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My Lack Of Life Purpose Issues Solved

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Ever since I was young I always saw through the shallowness of hedonism whether that be money, fame, women etc. I was raised religiousy, though, not truly invested in the hypocrisy I could see there either. As I got older I found myself connected more to nihilistic ideas about the world (fight club, Hemingway, Nietzsche, point break) it was all about letting go and finding acceptance in that. Well, as Leo said it so eloquently, I hit a cul-de-sac of meaning... Depression ensued. After years of heartbreak I came out of it with the realization that life had to have purpose. With the help of you guys and Leo I finally have it boiled down to 3 questions to PURSUE a meaningful life. 

1. A supernatural exists, and we should align and help others align with that view (of which I have no idea what truth it may be). 

2. Nothing is supernatural so we should do our best to prevent the unnecessary suffering of self aware beings. 

3. Nothing is supernatural so we should do our best to preserve the Heath of the planet. 

I now know that because I don't have an answer for one of these questions that I've chosen to stagnate myself in my current lifestyle (waiter, single, no passion, dabbles in experiences). Am I nuerotic for feeling this way? Does anyone understand? 

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When you say "nothing is supernatural" what do you mean? Nothingness ou no-thing.

anyways, I like your point of view. It shows a deep look into life. Maybe we should go deeper!

Edited by Gui Coelho

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Well... the fact is that life does NOT have purpose. But you can set an artificial purpose for your life if you want to make things more interesting and less mediocre.

As Hume famously said, "You can't derive an ought from an is."

Which basically means, that there are no SHOULDS. Reality is however it is, and there are no shoulds for what you should do about it. All those shoulds are just artificial constraints. Just drop them all and do whatever the hell you want. Do whatever will make you most fulfilled. You don't need some deep metaphysical justification for this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Well... the fact is that life does NOT have purpose. But you can set an artificial purpose for your life if you want to make things more interesting and less mediocre.

As Hume famously said, "You can't derive an ought from an is."

Which basically means, that there are no SHOULDS. Reality is however it is, and there are no shoulds for what you should do about it. All those shoulds are just artificial constraints. Just drop them all and do whatever the hell you want. Do whatever will make you most fulfilled. You don't need some deep metaphysical justification for this.

this is so fucken beautiful! the fact that life has no PURPOSE ... I literally feel free to do what ever the F#$#*$U(# i want to do. 


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Knowing that you're not meant to be someone or something in your life can be really liberating. There is no purpose that you have to make happen. However, you can design a purpose that you want to give to your existence. You may be conditioned by the values and education you acquired through the years, but that does not mean that you have to be someone/something specifically. You need to be aware of the patterns that define your own idea of who you are in order to be able to change them or break free from them, so you can become whoever you want to be. Easy to say it, implementing it is not that easy and usually is a long and tough process, but ultimately doable if you stick to it and go around the road blocks you will find along the way. All comes to how hard you want to make come true what you have chosen. To me the biggest challenge has been making that decision or choosing what I want to be. I'm still struggling with finding the answer to the "What do I want?" question, and I keep asking myself everyday.

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"what do I really want?" I ask this question too many times before, but Peter Russell author of (the Spirit of Now, on Science, Consciousness, Spiritual Wisdom, Global Brain, Meditations, Nature of Reality, ) once said we are all just want peace of mind. That's we are doing here breaking the illusion of ego  so that we will experience true peace.

Edited by Jaypee Lituañas

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Reading this helped me feel tremendously better this morning. On my way to my unfulfilling job, one that causes me more stress and anger, frustration and exhaustion. 

All this planning ahead (new job, higher professional designation, goals, thought of really making a difference) doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I simply don't care because I can't guarantee it will make me happy. I really can't. 

After all the money and time I invested in higher education and working jobs I hated but that "looked good" on paper has made me realize I simply want to do other things that make me happy. Simpler things. Be a bartender. Be a farmer. Become proficient at yoga.  I'm certain many would scoff at me if I told them that, based on my education, credentials and current work. 

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@Leo Gura @theinevitableandi well, lets us be a bit honest in here Leo, Hume said a lot of good things, but some stuff he said encouraged such behavior as how Theinevitableandi expressed too, his morals were weird and hard to interpret ... or almost you don't want to put it as how it seems how he did in some cases, i don't want to get in length of this, so you can try to go and read what Hume says (@to whoever never read that before) and you will see what i am saying.

if you don't believe in religion or life-purpose that's alright, what about the golden rule? pick any version, they all do good. i believe in free well and freedom, but i believe in importance of morals and taboos too, they give us constraints to our greed, abuse and power hunger. It give us less space in our minds to think about ourselves and us only, and give more space to consider that there are other things that live other then us, and i am not talking about humans only, animals and trees and all kind of life too!

why do we have to be SUPER selfish to be successful? do we have to be happy? do we have to help others just so we can be stress-less and happy? or religions were guidance that can truly lead you to enlightenment but people once again start to abuse religion, because they never believed in it in the first place, and used religion authority for personal gains, and general people start to stay away from religions, and that guidance got lost in the middle of all of this? i truly believe you can reach to enlightenment by religion, and it is true and a thing that human actually need.

so yes, what you list as supernatural is actually mentioned in religions and it is part of the believe and it is why it is called a belief in the first place, you don't have to know how and why, you need to trust God in it. why people who are spiritual and religious tempt to have similar ideas, services, thinking and conclusion is as i mentioned earlier they both made some kind of limits, constraint to your freedom, ethical codes so you don't break lose and follow your wild\animal instinct, when you don't care about low and care about peace and love ... like some generation we are quite familiar with ... their purpose start to fade, if they limited a bit i believe that generation could do way much better, ... but hey ... that's my opinion of the subject at least.

Edited by Cookiesliyr

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