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The most simple and complex way i discovered to Awaken to Truth, being a man.

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The discovery of how to love women, second to the self, in the most profound and uplifting way. 

I assume that this applies to women also in their approach to men. 


In my experience and understanding i see myself clearer, in contrast to all the women in the world. So this being said, yeah it all started with my ex'es and moved to the whole world this discovery. In conclusion, this is basically what i did to really wake up from the disgusting dream. That slap in the face from the beautiful side of matter, the darkness. So yeah, keep going peeps, since 5 years ago been on this by "accident" ??, and continue forward. 



Edited by Goldzilla



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Soo... Integrate that as a man and you will have a "kundalini" awakening without discomfort nor uncontrollable movement or paranoia. Same applies to women i think. 



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2 hours ago, Goldzilla said:

A cheer up song. 

I Love Inna ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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