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Masters of time management have some simple tactics they follow that prevent them from wasting precious hours and minutes. They’re able to cut through the mind chatter and be remarkable productive, getting far more done than you could imagine in your wildest dreams.

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The 12 Top Time Management Tips

First, let’s take a bird’s eye view of these tips. Then think of them as rules that you'll follow every single day to become a master of productivity.

Set daily goals

Focus on high-return tasks

Batch similar tasks

Get rid of non-essentials

Delegate what you can

Work with your natural rhythms

Get the worst out of the way first

Set a target

Set a deadline

Set a timer

Eliminate distractions

Learn to work faster


By using these time management tips to set rules for yourself and making a commitment to stick to them every day, you can increase your own productivity exponentially. You’ll be less stressed, have more time for yourself and your family, and grow your profits all at the same time.

Sound too good to be true? Well, no one is a superhero and follows these rules all the time. But, if you focus on at least one of these tactics each day, they’ll soon become habits that come naturally to you. It’s not impossible and the payoff is worth the effort.

How to Implement the Time Management Tips for Productivity

Now, starting at the top, try implementing each of these behavioral tips one at a time. Gradually add an extra one to follow every day, or as frequently as you can manage.

1. Set daily goals

Each night, set your goals for the next day. If you don’t have time in the evening or at the end of the work day, set your goals first thing in the morning – before you do anything else. If you have goals set, you’ll know exactly what you need to do and won’t have to waste time thinking about what to do next.

2. Focus on High Return Tasks

The most productive people follow the Pareto Principle as the guide for all their actions. If you haven’t heard of it, this principle states that 20% of the actions you take provide 80% of the results. The return on your time investment for all your other tasks is minimal in comparison.

Try looking back at the past month and think about which types of tasks you did that had the biggest benefits for yourself and your business. You might be pleasantly surprised at how few of your actions really make an impact.  As you plan your day and make your to-do list, focus on the tasks that will accomplish the most.

3. Batch similar tasks

When you switch back and forth between different types of tasks, you have to keep readjusting your mind and your focus to the type of task on hand. Instead, do all your emailing at one time, in the morning and in the afternoon. Make all your phone calls at another time. Set your meetings for one block of time in the day. You’ll be able to get more done simply by keeping your mind in a certain “mode” of behavior.


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