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  On 9/19/2021 at 1:59 PM, peanutspathtotruth said:

My God.... This is incredible

Wow, that is pretty close to some of the glimpses i've had on LSD. It's never been that clear and indepth/detailed, but that almost felt like I was on a psych

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Dude bought an abandoned mining town for 1 million dollars and documents his adventures there. The content is more entertaining than it might seem imo.

This channel speaks for itself:


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@ArcticGong Lol, I'm from Ukraine. I always wanted to find something about my country, but it's not so popular. And here you are, post this here, so unexpectable, I'm excited to watch it


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sherif gaber the atheist 
i love this guys content 



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This is a channel that talks about research, psychedelic therapy etc. 

I really like the intro/outro music

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