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Tancrede Pouyat

Astral Projection Trip Report - Then Who Am I ?

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It's 8:15 a.m. And precisely 6 and a half hours ago, I was on my bed, having an amazing experience. Now I'm here, talking to you about it. 

Part 1 -- The Setup. 

When Leo uploaded his videos about psychedelics, I got really interested. Then he updated the book list, I ordered "Being Infinite," Martin Ball's autobiography. It took a while to arrive but I finished it on Friday.

It got me really interested in using altered states of consciousness for personal and spiritual growth. 

On Sunday, Austin posted a review of Robert Monroe's book "Journeys Out Of The Body," and I decided to try this out for myself. I looked up Emerald's videos on how to have an OBE.

And I went to sleep, hoping something amazing was about to happen. To put it mildly, I was not disappointed. 

Part 2 -- The Trip. 

I know people don't really call that a trip, but you know what I mean.

It was hot as fuck in my bedroom. I was sweating. So I took my shirt off. It took me a while to fall asleep, so I had to set the timer for 1 hour later than what I initially set up. I think I went to bed with too much anticipation. I was too excited, which kinda prevented me to fall asleep. 

Anyways, it's now 1:41, the alarm just stopped ringing, and I'm in sleep paralysis. I hear vibrations, perfect auditory representations of my brain waves. I can't move...

This feeling is amazing. I've been doing SDS for more than a year now, and I keep telling myself I can't move, but in the back my mind I know I can. This was the opposite, I told myself I could move, but in the back of my mind I knew I couldn't. It kinda sucked, though, because I was not in physical symmetry, and that may have interfered with the experience. 

Very quickly I tried just floating outside of my body. Too quickly I presume. Because I didn't. I gave up, quite quickly. I was done with it by 1:47. And then there was a lot of "OH MY GOD I can't believe I just had this experience !"

Because it was still a really powerful experience.

Part 3 -- Reflections. 

So no nifty experience happened. No "other realm" was visited. Just me, on my bed. But... lessons learned. 

I got conscious that I am not this body. I felt that I was not this body. Also I got conscious that those thoughts were this body's thoughts, just like this sight is this body's sight. 

I got a glimpse of a glimpse of a glimpse of a glimpse of the true nature of my own being. And I was MIND BLOWN !!!!

It was so beautiful !!!! I'm in love with everything. 

I'm deep in ego right now... And I'm like "why am I in ego ? I shouldn't be in ego !"

Tonight I'll just go to sleep, just like any other night, then, when the alarm rings, I'll make sure to stay slow and relaxed. Really master the Sleep Paralysis stage. Then I'll move out of my body.

If I am not this body, then who am I ?

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1 hour ago, Tancrede Pouyat said:

If I am not this body, then who am I ?

You are the awareness in which the notion of having a body, having thoughts, consciously feeling things, making sense out of sense perceptions etc. arises. If you ever have a near-death experience this will become crystal clear, because in the moment of dying every bit of your perception goes away but one no-thing stays and you instantly begin to recognize that you are that (if you are looking for it).

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Azrael Yes, I know that. I wonder if I can reach ego death using astral projection. I don't see why not. And, based on last night's experience, it's highly likely that I'll get there very soon. 

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good, try to relax as much as possible when vibrations arise. Dont move until the vibrations pass. then try to go out of your body

I have many years experience in astral projection. My advice: keep on until astral projection will be a routine like taking a shower. Then you get the most out of it

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@Tancrede Pouyat Beliving that conscionseness is confined to the body location is an illusion created by the ego operating within it's physical dimention. Breaking that illusion is a quite a liberating experiance to behold. Liberating conscionscness from it's Earthly confines is in itself ego death. This is where the surrendering plays a crucial role in experiancing conscionseness as every probillity on every level. * I found this vid. that points in the general dirrection of what I'm conveying here. Trancendence of the space/time self.


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@Tancrede Pouyat @Azrael @OBEler @cetus56

Could you guys point some sources on how to do the astral thing, please ?

I recently purchased Thomas Campbell' "My Big TOE" (stand for Theory Of Everything) but I don't know if it's about the "how to" astral projection (I'm still waiting for the book to arrive).

I've done lucid dreams using WILD, which is very similar to what seems to be for astral projection, but then I couldn't tell what the difference between a  dream and an out of body experience (then, the most profound dreams I have are non-lucid, and often spontaneous).

Thanks !

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@Soulbass Personally I have never done astral projection. Lucid dreaming is easy but I'm not sure how to tell the difference between the two. Maybe youtube has some vids.? I have had the experience of consciousness being liberated from my body location on 2 occasions which lead to a Samadhi experience (union) . That is probably in the same general realm as astral projection. It felt as if I suddenly entered into another dimension or level of awareness. Really different. Hard to explain because it is something you would have to experience directly for yourself. I was stone sober and wide awake just to mention. That experience did show me one important thing though. That we all keep our level of awareness on a leash (so to speak) or contained and don't allow it the freedom that it truly has to move about and be Omni-present. After having that experience, I wouldn't dismiss any possibility like astral projection for instance. I can say one thing that may help you though. There was a distinct and sudden shift in awareness. Awareness seemed to become hyper focused like a laser beam first and than became liberated. It was not just the usual casual awareness that we experience in every day life. Maybe the phrase "trance state" could be used to point in a general direction of that type of experience. That's the best I can describe it since it was so different from ordinary (bounded) awareness. The thing is, I would love to be able to "will" it to happen. But it doesn't. It's more like finding a secrete door within awareness that you never realized was there before. Finding it is a hit or miss thing. *I just remembered too,  I think @Emerald may have some vids. on A.P. The Diamond Net. on youtube. Have you checked that out yet? I know there is a lot of info on L.D. there. Best of Luck!

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@Cetus56. On which exact occasion did you have this experience? I dont think you can name it astral projection, because in astral projection your awareness is quietly the same as during mundane day. The only difference: your awareness is more like an observer.


@Soulbass, forget about "myBigToe", I read this book after many years of astral projection experience. Its very long and difficult to read. Here you will find nothing which can help you to archieve astral projection. Google for "SOBT astral projection". Give me a message if you have problem with this technic. 

Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler No, I wouldn't call Samadhi astral projection either but my awareness was similarly Just as an observer. How can you tell the difference between imagination (letting the mind trip) and true astral projection? Just wondering. I've never explored this in depth.

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It lies in your conscious awareness, your clear thinking in your head. When I am in astral projection, I know exactly what happens. I see everything crystal clear and everytime this happens, it is absolutely amazing - even after 1000 times.

Astral projection is not lucid dreaming. Big difference! But you can start from lucid dreaming to astral projection and analog an astral projection can lead to lucid dreaming.  You just know in which phenomena you are right now.  There is absolutely no mistake. 


On which situation did you have your samadhi? During meditation? I am very interested in this experience







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2 minutes ago, OBEler said:

On which situation did you have your samadhi? During meditation? I am very interested in this experience

@OBEler Actually it happened when I was listening to one of Leo's vids. I tried to get a real feel of me as being an illusion. I did that exercise a couple of times and nothing really happened. Than one time I really went for broke and I felt a shift happening and had to pause the vid. I thought of all my earliest memories of myself up until this moment and put them and me in an imaginary pile in front of me. I than said to myself, "All this is and illusion". Than it cracked wide open. Awareness became liberated from the usual location of myself and filled the room. It honestly freaked me out a bit but it felt strangely inviting at the same time. So I surrendered to it and at that point I entered what felt like another dimension or level of awareness. It was nothing short of the source of all things. Some may call it the absolute or something similar. I'll find the exact vid. of Leo's. It's a hit or miss door so don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen the first time. You really have to let go of everything too. Like you don't care if you die in the process.

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38 minutes ago, OBEler said:

On which situation did you have your samadhi? During meditation? I am very interested in this experience


A@20:00 is where I had to pause the vid. because something was shifting in perception.


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On 12/5/2016 at 3:08 AM, Tancrede Pouyat said:

On Sunday, Austin posted a review of Robert Monroe's book "Journeys Out Of The Body," and I decided to try this out for myself. I looked up Emerald's videos on how to have an OBE

Glad to hear it was helpful ;)

I've yet to have a successful astral projection so you beat me too it. But from all the research I've done there's a ton to explore in this area. 

What I've found really interesting about your report is that it seems like you've been able to use your trip as a way of deepening your understand of True Self. In all the reports I saw from Robert Monroe, he never mentions this.

But it makes sense. Any sort of consciousness exploration has the potential to give you insights into what consciousness and reality truly is. The benefit you seem to have is that you're aware of non-duality, while my guess is Monroe was not. So you can use this as a spiritual practice.

Keep it up!


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I'm curious about OBE experiences and plan to practice having them. If a person was born blind, do they "see" or a deaf person "hear" in an OBE? 

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If ya'll are seriously interested in astral projection or OBEs, check out the book: Mastering Astral Projection: 90-Day Guide To OBE Experience by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer.

I'll be adding it to my booklist at some point.

But remember, enlightenment goes WAY fucking deeper than OBEs. So be careful where you invest your time and energy, given that it's your most precious resource.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I completely agree with you. It costs a lot of time. Nevertheless, I plan to use OBEs for spiritual enlightment work. I want the shortcut of the shortcut for spiritual enlightment:  I want to use 5-meo-dmt  every night in OBE. But first I need the experience of 5-meo, otherwise my brain will not activate this experience during OBE.



Edited by OBEler

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What's the problem with using regular ol dreams? :P Idk why nobody's even mentioning them, they are mystical af for me

Edited by Dodoster

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

What's the problem with using regular ol dreams? :P Idk why nobody's even mentioning them, they are mystical af for me

I think regular dreams are important, in the way that it shows what lies in the subconscious, without controlling it, so the message then can be interpreted in waking state. Also, sometimes I have the feeling that our brains in dreaming state, receives information from somewhere else, and you may be killing if you wish to create your dream from scratch.

Edited by Soulbass

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2 hours ago, OBEler said:

 I want to use 5-meo-dmt  every night in OBE. But first I need the experience of 5-meo, otherwise my brain will not activate this experience during OBE.


wait does that work? you can just take 5meo once and then access it though OBEs without ever taking the substance again? i was also wondering about how it effects other psychedelics since @Leo Gura said his shroom trip turned 5meo. because i've done some research and shrooms are like way cheaper than 5meo so one could maybe just get one dose of 5meo and a bunch of shrooms that way you can attain liberation at a discount.  

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@stevegan928 I made many tests with other substances in astral projection (alcohol, food). It sounds crazy, but believe me: consuming things in astral projection get very very real (but you need an experience of the substance first so your brain can repeatedly activate it). Therefore I believe it should work. But first I need to test some low psychedelics and then go to 5-meo-dmt. Step by step. I am doing a lot of research now how to do this, thanks to @Azrael on this point. 

Edited by OBEler

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