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Johnny Galt

Do you know French? (4th Industrial Revolution)

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Klaus Schwab wrote a book called "Covid-19: The great Reset", pretty interesting to read to get into the mind of Klaus Schwab. 

He has a lot of great ideas, but I don't think his vision will work. Well maybe it will, but it's not the way I want to get there. 

Like you can read his book and say "Yes", "Yes", "Yes",... for 12 statements. And then the 13th statement is "But we can only have have this if we completely monitor everyone 24/7" ... 

He grew up with Naziism, so he probably has a very bad perspective on humanity. 

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@SriSriJustinBieber @BadHippie Thank you both for your responses!


On 2021-09-03 at 2:30 AM, BadHippie said:

so he probably has a very bad perspective on humanity. 

I'd agree and I would add, that all materialists, atomists, regardless if they are scientists or simply pro science, many, they are operating from a false world view in regards to the human being and the cosmos, and their solutions and visions for our species reflect this confusion. The cosmos weeps and laughs, laughs and weeps, "wake up child" it says. (here's a pdf to the book, the great reset) @BadHippie  or anyone else, to help bring more awareness, feel free you to quote pieces of the book and reference the page so that others can easily source it.

In this video, a lot of nice sounding things are said, but what does this imply? a rhetorical question for those new to the subject matter. 


Canada: (other countries, they have their sites too)


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