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Morality from a Zen Devil (Star Wars Enlightenment Fan Fiction)

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The Chosen One (Anakin Skywalker) appeared to be a relatively evil appearance in the manipulation of the Force, but he brought about the greatest balance the Force he has ever known by following his Evil Heart. 


Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Incorrect, he brought balance when he relinquished his evil heart and embraced Love.

Everything before that was chaos. Chaos and madness. 

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14 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

Incorrect, he brought balance when he relinquished his evil heart and embraced Love.

Everything before that was chaos. Chaos and madness. 

And that’s how he got there. Through desire. Mara. No one escapes Mara without becoming fully enlightened in a way you don’t even believe you’re capable of because you can’t criticize chaos and madness and truly be all the way deep in it. The Madman holds the keys to understanding the universe, especially when it comes to absolute/relative morality dances on the scale of archetypal expression in all universes as a function of perception ever being present..  Every holon is a Holon. Every höL0N is the answer to the Love of All Existence Forever in any form! 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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12 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

And that’s how he got there. Through desire. Mara. No one escapes Mara without becoming fully enlightened in a way you don’t even believe you’re capable of because you can’t criticize chaos and madness and truly be all the way deep in it. The Madman holds the keys to understanding the universe, especially when it comes to absolute/relative morality dances on the scale of archetypal expression in all universes as a function of perception ever being present..  Every holon is a Holon. Every höL0N is the answer to the Love of All Existence Forever in any form! 

If the end result is all the same, then why dont you skip the evil part and jump straight to LOVE

Or better yet, have another star wars character as your spirit guide, not a man who strangulated his wife like a pussy.

Edited by Mafortu

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12 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

If the end result is all the same, then why dont you skip the evil part and jump straight to LOVE

Or better yet, have another star wars character as your spirit guide, not a man who strangulated his wife like a pussy.

All star war characters are spiritual guides. Your 765th grandpa’s left nut dust is holier than any infinite number of sambuddha’s in my consciousness because you can’t access my awareness. It’s a mechanic of consciousness. I see the way these weird things like ?=? make spiritual sense and describe the human spirit and Jean-Luc Picard, but your neurotypical baby brain can’t understand. Sorry. I was born a god. You were too. You just forget so hard you fear chaos, madness, evil, suffering, pain, etc. and then think you have capital L Love. You do not sir. Not by my solipsist Sambuddha Harvard degrees from the aliens which abducted me in a more real than life dream at 8 years old. You don’t know that suffering. I can guarantee it. It is a dick measuring contest. At least winning something makes me feel good even if it is just a value structure created by my own bias which is the same method through which anyone perceives subjectively enjoyable experience. It’s all arbitrary in the most meaningful way beyond the imagination of God yet within it. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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12 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

All star war characters are spiritual guides. Your 765th grandpa’s left nut dust is holier than any infinite number of sambuddha’s in my consciousness because you can’t access my awareness. It’s a mechanic of consciousness. I see the way these weird things like ?=? make spiritual sense and describe the human spirit and Jean-Luc Picard, but your neurotypical baby brain can’t understand. Sorry. I was born a god. You were too. You just forget so hard you fear chaos, madness, evil, suffering, pain, etc. and then think you have capital L Love. You do not sir. Not by my solipsist Sambuddha Harvard degrees from the aliens which abducted me in a more real than life dream at 8 years old. You don’t know that suffering. I can guarantee it. It is a dick measuring contest. At least winning something makes me feel good even if it is just a value structure created by my own bias which is the same method through which anyone perceives subjectively enjoyable experience. It’s all arbitrary in the most meaningful way beyond the imagination of God yet within it. 

Well I give up, my sober ass cant argue with someone whose altered neurons are firing at all cylinders

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Star Wars lore, specially deep lore, is fascinating. But, you are truly trivializing the dynamics of Anakin and what actually happened to fit your own biased agenda. Though, there is a large amount of relativity to how we can perceive him as a character.

He was far more than just an evil dude. He was manipulated by someone more powerful him "at the time" who feared Anakin's potential power. So, what he loved was used against him. Anakin's own fear manifested what he was trying to stop. After, he became a prisoner in a torture suit who could do nothing to retaliate first. So, he fully lived in his hatred. He wasn't evil just to be evil, but rather calculated with his vengeance on those he saw that wronged him. He was blinded by his loss in life. 

But, you see, as powerful as Vader was. It's not him that is the almighty in this story. Rather, he was just a pawn, a sacrifice to someone else. That was his son Luke. Luke is the light that brought balance to the force, but it was Vader's change of heart to love before he died that gave Luke that spark. If you ever read some of the extended universe on what Luke could actually do, he was pretty much space Jesus lol. 

To simply it, don't be evil. That is the trap. Be like space Jesus Luke who can find the good within the evil that is around them.

Edited by Nos7algiK

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1 hour ago, Mafortu said:

Well I give up, my sober ass cant argue with someone whose altered neurons are firing at all cylinders

That’s incredibly wise. I always fight with the full perception of a home field advantage and outpace any God being force which could challenge me by being more subtle and transcendent than God by corrupting it’s own nature against itself. The human will bends God over and spanks it to get its subjective needs met. Yahweh on my bitch ass. At least look at Krishna. He’s halfway decent. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 hour ago, Nos7algiK said:

Star Wars lore, specially deep lore, is fascinating. But, you are truly trivializing the dynamics of Anakin and what actually happened to fit your own biased agenda. Though, there is a large amount of relativity to how we can perceive him as a character.

He was far more than just an evil dude. He was manipulated by someone more powerful him "at the time" who feared Anakin's potential power. So, what he loved was used against him. Anakin's own fear manifested what he was trying to stop. After, he became a prisoner in a torture suit who could do nothing to retaliate first. So, he fully lived in his hatred. He wasn't evil just to be evil, but rather calculated with his vengeance on those he saw that wronged him. He was blinded by his loss in life. 

But, you see, as powerful as Vader was. It's not him that is the almighty in this story. Rather, he was just a pawn, a sacrifice to someone else. That was his son Luke. Luke is the light that brought balance to the force, but it was Vader's change of heart to love before he died that gave Luke that spark. If you ever read some of the extended universe on what Luke could actually do, he was pretty much space Jesus lol. 

To simply it, don't be evil. That is the trap. Be like space Jesus Luke who can find the good within the evil that is around them.

It is literally impossible for me to not have the most developed understanding of Anakin that exists in any verifiable way, and unless absolute solipsism at face value is true, the same truth about Anakin’s nature is true for you. My understanding of True Nature runs through every sensate micron of consciousness/nothingness/māhāparinibbana you ever could not even be capable of imagining. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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14 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@BipolarGrowth @BipolarGrowth in My experience when you think you understand the force...... 

Yeah this is true. The highest Force is inescapable. 

But yet again you’ve certainly felt that one thought is more well understood than another at a certain point as a human. There’s subjective truth in that. And there’s nothing as subjective as objectivity. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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35 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

That’s incredibly wise. I always fight with the full perception of a home field advantage and outpace any God being force which could challenge me by being more subtle and transcendent than God by corrupting it’s own nature against itself. The human will bends God over and spanks it to get its subjective needs met. Yahweh on my bitch ass. At least look at Krishna. He’s halfway decent. 

lol, well.. higher neuronal activity doesn't necessarily make one wiser or smarter, a fast computer wont get the job done without the right software.

I am just too sober and lazy right now to try to navigate through your labyrinthian thought processes

Anyways, hope Las Vegas is as fun as ever, those imaginative hotels holds a dear place to my heart

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11 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

lol, well.. higher neuronal activity doesn't necessarily make one wiser or smarter, a fast computer wont get the job done without the right software.

I am just too sober and lazy right now to try to navigate through your labyrinthian thought processes

Anyways, hope Las Vegas is as fun as ever, those imaginative hotels holds a dear place to my heart

So then a rock is wise and smart. I totally agree. 

Vegas is amazing. No wonder it’s the home of the guru. 

Also notice that I called you wise. Creativity alone is not wisdom, but there is no Wisdom without Creativity. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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