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Selflessness in actuality vs concept

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I just wanted to leave this here as a thread topic to be discussed.

There are definitely some misconceptions between the actuality of selflessness and the Ego's twisted idea of it

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Well.. I feel like we can look at it two ways. From the Ego or God's perspective. From God's perspective, selflessness has nothing to do with morality which I believe is a key insight. Selflessness has nothing to do with other, because there is no other.

So therefore one who acts "selfless" can act however the fuck they want! That being said, one willfully chooses Love because of Infinite Goodness!

Edited by Godishere

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you are selfish to the exact degree you need to survive

jeff bezos needs not be selfish at all

while if you are starving and think this can be your last day here you will kill me in order to last another day

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@gettoefl love that man. Is so true, even just biologically - sinking down a level here. 

I slowly feel my attachments for life becoming less an less; as one should maturing through the spiral dynamics I suppose.

Edited by Godishere

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24 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@gettoefl love that man. Is so true, even just biologically - sinking down a level here. 

I slowly feel my attachments for life becoming less an less; as one should maturing through the spiral dynamics I suppose.

am going through the same, bless you @Godishere

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