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how is possible that i am still single?

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1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:


Value for guys is not just looks but other stuff. A 4/10 looking guy can have other things that give him the same sexual value as a 8/10 looking girl.

Yes the differences of sexes should be taken into considertion indeed.  :) 

Never met a 4/10 man who could offer me 8/10 sexual value ????

Keep calling me misogynistic. I don't care. As @TK2021 mentioned, 4/10 guy approaching me, communicates to me that he thinks he is good enough for me. Rolling me eyes here. 

If it was like 6/10 or 7/10 - ok I understand - a guy is good looking enough and wants someone slightly more attractive than him, which is normal, all of us want a better deal. 

But 4/10 approaching a 8/10, really? ? If this is not self delusion, than what is? ???

Just put yourself into a pretty woman's shoes. An ugly and fat woman starts flirting with you at the gym or some place and you normally dated like 6/10 or 7/10 and she is 4/10 at best. 

How would you feel about it? Wouldn't you think she lost touch with reality? 

I am sorry I am not politically correct and say things directly and that might offend people with big egos. But it's not my job to safeguard your fragile egos. I am sorry. 



23 hours ago, AdamR95 said:


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6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Please, stop saying nonsense. "Delude themselves" as if being not good looking would make you kneel in front of the woman or something ? (and i say this already being a 7).

The fact that you said you are an 8 already just tells me you are not making sense with all this "rating" thing. 

Check in with your ego and see why my obviously truthfull comments trigger u so much? ?

23 hours ago, AdamR95 said:


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4 minutes ago, Vzdoh said:

ust put yourself into a pretty woman's shoes. An ugly and fat woman starts flirting with you at the gym or some place and you normally dated like 6/10 or 7/10 and she is 4/10 at best. 

Value for guys and girls is assymetrical. The comparison is false. Imagine a weak needy loser that has no job and has 0 confidence approach you. That would be the equivalent of the ugly fat girl.

4 minutes ago, Vzdoh said:

Never met a 4/10 man who could offer me 8/10 sexual value

Most players would prove you wrong.


Edited by Karmadhi

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6 minutes ago, Vzdoh said:

How would you feel about it? Wouldn't you think she lost touch with reality? 

No i would not. Everyone has the right to go for what they want and what they think is best for them. Getting "offended" for such a thing is the definition of arrogance and narcisism. Now would i date her? That depends. But neither way i would admire her courage because putting yourself on the line deserves some respect when done in a cool way.

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2 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:


Value for guys and girls is assymetrical. The comparison is false. Imagine a weak needy loser that has no job and has 0 confidence approach you. That would be the equivalent of the ugly fat girl.

Most players would prove you wrong.

U seriously think in my 39 years players never approached me? ????

All players I met were 8/10, that's why they are players ?

One was 6/10, but then he hit my asian fetish. So for me personally he was more of a 7/10.

And I am talking about initial attraction which is mainly based on looks and presentation. I am not attracted to guys who are below 5/10 even after having a deep and meaningful convo with them and even if they have an amazing job and success and what not. Why? 

Because there are plenty of 6-7-8/10s who have the same and I have plenty of choice. ?


23 hours ago, AdamR95 said:


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5 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

No i would not. Everyone has the right to go for what they want and what they think is best for them. Getting "offended" for such a thing is the definition of arrogance and narcisism. Now would i date her? That depends. But neither way i would admire her courage because putting yourself on the line deserves some respect when done in a cool way.

Ok. I am arrogant and narcissistic then ? I don't mind ?

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5 minutes ago, Vzdoh said:

How would you feel about it? Wouldn't you think she lost touch with reality? 




No, I wouldn't. I would say those that are categorizing others in numbers are those that are losing touch with reality. Fully embracing the idea of separation between us, even to the point of belittling those we don't deem worthy I would say is the height of losing touch with reality. If an overweight woman approached a man with fit body due to him going to the gym the last thing I'm going to say is there is something wrong with that. She either has enough love for herself to have the confidence to approach him or she is ignorant to this number scale that your "fragile" ego is categorizing people into. There is nothing inherently wrong for putting a number on a person. But, I would do some serious self reflection if you believe if someone takes offense to what you are saying, it's only their insecurities talking and it has nothing to do with your own personal insecurities.

People are free to rate me as they wish, but the moment they do no matter what rating they give me even if it's high. I see it as an unattractive quality to do so. The only time I would feel bad in a situation like this, is if a woman was scared to approach me because she believed I was "out of her league" simply by looks alone. I would never want anyone to feel that way about themselves because seeing yourself as something not as good as "other" or seeing yourself better than "other" well neither are out of a place of self-love and I only wish to see others love themselves. 

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For masculine activities and primal vibe it is good to do male dominated competitive sports, like lifting heavy, running faster, boxing and kick boxing, any sport where u look around other guys and know inside of yourself u r faster, stronger, more masculine than 80% of men in the room. This should give you some masculine boost! 

One guy I met was super proud of his dick and performance in bed. He made me come like 10 times and was super proud of himself. 

Basically do anything that makes u feel more masculine than the rest and tune in into this feeling each time when you are talking to a hot girl. 

Like that dude with his D fetish, he basically transmitted this vibe to me that he can fuck my brains out - that was hot! And quite masculine if you ask me. 

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You probably need to improve your skills if you have trouble converting approaches to dates.

Not saying I am better than any of you but my approaches got better when I studied more techniques. 

For example, a simple ask like 'May I have your Instagram?' will sometimes get an instant no out of fear from the lady but if you rephrase to 'What is your instagram', your chances to get connected will be higher.

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6 minutes ago, Vzdoh said:

he basically transmitted this vibe to me that he can fuck my brains out - that was hot

So you care about vibe now, not just looks ;)

15 minutes ago, Vzdoh said:

I am not attracted to guys who are below 5/10

Maybe you arent but other girls are. How do you think guys below 5/10 get laid by hot girls? I am sure you see it from time to time.



Edited by Karmadhi

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4 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:


So you care about vibe now, not just looks ;)

Maybe you arent but other girls are. How do you think guys below 5/10 get laid by hot girls? I am sure you see it from time to time.



The D dude was a decent 6/10 overall and in Singapore probably 7/10. White guys here have +1 point by default due to Asian girls chasing them like super prize ????

Combined with the vibe it worked. 

I never said I am only into looks. We discussed initial approach only. And that largely happening based on looks and presentation. 

One can give off a vibe only after a few interactions. 

Somehow I never met a 4/10 or 5/10 that had a good confident vibe. And not inflated ego and arrogant source of that confidence. 

I can basically smell when confidence comes from deep within because the guy loves himself and respects himself. 

Or when that confidence comes from the place of thinking too highly of yourself and maintaining an inflated ego. 

These are two distinct vibes. 

Never found the 1st one in guys who are 4/10 or 5/10. Always the 2nd somehow. 

23 hours ago, AdamR95 said:

@Raptorsin7 probably the case

the question is how to do that?

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@Vzdoh Ok fair points. That is because it is a lot easier to have genuine confidence when a guy is good looking, does not mean it cannot happen though. Otherwise as i said you would never see an average guy with a hot girl, however you do from time to time. Plenty of players are average looking and still managed to get results. But yes it is rare and not suprised you did not see it. I personally have met guys that pull it off but you can tell when you meet them easily. I think vibe is just as important as looks and vibe is noticed asap, you do need to talk much to tell.

Edited by Karmadhi

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Lol, don't hate on @Vzdoh, especially those that complain "women aren't honest about what they want" she's being really honest here. 

Being at least a 6 is easy. On top of that going to areas where there are more hot women means that it's easier to get with women in general-- supply and demand. 

That being said, if deep down you think you're not good enough, overcompensating by being cocky is emphasizing your insecurity. You need reference experience. Which is done by actually approaching. You need to legit not care about a woman's opinion of you. 

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8 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

It is exactly this kind of attitude that make guys insecure around girls they consider attractive. How about instead of this negative stuff saying something like: Respect to that guy for actually having the balls and going for what he wants even if according to society it is out of his league. As long as he was not rude or mean or harrasing you then no need for such negative vibe.

How are they supposed to behave? From 1 side you girls tell guys to be confident and cool and then when they actually act confident you say this stuff. So basically you only want "handsome" guys to be confident and anyone else is outside your periphery. This attitude is exactly what creates incels. Maybe those 4s have other things to offer? 

Honestly i expect more from girls in this forum, if a guy wrote this it would be labeled as misogonistic shallow hate.  I do not blame Leo and most guys i know in real life for telling me not to listen to girls, listening to them ruins your self-esteem. This is a good example why.

I said it's courageous of them to do so. I appreciate it  and I acknowledge my problem as a female lacking social skills (i'm the living example that u can have a nice physique and career and fail at attracting because after that initial approach from men i think they got scared or something :D)

Definitely they'd have something to offer...but we still are biased about that they say about looks and attraction.

I value those who work on themselves to become the best the can get to be and it probably puts them ahead of those who already are nice and have not developed those skills...BUT... I need to feel a vibe and to feel attraction it has to be compensate. I DO NEED some intellectual traits, aswell (big problem)

Edited by ertopolice

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