
Spiritual Metamorphosis

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The Spiritual change starts now. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Combine stuff from previous spiritual journals. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I liked this particular post. 

Google 'splitting': it's a psychological defense mechanism the mind (sometimes) uses when it doesn't get what it wants.

It's always easier to look at things as either black or white.

Luckily, the real world is always more nuanced than that.

The attributes you mention are, actually, not mutually exclusive.

A conscious woman wants a man:

- that can lead when leading is called for

- that can be strong and control his emotions when the situation calls for it

- that is at peace enough with himself to be brave enough to show authentic vulnerablity; show his innermost emotions for his woman -- when the situation is right

- and much more.

Go work more on yourself. Never stop. You are of course already perfect and beautiful and loveable as the amazing soul that you truly are. But your post shows your mind still doesn't really believe it, cos of the illusory ego (the illusion of being a fragmented separate, mortal self). And thus, if you want to show a flat-earther that the Earth is round, you have to walk with him all the way around. And just like that, if you want to show yourself (your mind) that you're a goddamn perfect divine miracle, you first have to try as hard as you can to become better (self-development).

Keep trying.

What makes you think you aren't strong? You're breathing and alive. That's the opposite of being weak. Life is filled with endless suffering, you're strong as fuck in my eyes ? keep your head high and be brave enough to try and try and try and fall and fall and thuw: endlessly learning, growing, becoming the best version of yourself every minute of every day.

Don't care about other people's opinions of you. Fuck them. Even the hot women. Fuck em. They are all fucking apes, most of them, and currently you're behaving as one as well, sitting here whining about other people and their opinion of you and men in general. Fuck other people. Focus on yourself and your visions and goals and your own path. What VALUES do YOU want to embody with infinite integrity in your life? Hopefully one where you don't say 'fuck other people' :)).... you see what I did here? I did say two things that to a fragmented mind, operating from the spitting-defense-mechanism, would sound like they were opposing each other. But notice how they don't. 

Focus on yourself. Love yourself, so you can love others. Don't love others so you can get love from them. That's putting the cart before the horse.

The biggest paradox about human people is that most of them love themselves the highest but value the opinions of others the highest.

But which self are we even talking about? Where it is? 

I see no selves. I only see magical divine undivided light shining eternally now.

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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My ex used to spend too much time talking about other women than me and him. 

In the end, I discovered his cheating. 

He used to tell him that I was a jealous insecure girlfriend to feel uncomfortable about his behavior. Guess I was a jealous insecure girlfriend then. 

Better be a jealous insecure girlfriend than be a doormat where he cheats all the time and I'm not even aware of it or tolerate it. 

"jealous insecure girlfriend" is a code word for manipulation. When that word appears in a relationship, you're dealing with a narcissist who is projecting his own insecurity onto you. 

If he says "you're so jealous." 

Then your reply should be - "better not make me more jealous." 

If he says "you're insane" 

Then your reply should be "you made me so." 

I never knew how to reply to such remarks in my previous relationship where my ex would constantly call me insane for simply asking basic questions. I didn't know how to defend myself. I used to sort of believe whatever he said. 

I didn't feel any power in that relationship, never felt powerful enough to give him back, he was extremely dominating asshole. 

So i suffered a ton. I remember feeling nervous and scared all the time and my self esteem was the lowest. 

I don't ever want those days back and that mental state. 

If I ever meet that person again and he said anything to me, I feel so much empowered now that I would give him a really hard time verbally with my insults, his ego would crush to pieces. 

That's the difference between who I was 2 years ago and who I am today. 

I had a huge growth in terms of self esteem. 

Now no asshole can take my power away.. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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