
Virtual date - Tips and Tricks

8 posts in this topic

I initiated via online-dating a virutal date which is recommended to do in a rather greenish book. The girl is quite compassionate and is very interesting from all the advice I've read I am interested to know how I can move this on to smth. in person, as well as to create an enjoyable dating experience. The person lives 1h drive away, it's not to far we are both busy, and I ran this scenaroy a couple of times in my head, this is again ideal for both parties. 

My goal is to meet her in person and basically initate an intimate relationship with her. She is very attractive, I am suprised it happens that way. Seems very high quality. Would appreciate proper executable advice. 

Besides asking questions which I can get from an advice booklet. What can I do here to create attraction and get into a relationship with this girl, like she is totally my type and I do feel a bit scared.

What I will do: 

  • Meditate and set an intention.
  • Focus on that I lead and she is having fun, she is along for the ride 
  • Being playful.
  • Not talking to much.
  • Asking high quality and fun questions, which I will get from the booklet.
  • Close the date to a maximum of 1-2h otherwise it will be to much.
  • Initate a second date. 

I thought about also adding some fun games which you could play online and change the time of the date to 19:00 instead of 14:00, so she could have a drink etc. As well as I presume it's more fun and more open at night. Also, we could play some casual online fun game, like draw and guess. To sort of get into the action date phase. 

I appreciate feedback from other members who have been in a similar scenario too, that would be great.

@Leo Gura
What would you personally recommend in this scenaroy ? Is this set ? Any tricks that are applicable ? Any good way to build attraction via a virtual conversation ? 


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I will follow your thread because it seem it's gonna be of lots of help to many of us

I personal prefer face to face dating. I recently got a 1st date with a man i feel attraction towards but he seems to enjoy the online stuff aswell.

I would definitely go for the REAL FACE TO FACE interaction.

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@ertopolice Not possible. I will stick to the advice from the book and report ideally. See what will happen. The advice above is not feasiable. :/

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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I would advise against "not talking too much". There's not much else you're gonna be able to do on a virtual date haha

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@EternalForest I will see what will happen, I can talk to much, also although people tell me 99% it's very interesting. I feel I loose in playfulness, I will adjust and look at some good examples on how to create attraction for a second date in person. 

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I talked to the girl for 1h+  we hit it off quite well I asked her a couple of questions from a the book that I am reading about dating, as well as from a psychologist who frames 26 question to fall in love. I prepared a small game for entertainment, also asked her if she is interested in drinking smth. So she poured in a glass of wine. Also, a good amout of similar interests. 

The women was also high caliber, becoming a doctor at an excellent uni. Very attractive and outgoing. 

So far I've read the book of pook, the 4 books from eben pagan double your dating etc. As well as one book I order from amazon which has a good rating. 

- I received her phone number
- She said not to romantic interest after the date
- I will have another date with a women this saturday (virtual)

Any ideas what I can improve upon ? I thought I did well on the attraction part, yet I had a hard time to make her laugh. She made me laugh a lot.

What did I learn ? 
Do not talk about my own romatic experiences or what I romanticise. 
Create more attraction and show romantic interest. I thought I did well, yet I presume I was not sexual enough. 
I don't quiet know how I can be sexual via an virtual date. I could have asked her smth. yet I am clueless when it comes to bridging. 
Create romantic interest to the women.

Any ressources on how to be more romantic/sexual ? I seriously have issues with this. YouTube Videos etc. Anything that is non-toxic is welcome !

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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I’d be careful setting up expectations or intentions beyond things like having fun,  meeting new people and perhaps getting experience.

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@Spiral Thanks I'll take that to heart. It felt good to know that his was on a positive basis and there are no resentment. I don't know cried 3 times today.

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