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Are we tripping balls all the time?

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In our everyday awake state of consciousness.. the body is perceived as made of separate organic “stuff”.. and seems to has a clear boundary between itself and the surrounding space. But in reality “stuff” can not exist. 

no mathematicallly precise boundary is possible between any object and its surrounding.

With psychedelicds.. In some altered state of consciousness the solidness of the body can dissolve and the skin boundary can seem to disappear. You may call such altered state of consciousness abnormal or even delusional. But paradoxically it's such abnormal perceptions that more closely mirror the true nature of reality.

Is Our so-called normal perception of a material world populated by material bodies more like a functionally adaptive chronically sustained delusion? 

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I don't think so

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Bang on. Nirvana is the normal state, and this strange ego delusion we're going through is the far-out & bonkers psychedelic extravaganza - by which God keeps itself entertained!

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25 minutes ago, Someone here said:

the body is perceived as made of separate organic “stuff”..

the body is not a material thing. the atoms that make up the body are not the same now and in a second. they are constantly being exchanged with other equal atoms, which come from the "outside". with "" because there is no such thing as exterior or interior. the body is a pattern that organizes those atoms that are being exchanged in an incredibly precise way. quadrillion atoms each in its exact place. what is it really? a concrete idea, materialized in the middle of the whole, without limiting except for its shape, its pattern. really mixed with everything

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If by tripping balls you mean that our consciousness is generating our perceived experience of the world, you are right. 

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One of my mushroom trips showed me without a shred of doubt that what we call reality is just a persistent hallucination, just one of the possible perspectives, no more and no less relevant than any other perspective. Something frantically laughed behind me as I realized this, and then I sobered up. Mindfuck.

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I tell you, with heavy hardcore meditation my skin takes a glow. The body is not just static, can be accelerated and become one with the fabric of reality. 



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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

Is Our so-called normal perception of a material world populated by material bodies more like a functionally adaptive chronically sustained delusion? 

Dude yes!!! Amen.

Even the idea that there is a you writing this post and coming up with this insight is imaginary. There is no "your thoughts" or "your perception".

And just to give a little push... Feeling is the guide in this immaterial existence. There is no guilt in choosing the perspective which feels better, but TRUTH!

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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10 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Bang on. Nirvana is the normal state, and this strange ego delusion we're going through is the far-out & bonkers psychedelic extravaganza - by which God keeps itself entertained!

"Most people are already in one of the more wild altered states of consciousness. It's called egoic state of consciousness."

4:17 :D


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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

Is Our so-called normal perception of a material world populated by material bodies more like a functionally adaptive chronically sustained delusion? 

Yup. This is spot on.


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12 hours ago, Someone here said:

chronically sustained delusion?

By the way, I've found the term "imagination" a bit better than "delusion". I understand why some may want to call it delusion, but "imagination" has more of that sweet freedom.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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15 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

the body is not a material thing. the atoms that make up the body are not the same now and in a second. they are constantly being exchanged with other equal atoms, which come from the "outside". with "" because there is no such thing as exterior or interior. the body is a pattern that organizes those atoms that are being exchanged in an incredibly precise way. quadrillion atoms each in its exact place. what is it really? a concrete idea, materialized in the middle of the whole, without limiting except for its shape, its pattern. really mixed with everything

 will try to put this as simple as possible. This question comes up time & again:
If there’s only One Thing (non-duality) how do you explain all the apparent ‘many things’ we see manifested? Our bodies? The hard solid ground? The water we can see.. feel and drink? The atoms.. quarks and other particles of apparently ‘real’ matter that make up water.. earth and bodies?

(Apparently, indeed. Science has already confirmed all atoms are 99% space.. less than 1% “matter.”)

Unfortunately.. You are  asking for a mind-based.. mind-understandable answer.. and insisting ([“non-objective] answers won’t help”) on limiting the answer to something the dual.. subject/object-based mind can comprehend.

“If there’s only One Thing, which means all body-minds are illusions or projections.. could you please explain what that illusory body-mind is…to my illusory body mind:-) See the problem?

It’s like a person’s shadow. Can a shadow explain what’s casting it.. or jump up and become the person casting it?

Your right eye is a non-duality. You only have one right eye. It cannot see itself as a non-duality. That would take a second eye sitting outside the first eye, looking back at it…and then you’d be back to duality.

Within your nighttime dream.. you always think you are your body and your body is real. When a dream car swerves towards you.. your dream body jumps out of the way to avoid getting hurt. Your dream is created by just One Thing.  Your mind. No one else’s. So it’s just One Thing, creating all these many things. Real things, or at least.. you’re quite certain their real” while you’re dreaming. But then you wake up.. and you see they were just projections from your One Thing.

Your waking dream is no different. “It just seems to be more continuous and last longer,” as Ramana Maharshi said, “but a dream projection, nonetheless.” At the Absolute level.. it’s obvious there is only One Thing.. or more accurately, NoThing. The Unmanifest. The Void. In enlightenment, or what you call ‘transcendence,’ we can get a fragrance of that.

But we can only be The Absolute.. Not know it.   because The Absolute can not know Itself. That would take two.. right - The Absolute and a separate “knower.” Then it wouldn’t be The Absolute anymore.. it would be a duality.

So what can we do? We can know that the One Non-Dual Thing is ‘in the background’ behind all duality, projecting itself through The Everything.. including our bodies.

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6 hours ago, Nahm said:

You’re tripping balls so hard right now that you’re questioning if a we is tripping balls. 


So hard that you made up psychedelics in the first place as an excuse to somehow believe you aren't tripping balls when you don't take them.

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I don't know man, am I on salvia divinorum experiencing another life for some fucking years to eventually wake up and find out I was tripping hard for 10 minutes? Well there's a chance, I think about this sometimes.

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31 minutes ago, The0Self said:


So hard that you made up psychedelics in the first place as an excuse to somehow believe you aren't tripping balls when you don't take them.

... so hard that you invented a concept called "tripping" so that you can have some relative ground on what the fuck we are even talking about and not just being literally nothing never happening, and not even that.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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1 hour ago, m0hsen said:

I don't know man, am I on salvia divinorum experiencing another life for some fucking years to eventually wake up and find out I was tripping hard for 10 minutes? Well there's a chance, I think about this sometimes.

NOTICE That you can't distinguish illusion from reality 


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