
Self Improvement , Thinking In Second Language Not Mother One

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does any one here in this forum having the this kind of issue as i have it since i learned English , once i started self help staffs  now somehow i'm doing very good progress but the issue is that its somehow difficult to do it in my mother language for example buying self help in my mother language doesn't have any impact on me like English do and second issue is that i can discuses any topics in this forum let say like enlightenment, meditation spiritual staffs  and i do understanding them perfectly but if someone asking me to explain them in my language i see its not the same effect somehow not complete but when i'm telling them in second even third language much better outcomes.

is there any way to improve this habit?

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@Harvey Well, if it makes you feel any better, I struggle to explain enlightenment in my 1st language too. Enlightenment is a tricky thing to communicate clearly in any language.

But practice makes perfect.

If it's really that important to you, grab a dictionary and start building up your vocabulary.

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@Leo Gura  many thanks Leo for your advise i will take your advise into my consideration , however I do care about only those ones I love and they don't aware about these cool Enlightenment staffs.

I want to share any good knowledge whatever I learn during my process toward it and I guess this is the essence of learning  :)

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@Harvey Adding to what Leo said, if you would like to improve your english vocabulary then try and read a dictionary and do that daily, to really improve quickly and try to use new words that you find, as much as possible when you come into contact with others who speak English.

Also, once you become very good at reading and writing English by using the Dictionary, try to pick up a thesaurus, which will expand your English vocabulary, even further within the foreseeable future.

But, make sure you do plenty of reading and writing whilst using that dictionary, as that will have the greatest affect on your language and communication. Which will result in your English improving a lot.

Good luck!  

Edited by Aamir King

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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