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Have I Been Blessed?

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On 12/4/2016 at 9:15 AM, username said:

I feel totally emasculated, but it occurred to me that this may be a blessing in disguise, as now I have less distractions to pursue the spiritual path.

If you are energetic and celibate than it is good, but if you have low energy, you are tired and depressed than it becomes very difficult to grow spiritually. 

On 12/5/2016 at 8:08 AM, username said:

I could heal my body

I will tell you the three points. The first point is right exercise. The second point is right diet. And the third point is right sleep.

Any food which takes man into any kind of unconsciousness, any kind of excitement, any kind of extremity, any kind of disturbance, is harmful. For a right diet the first thing to remember is that it should not create excitement, it should not be intoxicating, it should not be heavy. After eating rightly you should not feel heaviness and drowsiness. But perhaps all of us feel heaviness and drowsiness after our meals - then we should know that we are eating wrongly.

So the first thing is that every person should be very aware and conscious about his eating. And I am saying this especially for the meditator. It is necessary for a meditator to remain aware what he eats, how much he eats, and what its effects are on his body. If a man experiments for a few months with awareness, he will certainly find out which is the right food for him, which food gives him tranquility, peace and health. There are no real difficulties but because we do not pay any attention to food, we are never able to discover the right food.

The second thing about food is that the state of our mind when we eat is much more important than what we eat. Food will affect you differently if you eat joyously, happily, or if you eat when you are filled with sadness and worry.

The other part of right food is that you should eat in a very peaceful, a very joyful state. If you are not in such a state, then it is better to wait until you are and not to eat for a while. When the mind is absolutely ready, only then should one take his meals. For how long will the mind not be ready? If you are aware enough to wait then at the most it can remain hungry for only one day - but we have never bothered to listen to it. We have made eating food a completely mechanical process. One has to put food into the body and then leave the dining table. It is no longer a psychological process - that is dangerous.

On the body level, the right food should be healthy, non-stimulating and non-violent; on the psychological level the mind should be in a blissful state, graceful and joyous; and on the level of the soul there should be a feeling of gratefulness, of thankfulness. 

Along with the right diet a little physical labor is very essential. And it is not that it should be in the interest of others - that if you serve the poor, it benefits the poor; if you go to a village and do farming, it benefits the farmers; if you are doing some labor, you are doing a great social service.

These are all false things. It is for your own sake, not for anyone else's sake. It is not concerned with benefiting anybody else. Someone else may benefit by it, but primarily it is for your own good.

There can be a mistake in this part also. Just as one can make a mistake with one's diet - either one eats too little or one eats too much - so a mistake can happen here also. Either one does not do labour at all or one does too much. Wrestlers do too much labor. They are in a sick state. A wrestler is not a healthy person. A wrestler is putting too much of a burden on the body - he is raping the body.

Raping the body can swell the muscles and make the body worth looking at, worth exhibiting, but there is a great difference between exhibition and life. There is a great difference between living, being healthy and being an exhibitionist.

Each person should find out according to himself, according to his body, how much labor he should do to live more healthily and more freshly. The more fresh air there is inside the body, the more blissful each and every breath is, the more vitality a person has to explore the inner. 

The third point is right sleep. Food has become disorganized, labor has become disorganized - and sleep has been totally murdered! The thing which has been harmed the most in the development of human civilization is sleep. From the day man discovered artificial light, his sleep has become very troubled. And as more and more gadgets started falling into man's hands, he started feeling that sleep is an unnecessary thing, too much time is wasted in it. The time when we are asleep is a complete waste. So the less sleep we can do with the better. It does not occur to people that sleep has any kind of contribution to the deeper processes of life. They think that the time spent sleeping is time gone to waste, so the less they sleep the better; the more quickly they reduce the amount of sleep, the better.

The person who cannot sleep rightly cannot live rightly. Sleep is not a waste of time. The eight hours of sleep are not being wasted; rather, because of those eight hours, you are able to stay awake for sixteen hours. Otherwise you would not be able to stay awake all that time. During those eight hours life-energy is accumulated, your life gets revitalized, the centers of your brain and heart calm down and your life functions from your navel center. For those eight hours of sleep you have again become one with nature and with existence - that is why you become revitalized.

For right sleep, the deeper and the longer you are able to sleep, the better. But I am telling you to sleep, not to keep on lying on the bed! Lying down on your bed is not sleep!

Edited by Prabhaker

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On 04/12/2016 at 2:45 PM, username said:

I feel totally emasculated, but it occurred to me that this may be a blessing in disguise, as now I have less distractions to pursue the spiritual path.

What are your thoughts?

Anything that happens can be used to further ripen your awareness, so yes, this is a blessing, in disguise, not really, I'd say more an opportunity right in your face, less distractions to pursue the path? You're always distracted by things, that's why you exist. 

Also @Prabhaker doesn't know anything he's talking about, it's just a whole lot of words you may or may not like, that's not to say it's wrong or bad, good or useful, he just doesn't know anything he preaches, same goes for me, but you might like it in a different way, or you might not, doesn't matter, my preach?  take everything in life as a blessing, see the difference in all things, learn and grow, if you want, but don't expect anything to push you further as well, nothing is guaranteed, yet everything is possible. 

Edited by key

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34 minutes ago, key said:

he just doesn't know anything he preaches, same goes for me

I have struggled for more than twenty-five years to find the truth, don't judge without discussing with me --- anything I posted which you find inappropriate. 

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5 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

I have struggled for more than twenty-five years to find the truth, don't judge without discussing with me --- anything I posted which you find inappropriate. 

^ Story. Let's forget the stories and be the present. Your body-mind should not be defensive, since it's not you, you can tell it not to be defensive. You can relax, you don't have to defend whether you are right or wrong, because you are defending something that is not you - defending Prabhaker is defending illusion. But it's fine to defend illusion, just I think we should focus on truth only, because that is what the forum is about.



-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 minute ago, Dodoster said:

You can relax, you don't have to defend whether you are right or wrong, because you are defending something that is not you - defending Prabhaker is defending illusion.

I am defending my words for the person for whom I have posted "@username", he may be distracted. 

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15 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

I have struggled for more than twenty-five years to find the truth, don't judge without discussing with me --- anything I posted which you find inappropriate. 

I don't think what you said or are doing is inappropriate, to help another and take time to do so is a wonderful trait anybody could have. But what I see from you (which mind you is just a projection I'm making) is somebody who's carrying around years of picked up beliefs, thinking it will further your spiritual advances and help you see the truth of reality for how you think it should be. 

Am I saying there's anything wrong with that? No, absolutely not, I'd say your doing what you think is right, but projecting your own beliefs onto somebody in a manner where it seems that's the only course to ever live a better life or be a better person seems misleading, but what do I know. 

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1 hour ago, key said:

somebody who's carrying around years of picked up beliefs

No, It's not belief, it's from my own experience. There are natural ways of healing the body, yoga is one of them. 

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On 12/5/2016 at 8:08 AM, username said:

I could heal my body 

Start relaxing. Start from the circumference – that's where we are, and we can start only from where we are. Relax the circumference of your being – relax your body, relax your behavior, relax your acts. Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk, listen in a relaxed way. Slow down every process. Don't be in a hurry and don't be in haste. Move as if all eternity is available to you.

If you become capable of relaxing the body voluntarily, then you will be able to help your mind relax voluntarily. Mind is a more complex phenomenon. Once you have become confident that the body listens to you, you will have a new trust in yourself. Now even the mind can listen to you. It will take a little longer with the mind, but it happens.

When the mind is relaxed, then start relaxing your heart, the world of your feelings, emotions – which is even more complex, more subtle. But now you will be moving with trust, with great trust in yourself. Now you will know it is possible. If it is possible with the body and possible with the mind, it is possible with the heart too. And then only, when you have gone through these three steps, can you take the fourth. Now you can go to the innermost core of your being, which is beyond body, mind, heart: the very center of your existence. And you will be able to relax it too.

Start from the body, and then go, slowly slowly, deeper. And don't start with anything else unless you have first solved the primary. If your body is tense, don't start with the mind. Wait. Work on the body. And just small things are of immense help.

You walk at a certain pace; that has become habitual, automatic. Now try to walk slowly. Buddha used to say to his disciples, "Walk very slowly, and take each step very consciously." If you take each step very consciously, you are bound to walk slowly. If you are running, hurrying, you will forget to remember. Hence Buddha walks very slowly.

Just try walking very slowly, and you will be surprised – a new quality of awareness starts happening in the body. Eat slowly, and you will be surprised – there is great relaxation. Do everything slowly... just to change the old pattern, just to come out of old habits.

First the body has to become utterly relaxed, like a small child, then only start with the mind.

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2 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

No, It's not belief, it's from my own experience. 

That very statement is a belief, and if you think like that no wonder you still believe in yourself, I mean no offence, but it never hurts to ask the questions rather than answer them, best wishes. 

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6 minutes ago, key said:

That very statement is a belief, and if you think like that no wonder you still believe in yourself

You have taken part of my full statement. Live meditatively to heal your body and mind is not only my experience but it is a way of life experienced by millions of people in the east. 

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4 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

You have taken part of my full statement. Live meditatively to heal your body and mind is not only my experience but it is a way of life experienced by millions of people in the east. 

And that is great for the millions of people who meditate to connect the body & mind to see more clearly the stark reality of what they face daily, it is a journey many venture on, including myself, and with such the improvement of many individuals physically and mentally, massive perspective shifts can occur, it is the very foundation upon which this site is built and operates!

But there is one huge flaw with such a system, it is that the person you think exists, with thoughts, feelings, desires, wants, needs, connections, memories & experiences isn't anywhere to be found, we are, in a sense, lifeless, empty, acting on a will that was never ours, but don't be mistaken, the identity is true for the very act that it has appeared, but the fact that we believe in it is where the confusion and delusion being  

"spiritual advancement" is not seeing through delusions or false preconceptions, it is not to gain higher coinciousness or improve the person, it is not advancement for there is nobody there to advance, change, mould or grow, spiritual advancement is in a sense an unraveling of truth, to experiencing the emergence of reality for how it is, how it appears, that's all.

We claim that consciousness is Whole, God, all being, eternal, everything and anything, infinite, but if that is so, how can that which is whole ever have levels to it, low consciousness, high consciousness, awareness, witnessing awareness, creator, creation, dual, nondual, self, Self, and on and on, all these terms we relate to ourselves and our potential, when if you look and really see the unseen which has always been seen, you find no person, no body, no mind, no identity, you see that and the most ridiculous thing? nothing changes, you as you think you are still exists as you always has, ego is still there, thoughts are still there, absolutely nothing changes because it's always been the same, there's never been anything that needs to change for consciousness is whole! though identification can stop, it may not as well, it doesn't matter, people call these "glimpses" or "full enlightenment" a dropping away of identity.

Open your mind, question everything you experience, you may not like this but don't trust in yourself, especially don't trust the reasons you give for experiences, the excuses you have for anything, or the conclusions you make about everything! Question the experiences and the thoughts you hold dear and clutch like a child, question question question, you need to shock yourself into the realisation of what's always been. Though, paradoxically, trust in your experience at the very same time because you've always been you, consciousness, full there and fully aware. 


 ---- Now this is a contradiction, for I don't believe in many of the things I just said, for I'm making assumptions and holding beliefs about how this all works, and I do not speak from a pedestal or claim superior knowledge, yet I cannot communicate with you unless I delve into delusion somewhat, but I reach out to you because I appreciate somebody reaching out to anybody, and someone needs to tell you while you're perfect as you are my friend, you are completely deluded and dense as a brick.

But now we've gone wayyyyy off topic here so if you wish to reach out to me in a different format I'll be happy to have a chat, I'm not very certain of many things and you'll probably brush me off (my own projection) but my perspective may or may not interest you, whatever you wish ^_^




Edited by key

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21 minutes ago, key said:

We claim that consciousness is Whole, God, all being, eternal, everything and anything, infinite, but if that is so, how can that which is whole ever have levels to it, low consciousness, high consciousness, awareness, witnessing awareness, creator, creation, dual, nondual, self, Self, and on and on, all these terms we relate to ourselves and our potential, when if you look and really see the unseen which has always been seen, you find no person, no body, no mind, no identity, you see that and the most ridiculous thing? 

No, through consciousness you can achieve witnessing, and through witnessing you can achieve awareness, and through awareness you can achieve "no achievement." Through awareness you can achieve all that is already achieved. After awareness there is nothing; awareness is the end.

Witnessing is a state, and consciousness is a means toward witnessing. If you begin to be conscious, you achieve witnessing. If you begin to be conscious of your acts, conscious of your day-to-day happenings, conscious of everything that surrounds you, then you begin to witness. 

Witnessing comes as a consequence of consciousness. You cannot practice witnessing; you can only practice consciousness. Witnessing comes as a consequence, as a shadow, as a result, as a byproduct. The more you become conscious, the more you go into witnessing, the more you come to be a witness. So consciousness is a method to achieve witnessing.

Consciousness is a quality of the mind, awareness is the transcendence; it is going beyond the mind. Mind, as such, is the medium of duality, so consciousness can never transcend duality. It is always conscious of something, and there is always someone who is conscious. So consciousness is part and parcel of the mind, and mind, as such, is the source of all duality, of all divisions – whether they are between subject and object, activity or inactivity, consciousness or unconsciousness. Every type of duality is mental. Awareness is nondual, so awareness means the state of no mind.

 Awareness means that the total mind has become aware. Now the old mind is not there but there is the quality of being conscious. Awareness has become the totality; the mind itself is now part of the awareness. We cannot say that the mind is aware; we can only meaningfully say that the mind is conscious. 
     Awareness means transcendence of the mind, so it is not the mind that is aware. It is only through transcendence of the mind, through going beyond mind, that awareness becomes possible. 

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47 minutes ago, key said:

 you are completely deluded and dense as a brick.

May be you are correct ! Now, what should I do ?

A) Should I stop posting anything on this forum ?

B) Should I stop giving any kind of advice to others?

C) Should I meditate few years more before posting anything here, until I get rid of my delusions ?

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On 05/12/2016 at 3:38 AM, username said:

@Prabhaker Are you suggesting I could heal my body with meditation?

You can cure everything with enough will, but you need a really high consciousness level to be able to use these techniques (you have to be 101% open-minded too).

That's how "miracles" works, but these are not miracles at all, it is just you curing yourself from inside out.

It is logic that in a time where rationality is the prevalent way of thinking, that these things rarely occurs, because even the most religious person are both rational and dogmatic.

Both of these things are hindering yourself from experiencing theses types of healing.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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7 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

Now, what should I do ?

Be more willing to let go of your beliefs and assumptions.

Who knows, I could be the dense one here not willing to let go of my beliefs about how this all works, but well, that's where the real fun with all this stuff is!   :P

Thank you for your insight, I hope others will benefit something out of our discussion, for I see neither of us will get through to each other at this moment! 

Take care my friend.



Edited by key

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