
Share Your Favorite YouTube Channels

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Share your favorite YouTube Channels. It doesn't have to be based on nonduality/meditation, but any channel that you really enjoy and you feel resonates deeply.

I've been loving listening to these History YouTube Channels while at work.

The series on Napoleon is awesome.

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Epic history doesn't have a huge catalog but their videos are primo. I usually put them on when going to sleep, or any Kings & Generals playlist.

I found this channel some years ago of a Norwegian dude that just drinks vodka and films himself jumping in ice water and doing other silly things. Just living life and enjoying himself. I find it really grounding and simple.

I've been watching since he was only a smaller channel with about 10K subs, and he's blown up since. He is one of the few people I can ever recall not changing a single thing about his authenticity or quality of videos because of success. It's so refreshing.





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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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This one is niche. It’s for songwriters who write using the guitar:

I find most people who teach music theory make it extremely complicated and dry. Jake Lizzio does neither of those things. His videos are always highly engaging but also informative and practical. He can teach you just about all the theory you need to know to become a solid songwriter.

The second channel is Jordan Hall, colleague of Daniel Schamachtenberger:

If you like Daniel, you’ll find a lot of crossover with Jordan. He has an interesting series about his alternative way of structuring society called Civium. I don’t know if I agree that his ideas will work, but I accept that they’re well thought out and can get you thinking along some interesting lines. Worth checking out for serious systemic thinkers interested in social change.


Third channel is Isabel Paige. She’s kind of a hippie, yogi, vegan girl living in the mountains and starting a farm. Hits a lot of cliche stage Green tropes. Her videos are mostly just for entertainment but they have great energy. She seems to be very much enjoying her life and that’s what I like about it. I also love nature so I’m a sucker for these kind of things:


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Epic fractals of immense beauty

I can feel like I'm tripping balls just watching his videos

Visually stunning and meaningful essays on movies 

High quality documentaries about interesting and often mysterious topics


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1 hour ago, asifarahim said:

@peanutspathtotruth does doing  yoga nidra reduce sleep

I've heard something like 30 minutes equals 2 hours of sleep or something in that ballpark. After several years of practicing, I can confirm. Often times I do it right before sleep, and it's not only making me more rested the next day, but I feel like sleep quality goes up as well. It's very important not to move at all during the session though, so the body actually goes into that state of deep rest. What I've also heard and can confirm, is that by proactively deepening your relaxation during the practice, you are more relaxed than even in deep sleep

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6 hours ago, nistake said:

@peanutspathtotruth Sounds good man. Sometimes I take naps, but I've been looking for ways to replace it with other relaxation methods. Do you think yoga nidra would be an adequate solution?

Absolutely. When I worked in a night club pre-Corona, I often had night shifts, like from 2am to 11am. I went home in the blazing sun and sleeping was nearly impossible, so I did Yoga Nidra for 1-2 hours. It was obviously not enough to replace all the sleep, but it kept me through the day until I went to bed at night. I also use it when I have tiny time frames in which I need to rest. 

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Good opportunity to share one of Kip's videos. Has to be one of the most conscious people on the platform:


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@Space Never seen something of him before, but I feel at ease with his vibe and am curious what he talks about. Might check out something of him later, thanks for the share

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On 9/3/2021 at 4:52 PM, peanutspathtotruth said:

I've heard something like 30 minutes equals 2 hours of sleep or something in that ballpark. After several years of practicing, I can confirm. Often times I do it right before sleep, and it's not only making me more rested the next day, but I feel like sleep quality goes up as well. It's very important not to move at all during the session though, so the body actually goes into that state of deep rest. What I've also heard and can confirm, is that by proactively deepening your relaxation during the practice, you are more relaxed than even in deep sleep

@peanutspathtotruth Isnt yognindra all about continuous affirmations to oneself during sleep while being in the shavasana?

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11 hours ago, AriSujan said:

@peanutspathtotruth Isnt yognindra all about continuous affirmations to oneself during sleep while being in the shavasana?

Hmm not really. You internally say a sankalpa (intention for doing yoga nidra - could be seen as an affirmation) three times before and three times after the session, which amounts to ~30 seconds, the other 30-90 minutes are body scan and exploring different ways of sensing your perception, imagination, direct consciousness etc. 
And yes, you are in shavasana, and you don't move (!)

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Perception Trainers

The Nemeton

This Jungian Life


Starpilot 33

Special Books by Special Kids


Edited by Loba

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