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What to Do Now, That Is the Question

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Leo made a list of things to research to do etc. but that might make me more or less productive depending on my focus (doing the do nothing technique is also a valid option). How do you create a plan so clear that you're never stuck on what to do? If you don't, are you consistent with knowing what to do in the present moment and how?

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According to leo I assume you don't need a plan you need a purpose first, then planning it's effortless.

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14 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:





let it flow baby

Your right, I sometimes need these things to find the outcome. These things are generally geared towards activities which might be necessary before knowing what outcome I want (although I do agree with the outcome Leo explained, what is the alternative)? Let me elaborate more, Leo's outcome through his videos are so meta and all encompassing, that it's okay to agree with it (like finding your life purpose for example if you haven't already). I can also intuit the necessary outcome with passion, interest, and curiosity.   

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@AndylizedAAY Ask any questions you please :) . I used to have a bit of a crush on Tony so I know allllllll about his work :ph34r:.

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