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Realization while socializing

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As usual, I do street interviews, I meet people, I sometimes have drinks with some strangers.

And I realized that when I almost didn't think, everything was easier. There were no judgments about me, no feelings of being uncomfortable or not confident enough. From time to time it came back in parts but I was directly aware of it and I let go.

And I was able to talk to people easily and naturally like never before. I settled down for a drink with 3 girls I didn't know and everything went perfectly. There was no more desire to please, fear of not being liked or a desire to get a girl's number... and before the "old me" would never sit down with the girls or if he did, he would not feel good because of all his worries and thinking.

At the moment I'm asking myself a lot of questions about free will, I have a hard time realizing that life is like a movie that unfolds and that I have the right to not think about anything, I will still be guided where I must go.
I wonder if I totally let go, I could become like the observer of what is happening and let my body do everything because it is automatic?

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