for its own sake. This is part of the tantric concept of goallessness, particularly in sex. It fosters an attitude of pleasure in the moment, of fully experiencing the present moment rather than trying to make something happen, or worrying about what comes next. A focus on doing often produces anxiety, which doesn’t allow one to be in the moment or to connect with another.



“My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices.

It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently”


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Edited by Alysssa

“My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices.

It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently”


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Are all men repressing or cutting feminine stuff in them? Well, I'm not.

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@Blackhawk Not all but most

“My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices.

It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently”


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Why is there no thread about women repressing their masculine stuff...

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5 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

Well, I'm not.

The stronger the denial, the stronger the shadow ;).



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Just now, aurum said:

The stronger the denial, the stronger the shadow ;).

Sigh, I knew it. Whatever floats your boat.

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Solid post @Emerald. I'd love to see how the radical social progressives would react to it though xD, you know with the non-binary crowd and "gender/sexuality doesn't exist" attitude and all. Perhaps I don't understand it enough but the kind of stuff you're talking about here doesn't seem to square with the recent ideologies springing up. Just curious if you've experienced any resistance.  What have been your encounters with them if you've had any?


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11 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

Why is there no thread about women repressing their masculine stuff...

Don't worry I'm sure one will pop up in spite by tomorrow at least hahaha.....

Y'all are children really. Boys throwing mud at the girls, and girls gossiping and poking fun at the boys. I'm close to stepping up the moderation in this subreddit with the amount of elementary crap I see here every day.

Like Emerald said, both sides of the same coin.


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