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Are we living through every possible beings / perspectives in the same moment ? Now ?

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Are you living through a perspective? Now? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Yeah, that's one thing I don't get about Leo's teachings. 

The part where you "are" everyone else, including Hitler and Osama and all other manner of people. It's not that it doesn't sit well with me on an emotional level, it just makes no sense, neither intellectually or existentially. 

I have had many awakenings, and in none of them have I become Hitler. Or Osama bin Laden. Or Jesus. Or Buddha. I'm just me

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@samijiben perhaps consider this quote from Alan Watts- 

"I have no other Self than the totality of things of which I am aware."

When Leo says, 'You are everyone' or 'You are Leo', it's important to understand what Leo means by the word 'You'... He is not talking about the physical, material, organism called @samijiben... he doesn't mean 'the organism @samijiben is also the organism Leo Gura'.... he means '@samigiben and Leo Gura and everything else' is what 'you' really are. This is because there really is no separation..  'You' are 'everything appearing in awareness', which includes 'your body'.. 'your memories about Adolph Hitler'.. 'your thoughts right now'.. 'the chirping of a bird'.. 'these words'.. your entire experience.. 

All of it.. everything.. is 'what you are'. 

Consider.. if you look at a River.. can you tell me which part of the river is the river?  'The River' is actually defined by everything you don't consider to be 'the river'.. it's the water, it's the banks of the river, it's the shape of of the land, it's the river bed.. but there really is no well defined 'river' that exists separate from 'everything that is not the river'. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Thank you! I feel so grateful for the members of this forum. It's almost like having a guru of infinite wisdom at my disposal (if the right person answers!)



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Yep, you can turn into a monster the next moment. ?

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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4 hours ago, Gabith said:

Are we living through every possible beings / perspectives in the same moment ? Now ?

You are on it....just replace 'Are we' with 'Am I' ;)

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You are in this way right now, because of the totallity of thought, the thoughts you accepted or rejected. Accepting all the thoughts is being "God". And it is a physical process of tuning. It can be very fast if what you call pain or impossible, you let that unfold and in it is other things, what you thought was pain or impossible to achieve. This is how will it is done. 



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2 hours ago, hamedsf said:

Yep, you can turn into a monster the next moment. ?

Please ❤ @hamedsf don't be such a monster joker.

Consider whatever the question is about and if you not resonates with it or whatever reason you have, maybe this question seen as a joke for you, but an answer can be interpret dead serious by someone else, a person we cant know what is feeling, doing or what condition that person are in for the moment, who knows, might be tripping or something else.

@Gabith Seems be active not long ago, if watch the profile. So he is probably fine?

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7 hours ago, Gabith said:

Are we living through every possible beings / perspectives in the same moment ? Now ?

Obviously we are not. 



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9 hours ago, samijiben said:

Yeah, that's one thing I don't get about Leo's teachings. 

The part where you "are" everyone else, including Hitler and Osama and all other manner of people. It's not that it doesn't sit well with me on an emotional level, it just makes no sense, neither intellectually or existentially. 

I have had many awakenings, and in none of them have I become Hitler. Or Osama bin Laden. Or Jesus. Or Buddha. I'm just me

The way Ive interpreted it has been like this, let me know if you resonate or not im curious of your answer as well. So when it's mentioned that we ARE whoever, I look at it from the state of "being" like before thoughts or interpretation, so look at your hands, that same sense of "being" or even "sense" is not even necessary, but just "The here and Now" It clear that would naturally be present of all things.. and then you extend your perception to objects, so now look around, the object is also just "being" there, like a cup sitting on desk. Its just "there" ,This also extends to your own thoughts so the "thought" of Hitler is all that can exist of Hitler since hes dead, there for that is also "Being", but when he was alive we would default back to the example of him looking at his hands, The same "thereness" The "thereness, of Being" so that would be the common ground of all things. therefore i see how what he says makes sense. Its the awareness you gotta Identify as then you can see how "You"-Awareness are everything. All that can only apply to the exact present moment which is all there is. It gets tricky with the minds linear perceptions but I think i described the point well. What do you guys think?

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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Fuck, if only it were that simple 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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9 hours ago, DIDego said:

Please ❤ @hamedsf don't be such a monster joker.

you still can't see even my jokes can have full of deep meanings behind it! 


"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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So how it works is there is an infinite amount of perspectives. Right now, you are choosing to be _. When you imagine your physical body dies, you move on to the next perspective or self, this cycle is infinitely reincarnating. Every other being you believe to be conscious is actually you in another dream. Literally you, the same consciousness reading this message. That's what your life IS, an idea, a dream, a thought in God's Infinite imagination. So the dreams overlap and work together synergistically. Pure fucking divinity and magic.

Which is why we say you are me, I am you. When the curtains lift or the fog rises you can see this is completely obvious but not from your limited state of consciousness. It's actually very difficult to explain but once you experience it enough times you can really start to understand it. 



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16 hours ago, Gabith said:

Are we living through every possible beings / perspectives in the same moment ? Now ?

No. And yes. 

What you are living through is whatever is going on right now, there is literally nothing else going on, this is it. Everything else is fantasy. Perspective is fantasy. Now and moments are fantasy. Possible beings are fantasy. "Living through" is fantasy. I think you get the idea.

But. If you want to believe in the fantasy of living in a moment, then there is only one moment, this one. Since there's only one moment, then everything must happen through it, every allowable possibility. What is "allowed" though is a matter for philosophical debate. In my reality right now, not everything is possible.

57% paranoid

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The easiest summation I know of, is that NO humans have consciousness, consciousness has humans. AKA the individual-mind-you belong to it and NOT vice versa.

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On 2021-08-27 at 4:29 AM, Nos7algiK said:

Personally, I really like this picture to sum it up.


I have a reoccurring "dream" where I see two eyes and nothing else. It's not a normal dream, it's semi-real, not like my usual dreams and not like my normal reality. I see them for a short period of time and then I always immediately wake up after seeing them.

It freaks me out every time.

So that picture freaked me out a bit.

Edited by Blackhawk

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