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Sick Boy

Book - Disappearance of the Universe

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Hello, I've just finished this book (audiobook) and it is the deepest spiritual teachings I've ever read. It explains the teachings in A Course About Miracles, but in easier to understand, plain words. It describes contacts with entities, but you don't have to trust that part if you don't want.

This book is about pure non-dualism, no concessions. Going far beyond the universal mind, beyond perception. Realizing that this world never really happened, and we were God all the time. The teachings are very practical and I feel how it elevated my consciousness level. If fact, I was playing a videogame while listening to it, and I almost had spiritual experiences while killing monsters (no joke).

Some of its concepts are exactly the same as Leo talks in his deepest realizations. What surprises me is that he didn't heard any spiritual teacher talk about them before. Well, some of those metaphysic concepts are explained this book. The good thing about Leo realizing them by himself, is that he proofed at least some of them, which gave me confidence on the teachings. The other thing that gave me confidence, it is noticing the changes on myself and my conciousness level and glimpses of the disidentification with my body and seeing past the illusion of the world.

I went to an ayahuasca/bufo retreat (I have been going pretty often for the past year) and the ayahuasca experience was very clear this time. I know exactly why I was there and what was the job I had to do that night, instead of having a bunch of random realizations that could entangle me more in the game of ego.

I encourage everyone to check this out because it is the deepest teachings I've ever found and very easy to understand and practical at the same time. Regards.

Edited by Sick Boy

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