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Terell Kirby

How/why did God forget what its true nature?

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Contemplation: in reference to human incarnation, how did God lose consciousness of its itself as God? My initial hunch is the sheer of amount of survival demands placed upon humans who live an (imagined) physical existence. But I’d like to hear your thoughts.

I hope that one day the survival demands of society is not as barbaric, and begin teaching our children in pre K-12 that they are God, and that science/survival itself is one map upon an infinite territory.

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3 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Contemplation: in reference to human incarnation, how did God lose consciousness of its itself as God?

Just lost in the words. Therefore never did.

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@James12345 you bring up a good point. Language is a monster in of itself. But then again, we cannot function in human existence without pointers/maps. The egos construction is almost like a necessary evil.

I think we ultimately need to infuse the various maps with spirituality. This take mass awakening on a collective scale…as well as coordination. (Could be a 100 year process)

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15 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

you bring up a good point. Language is a monster in of itself. But then again, we cannot function in human existence without pointers/maps. The egos construction is almost like a necessary evil.


The point is does functioning comes from the words, or even if you take an action and you dont think (name or label) there will be any functioning? 


15 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

I think we ultimately need to infuse the various maps with spirituality. This take mass awakening on a collective scale…as well as coordination. (Could be a 100 year process)

No it doesn’t. It depends on you. If you realize the thought is not you, they will slowly decrease down one day you realize that you cant even hear it, you dont feed the thoughts , they will disappear inevitably. It is hungry animal if you feed it gets bigger, if you dont it dies. 

Edited by James12345

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@James12345 yes yes, all this is true..but on an individual level. There is consciousness work that we can all do in our personal lives to come spiritual insight and realization. But that’s not enough…our various systems (primarily education) needs to leverage existing pointers and concepts to get us to a place where we ultimately realize that none of the pointers are needed.

 It took language (as well as other survival mechanisms) to get us to our awakening in human form, otherwise we’d be dead before making any substantial progress.

Rarely do you get human incarnations that are 100% enlightened at the start. We cannot put the cart before the horse.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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living things self-design to survive. survival in humans depends largely on their adaptation to society. it also has the peculiarity of language. in humans it occurs whenever the desire to survive, manifested as a desire to adapt, occupies an enormous space. the human is valued as others value him. if it were a monkey the matter  would be relatively simple, a few screams, alpha male, females, etc. but the human has the language. with it he creates a huge world of values, ideas, concepts, castes, projections, memories, which inevitably occupies his entire psyche and is lost there, creating the appearance of an individual. Getting out of that maze is not easy, in fact it is extremely difficult. here we are trying to undo the tangle

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

all this is true..but on an individual level. There is consciousness work that we can all do in our personal lives to come spiritual insight and realization. But that’s not enough…our various systems (primarily education) needs to leverage existing pointers and concepts to get us to a place where we ultimately realize that none of the pointers are needed.

The thing is if you dont think these stuff there will be no educational level or difficulties of our environment conditions which makes hard to get enlightened. All hard stuff is just the thoughts conditions does not matter, you create the conditions with thinking. ?  


7 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

 It took language (as well as other survival mechanisms) to get us to our awakening. Rarely do you get human incarnations that are 100% enlightened at the start. We cannot put the cart before the horse.

Enlightenment comes with letting of thinking. Questioning, learning can never brings you to enlightenment. Giving up the language brings you to enlightenment. Actually learning creates the ego, as I or birth.

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16 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

living things self-design to survive. survival in humans depends largely on their adaptation to society. it also has the peculiarity of language. in humans it occurs whenever the desire to survive, manifested as a desire to adapt, occupies an enormous space. the human is valued as others value him. if it were a monkey in matter it would be relatively simple, a few screams, alpha male, females, etc. but the human has the language. with it he creates a huge world of values, ideas, concepts, castes, projections, memories, which inevitably occupies his entire psyche and is lost there. Getting out of that maze is not easy, in fact it is extremely difficult. here we are trying to undo the tangle

Such a good perspective, our bodies have been evolved preserve the human ego at all cost. Language structures our worldview that is favorable Like I said earlier, it’s total delusion..but absolutely necessary to build a society. There’s wisdom in survival, but also a capacity to transcend. Question far is humanity away from it, and what can we do as an awakened collective to push it forward?


10 minutes ago, James12345 said:

Enlightenment comes with letting of thinking. Questioning, learning can never brings you to enlightenment. Giving up the language brings you to enlightenment. Actually learning creates the ego, as I or birth.

Enlightenment is a learning process. It starts with many questions: what I am? What is reality? Etc.

you sound like the typical Buddhist or Neo-advaita type. Notice these perspectives our limited and can easily develop into spiritual ego.

Understanding the mind is just as important as silencing it. For us humans at least ?

Edited by Terell Kirby

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5 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

@James12345 Nice one ?



3 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Enlightenment is a learning process. I respectfully disagree with you on this. Understanding the mind is just as important as silencing it. 

Of course, you are right. you must learn, search, analyze till you realize that enlightenment doesn’t come from thinking or learning. Than you give that up. 

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51 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Contemplation: in reference to human incarnation, how did God lose consciousness of its itself as God? My initial hunch is the sheer of amount of survival demands placed upon humans who live an (imagined) physical existence. But I’d like to hear your thoughts.

I hope that one day the survival demands of society is not as barbaric, and begin teaching our children in pre K-12 that they are God, and that science/survival itself is one map upon an infinite territory.

Because that's what it means to be. Being is indiscriminate, and it knows no end to it's limitation. See, what you call God is perfectly comfortable being ignorant of it's own "nature", because to truly be it's full nature is to be all limitation. It only makes sense from your small, contracted perspective to seek "Godhood". You are framing this the wrong way. God didn't lose anything by what you call "unconsciousness", it gained all things, all of existence, doing so. To not be limited would mean for it to reject itself, to reject all of existence.

And without existence the little story you tell yourself about what god is and isn't, what god does and doesn't do, what god can and cannot do, would not exist. Your idea of Truth is selective, moralistic. It denies Being and puts Being against itself. In this way you and this very path are just another way of surviving.

You cannot escape survival, because to survive means to exist. And existence is eternal, infinite. Your cessation will be your beginning.


This should be obvious. If you are God and you created all of this, to return to yourself, as you so enjoy to frame it, what do you think you will do when you are God once more? You will do that which you have always done.

But this perspective is merely one falsely truthful prespective among all other perspectives. God never lost consciousness of itself being God. What you call ignorance is the Greatest Wisdom, what you call falsehood is the greatest Truth. What you call survival is Love in it's purest form.

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12 minutes ago, Scholar said:

See, what you call God is perfectly comfortable being ignorant of it's own "nature", because to truly be it's full nature is to be all limitation.

And how do you know this?

When I realized that I was God…I sure as hell was not cool with being ignorant for 30 years of human existence ?. Speak for your own ignorance, and notice that you are making that choice. What I call God is me…and it’s also you. To not recognize this means you are still in the dark.

12 minutes ago, Scholar said:

And without existence the little story you tell yourself about what god is and isn't, what god does and doesn't do, what god can and cannot do, would not exist. Your idea of Truth is selective, moralistic. It denies Being and puts Being against itself. In this way you and this very path are just another way of surviving.

Sounds like you are in denial buddy. Have you even realized that you are God yet? God realization is not a “story” as you insinuate. Best to check yourself so you don’t sound like a jerk. God is Truth… and Truth ain’t an idea.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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6 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

And how do you know this?

When I realized that I was God…I sure as hell was not cool with being ignorant for 30 years of human existence ?.

You think God was not cool with being ignorant for 30 years? God has created an infinite amount of universes with an infinite amount of beings which exist for an infinite amount of time in what you call pure ignorance. You haven't realized anything, you have created a little story for yourself that is a result of the limitations of your own chimp mind. That's all.


Look at the arrogance of this. You created all of existence, Infinity, you created it in absolute Perfection. And now one small chunk of yourself got a taste of this and it deems it's own morality to that of the All. That's a story, a story of an ignorant chimp.


But that's okay, you created this precisely because that is what you want. That's what it means to exist.

Edited by Scholar

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1 minute ago, Scholar said:

You think God was not cool with being ignorant for 30 years? God has created an infinite amount of universes with an infinite amount of beings which exist for an infinite amount of time in what you call pure ignorance. speak of God as if it’s separate from you. You’re still not getting it, the words you use says it all. You are the arrogant one here…choosing to be deluded,  but I understand. The Truth is a scary thing to digest.

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Just now, Terell Kirby said: speak of God as if it’s separate from you. You’re still not getting it, the words you use says it all. You are the arrogant one here…choosing to be deluded,  but I understand. The Truth is a scary thing to digest.

Well, not everyone can be helped. ^_^

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By the way, just because you can't imagine it being possible that Duality and Non-Duality can both exist at the same time, doesn't mean that isn't that case. That is simply a limitation to your imagination, one caused by you being a little chimp that takes it's own perspective over all else. Of course that's what you would do, that's what it means to be a chimp.

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3 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Well, not everyone can be helped. ^_^

Agreed, including chimps like you lol. You are a good example of challenge humanity faces with waking up on a global/collective scale.

Back to my original question, how do we help folks like you and others who are terrified of realizing that they are God? It’s a challenging tasks for big egos, but can be tackled systemically..but this could take years and many instances of ego backlash.

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1 minute ago, Terell Kirby said:

Agreed, including chimps like you lol. You are a good example of challenge humanity faces with waking up on a global/collective scale.

Back to my original question, how do we help folks like you and others who are terrified of realizing that they are God? It’s a challenging tasks for big egos, but can be tackled systemically..but this could take years and many instances of ego backlash.

The more important question is why do you think it's important to realize that you are God? Why do you think you must discover Truth? Why do you seek to escape this very Truth that is clearly Being itself?

Because you are just as much a chimp as anyone else you call unconscious. The only difference is that I have recognized this and you remain to seek to create hierarchies of Truth and Ignorance.

That itself is a duality which is purely illusiory. Without which you wouldn't even care about getting enlightened.

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6 minutes ago, Scholar said:

The more important question is why do you think it's important to realize that you are God? Why do you think you must discover Truth?

Great questions. Because to realize these things is the end of your suffering, but your ego looks at is as death. This is why you are lashing out..and name calling. Notice how protective your ego is in maintaining your human identity.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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