
The course didn't help

13 posts in this topic

I did the course and i don't doubt it's very hood material but didn't  help to me. It was very difficult to chose the right vales and the exercices didn't help because I keep questioning what i'm doing and can't focus. 

I am 22 and I don't know  know what to do with my profesional life.

I dont have any particular hobby and i don't know where to start. Any advice on how to figure out? Is it a good plan to not tale this too seriously for now and try new hobbies till Ifind something I love?

Edited by Guillem12

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@Guillem12 Seems like maybe you need to get to know yourself better. And I don’t think we can help you discover your loves in life.

What are things you gravitate towards? What are you watching? What are you looking up on the internet? What books have you read? What’s something you spend a lot of time thinking about? Try retracing your steps of interests you have had and maybe that will show you the answers. Hope this helps I love you


edit: great thing about social media sites is that they curate your feed to your interests. See your reflection through that.

Edited by KennedyCarter

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You are very young, so you got little experience as grist for the mill.

Keep contemplating your values and they will get refined over time. This is not a thing you do only once. As you gain more life experience revisit the exercises in the course.

Don't forget to start making "small bets". This is crucial for gaining the experience necessary as grist for the mill.

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Here are some practical steps you could take:

  • Read autobiographies of successful people and visionaries such as Walt Disney and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Travel alone to a foreign country
  • Create a list of things you have a mild interest in (e.g. programming, public speaking, dancing...), expose yourself to these things, and observe how you feel.
  • Do a solo retreat, eliminate distractions and contemplate.

After doing the above, revisit the life purpose course. Rinse and repeat.

I hope that helps ? 



Also, look at your top 10 values every single day. Use it as a compass to guide you in making decisions.

Edited by SaltyMeatballs

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Figure out your interests. Whatever those are, study them, contemplate them. You’ll stumble upon something or find what you want to devote your life to (if that’s your concern).

First, realize that intellectually trying to decide what’s best is doomed to fail. You can be constantly comparing and second-guessing yourself.

Do stuff. Experiment. Test. Practice. Once you find a field or activity or subject you like, throw yourself into it -- that is, master it. To get you out of your mind, consider that basically a job’s purpose (for the individual) is for her/him to make a living.

We’re both the same age, I keep falling into the same trap.

Edited by Arzola

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On 23/08/2021 at 6:56 PM, Guillem12 said:

I did the course and i don't doubt it's very hood material but didn't  help to me. It was very difficult to chose the right vales and the exercices didn't help because I keep questioning what i'm doing and can't focus. 

I am 22 and I don't know  know what to do with my profesional life.

I dont have any particular hobby and i don't know where to start. Any advice on how to figure out? Is it a good plan to not tale this too seriously for now and try new hobbies till Ifind something I love?

   Good place to start is picking an art as a hooby, like drawing, and learning some marketing. The drawing helps you strenhhen your observation skills, and visualization. The marketing is more long term, when you want to market your value as an employee, or your small business. Might as well learn financial investments.

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What'd you pursue if you were given £100 million tomorrow, after buying material pleasures, property, etc?

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i started this course when I was 17. I realize now this was kind of a mistake lol. at age 22 right now. Takes some time to get used to the course. the benefits come out of this course after some experience, not right away surprisingly

Edited by charlie cho

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At first I found selecting values very challenging as well because it was overwhelming to decide, so I kind of put it to the side and let it mull in my mind. 

Every once in a while, I thought about it, while reading self-help material and improving other aspects of my life. I felt like this was necessary for me as I can be an indecisive person and life changes/challenges make me afraid. After about 1-2 months, I felt ready and revisited the exercises about 1 week ago and I had a much easier time deciding my authentic values. Even doing the exercises before deciding values was easier and felt more authentic.

It's necessary to be a good, self-accepting, and open headspace. If you are doubting yourself or are having any fear, then inauthentic ideas and values can slip in. 

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Maybe you need to park that course for 5 years and expose yourself to more life experience first. Read a bunch of books of completely different genres, get a few jobs, travel the world a bit (once covid restrictions lift ), talk to people from foreign countries, join toastmasters. You know savour diversity. 

At 22 it is possible you just haven't been exposed to the wide world enough. Try to get some more diverse experience and then come back to it in 5 years, you may see things differently. 

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On 23/08/2021 at 7:56 PM, Guillem12 said:

I did the course and i don't doubt it's very hood material but didn't  help to me. It was very difficult to chose the right vales and the exercices didn't help because I keep questioning what i'm doing and can't focus. 

I am 22 and I don't know  know what to do with my profesional life.

I dont have any particular hobby and i don't know where to start. Any advice on how to figure out? Is it a good plan to not tale this too seriously for now and try new hobbies till Ifind something I love?

Go to your YouTube history right now, and tell me what are the common themes in there.

What interests do you have that not all of your peers have?

What are the oddities?

Edited by flowboy

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@Guillem12  In this case it is pretty clear. Go alone 1 week into a rented house with the only intention to figure out what u wanna do with your life. No distractions, no phone, no tv, no books: just you by yourself. Have a real talk with yourself. Choose what YOU want to do, choose your path, your way. Nobody can really help you, it's your unique thing that you have to discover.

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There are so many exercises to do/principles to implement from the must-read list - go for it homie

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