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I recommend you check out these guys

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I have studied the fitness industry for at least 5 years on my own now, and finally i found the guys that make the most sense, and actually have the experience and client results to back everything up. So without further ado, i invite you to search for Lucas Aaron @rangeofstrength, and Jeffrey Wolf @theflexibull on IG.

 I've made a post some time ago about flexibility where i've mentioned them, but now i actually have been working with Lucas for the past 5 weeks and As far as i'm concerned, this is the golden standard for fitness. These guys have been out there in the trenches actually training people day in day out for over 10 years, themselves being mentored by the best in their field, and all their clients consistently get results (they are friends and no matter which one you pick you will be getting top quality stuff, although they have each their own unique spin to it. I personally went with Lucas, because he also offers "Old Time Strongman" programs).


You can go on IG to see for yourselves, but let me explain a bit why how they work is so awesome :D 


You get an app, and all your workouts are scheduled and in each workout you have video tutorials (which are exceptionally well explained) for each exercise. 

Everybody will generally start with The Milestones System, which includes 3 main programs: The Basics Program, The Graduate Program, and Feats of Range Program. Each program has multiple 6 week phases, which build on top of each other.

After completing The Basics Program, you will acquire the following Milestones:

(google them)

  • Sagittal Plane:

- palms to floor pike x 30sec

- seated seiza x 60sec

- long lunge x 30 sec

- seated pike lift x 15sec

  • Frontal Plane:

- standing IR split x 30sec (you just hold one leg to the side with bent knees)

- 3 step Horse Stance x 2min

- standing pancake head to floor x 30sec

- adductor lift x 10 reps @ 10% bw 

  • Shoulders & Spine

- hanging strength x 60sec passive, 30sec active, 10sec one arm

- elevated bridge hold x 30sec, vertical arms

- prone y lift x 30sec, maintaining good alignment

- loaded shoulder extension @ 10% bw within 50-60 degrees

These are the BASIC milestones, and as you can see, they are not exactly a bodyweight squat or bench press or anything like that. They are simple, and may sound easy (and that's the point) but some of them are tough! Have you tried sitting in a proper horse stance for 2 minutes, or hang with just one arm? Or do you have a palms to floor pike at any time of day? Most people certainly cannot do those things. 


The Graduate Milestones includes stuff like Romanian Deadlifts x 5 reps @ 100% bodyweight and stuff like that. 

Further down the line you will work on Front and Side Splits, Back Bridge, Head to Toe and all sorts of cool stuff like that. If you choose.

You can take on two programs at once. I personally am on the Feats of Range and Old Time Strength programs. (if you want to know more about old time strongman search for James R Fuller on IG and/or look up the Rogue documentaries on Arthur Saxon, George Hackenschmidt etc.)

My favorite part is that you can chat with Lucas and one other coach at any time. They are really nice and answer any question (in a few hours, tipically) and encourage you to give as much feedback as possible.


These guys REALLY know their anatomy. This is actual strength. But don't expect to see this stuff in the mainstream. Working hard for a long time on the boring basics isn't flashy enough for the mainstream. What catches peoples eyes are the big muscles and big numbers and BIG everything. Basically the fitness industry is dominated  by steroid users who really specialize on one thing and get really good at it and then sell you their minimalist bias. They tell you to do ONLY powerlifting, or bodybuilding, or crossfit or stuff like that. Do ONLY kettlebells, they are the best, do ONLY calisthenics, it's all you need, or ONLY yoga, ONLY jump rope, etc.


AND THAT WON'T WORK FOR MOST PEOPLE! THIS is THE reason people aren't consistent with the gym. They're not working on the basics, and so they either get injured or mentally fatigued. Because most people don't have to and don't want to train like a specialized athlete. Most people just want to enjoy life more and to get rid of their back pain! 

...or at least that's what they actually want when they say they want to look better... because looking better will come inevitably. It will just take YEARS!!!

Regardless, the best way (most holistic, in my opinion) to do that is to get more flexible, which means  to get stronger, which will also give you a bit more cardiovascular fitness. Then you will feel like being more active, which will make it more likely to be around people more, and do your job/LP better and that will in turn boost your hormones up a bit and then you'll walk even more, and you'll get even more fit etc. you can see there are numerous compounding effects from there.

Sure, in a sense it's easy to just do strength training, or just yoga, just stretching or just cardio. But what most people need is to be decent at all of them. And that's fucking HARD to figure all out on your own. 

Anyway this was my rant. Sorry, my posts always get too long ¬¬ This is a small but important part of my LP, so i'm overly enthusiastic about it.

This is the way to train! Check them out, and ask me anything! :P 

Edited by Bogdan

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