
Loving principles to navigate life

1 post in this topic

I got inspired by Leo’s recent video “Everyone Acts from Good Intentions” and put together a list of loving principles for interacting with people. I thought it would be nice to share them and collect more suggestions!

  • Recognise everyone acts from their best intentions
  • Recognise everyone acts from the breadth and depth of their consciousness
  • Seek to understand, not to agree or teach. Understanding does not mean agreeing with another’s interpretation of reality; it’s simply having respect for the conditioning another mind has had and the compassion which flows out of that recognition.
  • Understand that people often mean different things when they use the same terms. Clarify what they mean by their terms when necessary. Do not presume people mean the same things when they speak about happiness, love, higher self, etc.
  • Care to represent experience in words as accurately as possible. Words won't express the absolute unless they are recognised to be a form of it, but it doesn't mean we should not bother to try and convey reality as clearly as we can.
  • Clarify people’s reasons for saying something when unclear. Don’t make unnecessary assumptions.
  • Be grateful for experience showing up the way it does.
  • When interacting with another human being, be conscious you are God interacting with God showing up as you interacting with them.

Edited by Lilia

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