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Bob Seeker

Attempt to Integrate Leo, Frank Yang and Jed McKenna

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@Waken cool. I read 2 McKenna books but never actually threw away my beliefs about spirituality and relied on myself to see what’s true.

I think it’s pretty impractical to do that if you care about survival needs and want to make good life decisions, because you’ll tend to want to follow principles suggested by your favorite philosophy, and there’s not enough time to figure out the truth or untruth of it first through a questioning process.

I definitely don’t have the same motivations as Jed, at least at this point in my life.




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I still can't tell if frank yang is authentic! He seems to speak about conciousness and seems to understand meditation. He is clearly fit and intelligent. But, I get an immature vibe from him.

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@Thought Art I feel like he is like candy to the eyes of wanna be enlightened folks. Good looks, hot girl, charming, happy, playful, everything we want. I mean I don’t see a reason to doubt his claim that he is enlightened, at least not more than anyone else claiming it, but I honestly think he’s probably a bit deluded. It seems to me like he contradicts himself often and doesn’t apply rigor to what he is saying or how he is interpreting his experiences.

thay said, I take what he says as a legitimate possiblility that I cannot rule out without becoming more conscious myself.

then again, A couple grams of magic mushrooms should be enough to feel quite strongly that Frank Yang was never anything but a figment of your imagination lol.

Edited by Bob Seeker

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@Bob Seeker Yeah, I just get a sense of inauthenticity or, competitiveness over enlightenment. 

I have biases, I will take time in the next year to observe him

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art good idea.

i want to understand more of where he is coming from

i think one can easily be enlightened and be immature though. 
bentinho Massaro seems rather conscious, with insightful things to say, but quite immature

and then there are enlightened alcoholics and sexual transgressors.

I do think that the more immature someone is, the more likely they are to make epistemic mistakes, even with high consciousness. Their minds are just too biased.

I’m speaking from experience here?

Edited by Bob Seeker

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3 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Yeah, I just get a sense of inauthenticity or, competitiveness over enlightenment. 

I have biases, I will take time in the next year to observe him

He's legit. That's just his personality. He used to be known in the bodybuilding community as the crazy guy.

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@Bob Seeker Yes, I resonate with what you say. I also follow some guidelines by sources I trust, which are actually about following my own inner guidance, so it's in a way not really something external I'm following, but anyway. There was a time where I wasn't very mentally stable and Jed sometimes gave me some suggestions or told me some things and I'm not so sure that was very helpful at all at those times lol. I don't think you need to question every method that you follow, perhaps just see if it resonates

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7 hours ago, The0Self said:

He's legit. That's just his personality. He used to be known in the bodybuilding community as the crazy guy.

Sure he is legit , but one needs to recognize that he views his metaphysics according to Buddhism, nothing wrong with that, but it is just an interpretation, all claims about reality whether experienced or intellectual is metaphysics.

Buddhism has plenty of valid insights, as does neoplatonism / advaita vedanta / Christian mysticism etc.

I just find sometimes that he likes to pick on Leo, i do truly believe that Leo is as advanced as Frank it just takes different "shapes".

Leo is imo one of the most brilliant philosopher/ intellectual on the scene today, he is a lover of wisdom. 

But his life is to talk about this stuff and much other things, so it might seem sometimes that he is "intellectualizing", but I think the insights Leo has on GOD is not something Frank has ever realized, I do feel that infinite conciousness Leo speaks about is not the infinitr conciousness in buddhism.

So I feel that sure Frank might be enlightened and Leo is not, but there is plenty of insights that Frank has not had but still makes claims that he knows better almost then anyone else on the path( this is my opinion), i like Frank but somethings he says is not at all in accordance with "my" insights, perhaps ive not reached it, but perhaps he has not truly realized what GOD really means, it is the most radical thing ever.

But language and words tend to confuse people.

And enlightenment is in no way shape or form a total omniscient about all of reality if you get me.

The logic of the infinite is that it is both a infinite dynamism and an infinite stillness, hard to reconcile for some people but true "oneness" is integrating the two into not two.


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3 hours ago, Waken said:

follow some guidelines by sources I trust, which are actually about following my own inner guidance

Yeah I think this is more ideal, but I also think it is not easy to do for most people without defaulting at times to belief systems

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The illusion there is something to look for is amazing. The illusion someone else has it, even more so. Jaw dropping. Astounding. Unbelievable. ? 

Edited by Nahm



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2 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

So I feel that sure Frank might be enlightened and Leo is not

I’m still confused if enlightenment is an instantaneous thing or a gradual thing. Or both.

 Not easy to answer this one

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