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I have had a recurring “nightmare” since I was 8 years old. How do I solve it?

22 posts in this topic

Just now, Nahm said:


Kids don’t really think in terms of malice like adults. If neglected, abandoned, alienated, etc, they act it out unknowingly. Maybe from his shoes, you had the better parental living situation, or attention. 

His home life at his mom’s wasn’t as good. I don’t believe he was ever abused, but I know that our older brother was regularly beaten by his step-dad. I’m sure this cascaded into all other crevices of their family dynamics is ways. I could definitely see him being jealous of home life in some way, but this might have been happening at more of a subconscious level for him too. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Yes, I suspect & intuit the same. The verbiage, or context of the joke on you about being abducted by aliens… on the underlying energetic level… might have been an expression of resentment from your brother… getting back at you for you having it better….which might have left an imprint of guilt upon you. You might not see that you had it better at all, and that would be key - to see what he sees or saw. This might play itself out in your life as never-nesting. As in, whenever there is peace, comfort, ease, when you are embraced & welcomed somewhere, or in a relationship… a subconscious pattern might rear it’s head and take over and disrupt it. The root of this could be innocently, yet inappropriately internalizing a reasoning that you don’t deserve it. 



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