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I have had a recurring “nightmare” since I was 8 years old. How do I solve it?

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From when I was about 6-8 years old, my older brother and neighbor would tease me that I was going to get abducted by aliens. When I was 8 years old, I had a dream that I was abducted. I do not have the same abduction dream, but every few months or so I have a dream with a single alien in it. These used to be nightmares until I discovered how to escape the dream immediately which is to run at the alien and decide I’m just going to beat the absolute living fuck out of it lol. It’s kind of funny that my subconscious has remembered this way out of the dream every time, but I feel like this subconscious fear of the alien and anger toward it might be keeping me from being able to experience more love and be happier. 

Ive heard that dreams which recur have a message which is not being understood properly which is why it keeps coming. How would you suggest I resolve this? I’m thinking about trying to go to sleep with the intention to try to communicate civilly and accept the alien in my dream rather than try to fight it. I think this might take a lucid dream as in normal dreaming the pattern which wants to see the alien as an adversary is too strong. Any advice would be appreciated. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Dwelve more into that feeling, that dream, without judging. See it for what it is and relax, without trying to control the outcome. 



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Become an active Lucid Dreamer, that can take control of a dream any time you choose to. When the reoccurring dream starts, take control of the dream and alter it at your will. As you alter the dream to be whatever you want, be it making it fun or silly or comforting, you will be dismantling the dreams significance to you. And once it loses it's meaning, it will no longer come back into existence when you dream. And even if it did, you could again Lucid Dream and take control and have fun with it. 

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wish I had such a good recurring dream! 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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4 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I discovered how to escape the dream immediately which is to run at the alien and decide I’m just going to beat the absolute living fuck out of it

Have you tried to run at it and love the living fuck out of it?;) 

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18 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

From when I was about 6-8 years old, my older brother and neighbor would tease me that I was going to get abducted by aliens. When I was 8 years old, I had a dream that I was abducted. I do not have the same abduction dream, but every few months or so I have a dream with a single alien in it. These used to be nightmares until I discovered how to escape the dream immediately which is to run at the alien and decide I’m just going to beat the absolute living fuck out of it lol. It’s kind of funny that my subconscious has remembered this way out of the dream every time, but I feel like this subconscious fear of the alien and anger toward it might be keeping me from being able to experience more love and be happier. 

Ive heard that dreams which recur have a message which is not being understood properly which is why it keeps coming. How would you suggest I resolve this? I’m thinking about trying to go to sleep with the intention to try to communicate civilly and accept the alien in my dream rather than try to fight it. I think this might take a lucid dream as in normal dreaming the pattern which wants to see the alien as an adversary is too strong. Any advice would be appreciated. 

I had a nightmare around two months ago with these giant rat creatures surrounding me. I said something to the tune of “I’m not scared because the blood of Jesus is against you!” When I said that I started ascending upwards very quickly for 5-10 seconds then I woke up. Around three weeks ago I had another dream where I saw this Gollum looking creature crawling out of a pit. I said the same thing and I saw his face tremble as he crawled back into his pit. Afterwards my dream became much more pleasant. Well that’s all I got I’d be interested to hear your results if you try it out!

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16 hours ago, Tim R said:

Have you tried to run at it and love the living fuck out of it?;) 

I’ve awakened my crown chakra, clairsentience, or Holy Spirit depending on what language you want to use by having telepathic communication with them in my waking life. As this is a rather subconscious issue, it’s hard to control the nature of those actions in non-lucid dreams even when my conscious mind would never aim to harm. This makes me wonder if the lucid dreaming tactic would work, but I think at the very least it would help me pull another layer of the onion back in order to be closer to loving them fully as Self. 

Watch the video if you want to hear possibly the strangest story of awakening the Holy Spirit that has ever happened. 

The Grays - My Story of ET Contact

Once you’re feeling up to entering into divine love and bliss with beings who abduct humans without consent, you can move on to the story of maximizing the Holy Spirit through loving the Personification of Evil himself. Here’s the video for that ?

How I Experienced Back-to-Back Cessations Through Bhakti & Love (instead of meditating)


What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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17 hours ago, hamedsf said:

wish I had such a good recurring dream! 

Lmao, last night I saw the light reflect off of the top of the alien’s head barely showing that unquestionable shape about one mile away and immediately said to myself something to the effect of “it’s that motherfucker again!” in a very pissed off tone. To be fair though, I almost never feel true hatred and anger in my life. I am one of the least angry people you could ever meet, so maybe my subconscious is just giving me a good practicing ground to exercise violence in a way that does not harm beings on planet Earth. If so, good job subconscious mind! 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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For the longest time I had a recurring dream about being trapped in a big mansion with a bunch of zombies. Pretty sure it came from watching my brother's friend play Resident Evil (the original one) at our house at an early age. Eventually the dream turned from scary to comical, and then it stopped happening altogether. *shrug*

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Talking about a nightmare strengthens the image. This makes the memory more scary, and the dream is more likely to recur the next night. If you remain calm, and encourage yourself c think about something more pleasant, you help the memory of the dream to fade away (just like most of our dreams do…)


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34 minutes ago, impulse9 said:

For the longest time I had a recurring dream about being trapped in a big mansion with a bunch of zombies. Pretty sure it came from watching my brother's friend play Resident Evil (the original one) at our house at an early age. Eventually the dream turned from scary to comical, and then it stopped happening altogether. *shrug*

Yeah this is exactly what I think would work, but it’s just really hard to see exactly how to make this happen intentionally. The last major improvement with my fear of ETs came from an ayahuasca ceremony where I fell asleep on the ayahuasca both nights in a row. I’m planning to go to the same retreat soon with the intention to understand this fear and develop greater love for my childhood (possibly real or imaginary) abductors. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

What happened when you were eight? 

I was abducted by aliens in a dream which took place in the house I was in with all noticeable details consistent with normal reality then awoke in my bed with the sensation of what felt like a cold hand touch my arm before I was paralyzed with fear. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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7 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Before that…? 

I was primed with fear of alien abduction by my brother and neighbor for a couple years. My brother always said that the aliens would abduct me when he wasn’t there. We shared a room, and he stayed at his mom’s house on and off. I think we should revoke his CPA for this. 

This fear was naturally expounded by seeing aliens discussed in pop culture and my idea that living in the country isolated from people would make abduction more feasible. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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2 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Lmao, last night I saw the light reflect off of the top of the alien’s head barely showing that unquestionable shape about one mile away and immediately said to myself something to the effect of “it’s that motherfucker again!” in a very pissed off tone. To be fair though, I almost never feel true hatred and anger in my life. I am one of the least angry people you could ever meet, so maybe my subconscious is just giving me a good practicing ground to exercise violence in a way that does not harm beings on planet Earth. If so, good job subconscious mind! 

see? you're having sci-fi dreams 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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12 minutes ago, Nahm said:


 What was his life like such that he would deflect onto you and be so cruel?  Why was he envious, jealous, and spiteful toward you? 

He was just a young teenager teasing his brother. He never imagined the effect it would have on me and feels some guilt for it now. I don’t see it with any real malice personally. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Kids don’t really think in terms of malice like adults. If neglected, abandoned, alienated, etc, they act it out unknowingly. Maybe from his shoes, you had the better parental living situation, or attention. 



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1 minute ago, hamedsf said:

see? you're having sci-fi dreams 

Yeah I don’t really have an issue with the dream. It is kind of cool to kick alien ass every once in a while. It doesn’t produce any overt suffering in my life or even in the dream as I know they have no power over me in my own dreams anymore. I’m just suspicious that the subconscious anger and fear could be affecting my life in some subtle way. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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