
What LP course showed me

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I did like 2 years ago. And my purpise turned out to be to change the vibrational state of people. Ideally to a positive ofcourse. The problem I'm running into is limiting beliefs and all of the baggage I carry around. 

Changing the vibrational states does revolve around beatbox and music for me. But I just don't feel bothered. Sometimes I find boring or unfullfiling, other times it is the most amazing thing in the universe. Why do these jumps happen? Why can't I have constant motivation and drive to do beatbox and pursue my passion? 

I came into it very ambitious and a bit arrogant with what kind of progress I'm going to make through months. The amount of work I put into it is just too small. But on the other hand I feel drained and unmotivated to do anything about it. I'm sure there is hope, that I'll pick it up again and going to keep myself going with it. Right now I'm realising that some things need time and progress isn't made overnight(unless it's a breakthrough lol).

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”To change the vibrational state of people” 

Way too abstract man.

What medium are you using to create this change?

What do you even mean by vibrational state? Or change?

Your problem isnt limiting beliefs or baggage per say… your problem is a lack of specificity. Get clearer on your goals and what change you’d like to create on this world.

Go through the course again and become dead clear on these things.

A five year old child should get the gist of what your mission is by reading your life purpose statement. No abstractions. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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