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What's Wrong with Healthy Competition?

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The title says it all

I feel like our culture (keep in mind I live in San Francisco, which is abundant with hipsterism and on the cutting edge of wacky ideas) has become a little too touchy-feely, thereby denying the importance of healthy competition.


Not in the sense of what you're mental image may be, of a bloody pit of selfish egos fighting for validation from each other. I just mean a competitive mindset to better oneself and reach the top, even if "oneself" is an immaterial construct and just a mere accretion of beliefs. 

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27 minutes ago, samijiben said:

The title says it all

I feel like our culture (keep in mind I live in San Francisco, which is abundant with hipsterism and on the cutting edge of wacky ideas) has become a little too touchy-feely, thereby denying the importance of healthy competition.


Not in the sense of what you're mental image may be, of a bloody pit of selfish egos fighting for validation from each other. I just mean a competitive mindset to better oneself and reach the top, even if "oneself" is an immaterial construct and just a mere accretion of beliefs. 

The reason people are touchy-feely is because we are all witnessing the destruction of hyper-competition. That's what a stage Orange society is all about. So you have to swing the pendulum the other way, which may mean that you are against almost any kind of competition for a while (Green). Obviously the ideal is an integration between cooperation and competition, but that will take a long time for society to integrate. We still have many people who vehemently believe in hyper-competition.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I agree so much. 

The problem, of course, is just what defines such an "integration!" 

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1 hour ago, samijiben said:

The title says it all

I feel like our culture (keep in mind I live in San Francisco, which is abundant with hipsterism and on the cutting edge of wacky ideas) has become a little too touchy-feely, thereby denying the importance of healthy competition.


Not in the sense of what you're mental image may be, of a bloody pit of selfish egos fighting for validation from each other. I just mean a competitive mindset to better oneself and reach the top, even if "oneself" is an immaterial construct and just a mere accretion of beliefs. 

that's not competition that's actualization

and yes in truth the only person you should compare yourself to is who you were yesterday

have i done something today towards my goal of actualization?

then yes i am better than i was yesterday

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so competing with oneself? Can this be done in a truly conscious, deliberate, healthy manner? This route or path (call it what you may) seems to run counter to that of "sacrifice". Look at this way: you can become enlightened by saying fuck all and sacrificing everything in this very moment and merge into infinite love, blah blah -- ok, we got that. But how about the other approach to oneness, wherein one seeks knowledge from honor and rigor and dedication? @gettoefl

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I have recently begun to dwell and get hung up upon this idea of "honor." After a few enlightenment experiences I cannot see how one can be so ignorant to sweep this away as "myself" and not hold it in a truly precious, magnificent regard: the Transcend Other; the Holy Thou. 


Call it what you may, my claim remains: we must humble ourselves before God

Edited by samijiben

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david hawkins says it takes single-minded persistence dedication and devotion to reach the goal and i agree ... no one can really help you in this journey ... you just have to give your entire life to it ... and osho says that everyone's enlightenment is different, the universe will make no carbon copys

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a man would be dead without the feeling of competition! 

so I love competition! 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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Yeah, there's nothing right or wrong with anything, only conditioned thinking makes it seem like there is.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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