
Is Free Masonry Legit?

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I stumbled upon an interesting article by apparently last level - 33 mason, explaining what this community is about. Basically, it sounded like a community of self - help jinkies, who strive to improve themselves. Another filthy rich guy in my country, who is a main figure in our underground, recently admitter that mansonry is real and many rich & successful individuals are part of it? Does anyone know more details & can you give us objective thoughts on this?

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I was working at subway some time ago and a customer I was serving had some interesting tattoos/symbols on his arm. I forget what it was but I recognized it and asked if he was a mason. He smiled and said he wasn't, but he had family members who were. He then went on to say he was invited but he declined for various reasons. Once you're invited in you then get a leg up on business, meaning doorways open. He said he would have gotten much more work (contracts/contacts) if he signed up but he also said they have access to all city camera's and that if anyone steps out of line, they will then have footage of them in action and so in turn would they would have dirt on that person - it's a way to keep members in check.  

With that said, from what I've seen, I recognize that they have insight into quadrivium and ancient knowledge involving the liberal arts. 

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I actually attended a cool Van Gogh exhibit this week that was built within an old Masonic temple. Freemasonry has been around for several hundred years, and like other religions/societies is just another self-indulgent structure of social power.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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What exactly do you mean by legit?

If you are asking whether or not it is real, it is definitely real. 

I lived in a city that was practically built up around an old Masonic temple. This thing was enormous, rivaling many of the churches in a place where churches were the largest buildings around. What's interesting is this thing looked a lot like the Mormon temples you can find across Utah. I am not an expert on stone or architecture, but to my untrained eye they look like the same type of both. Made me wonder if there was some kind of connection. 

The Masons in that city/area are assholes. They kind of flout it... people are afraid of them. They call the shots. You don't cross a Mason. It's all a little corrupt if you ask me.

Having recently moved to a different part of the country, I have the opportunity to actually become a Mason. They are different around here. Still the close knit brotherhood I have come to know but they aren't feared. They are respected. They like to help people. They aren't a bunch of power-tripping assholes high on the fact they are Masons. While I haven't been exposed to their deepest darkest secrets or anything, I am honestly a little disappointed. Turns out the Freemason's are just an offshoot of Christianity. As a matter of fact, they are what became of the Knights Templar. They even have their own version of The Holy Bible... sadly it is just an annotated version of the KJV.

So... yeah, they are legit. 

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