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Does Art have the power to change the world?

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Recently I've been going back and forth trying to decide what the fuck I want to do in life, I've always had a interest in Technology and Arts (Music,3D and 2D Animation) I'm too attached to both to choose one and let go of the other, though I've already laid down a path for 3d Animation, But I'm struggling to find a meaningful purpose and potential for massive social impact, I keep asking myself: How the hell can I impact the world as much as Tesla or Apple with Art? Most artists I see today literally say "I want to entertain people" or "I want to make people laugh" which is the lamest shit I've ever heard, Entertainment is such a low consciousness business that I can't settle for. And even the greatest painters and musicians like Picasso haven't had enough social impact in my opinion.

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If i where into graphics i'd do art with golden and silver ratios. One of the reasons world of warcraft per example is still standing, is because of natural ratios in their graphics. It is the most appealing to the subconscious. Even the screen ratio 4:3 is more natural than 19:10, another reason standardization wants to come back to 4:3.



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Well first you have to have something you really want to express to the world if you want to have a meaningful impact. You have to see how the world can be better/more compassionate/fair/loving/conscious/etc. And you have to really embody that. Art can be an expression of that vision that you have, but so can starting a business, charity, going into politics, starting a Youtube channel etc.

I think that if your conviction of the message you want to get across; the medium that you use is just something that suits your personality and the way you want to express it. One medium is not necessarily superior or inferior to the other. An artist can be just as influential as a company like Apple for sure. But you have to find your own message, and your own medium to convey that message. Which isn't easy. It really ties in what Leo calls his "life purpose". Changing the world, or influencing the world on a grand scale isn't easy, that's why so few people do it. But many try. Your heart and soul really have to be aligned to even have a shot at changing the world, or influencing society.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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The Mission of Art - Alex Grey

Yes. Art can change the world.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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