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[book] Tools Of Titans, Tim Ferris (7/10)

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Hey people,


This is not an ordinary book, its a buffet you can choose from...

The fact that it's 674 pages big and the way it's structured makes it so that it's a less nice 'read', however, that's also why he advises to skip liberally. So the book gives you a lot of the hows but from what I've read so far not a lot of why's, and this means that it lacks a bit of depth. But that's not what the book was meant for, it just gives you the Tools of Titans. Generally I liked his other books better but that's probably because I'm so well traversed in the self-development world. Perhaps reading all the 674 pages might be a bit too much for you so "skip liberally" and find the people/parts that interest you.

Wrote a summary of part 1 as well, which you can find here:

Peace <3

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