
Neuralink / AI will wipe my life's work clean? (Maybe yours too?)

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I'm having a small crisis here.

I want to coach and teach people how to form habits. This is great, and will benefit lots of people.....until neuralink takes over and automatically installs the best habits possible into everyones brains at the touch of a button, rendering my hard work pointless.

I feel like, dammit. Are almost all knowledge workers / creative types / skillsets going to be replaced once neuralink comes around and is effectively able to reprogram your brain in 1 second? 

You could learn the guitar in like a minute with this tech (once its developed further), so anyone developing a guitar tutoring system is going to get steamrolled.


How the f**k do i reconcile this, how do we move forward and work on a project which is going to face impending doom?

My impact on the world will be tiny, as neuralink will replace it. 

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You are worrying about a silly non-issue.

Neuralink will not be widely available in our lifetime and it will not solve any of people's psychological bullshit.

Maybe it will help some disabled person push a button on a computer. That's about it.

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@JaySwole You are massively underestimating how complex the human mind is and how little we understand it.

Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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1 hour ago, JaySwole said:

I'm having a small crisis here.

I want to coach and teach people how to form habits. This is great, and will benefit lots of people.....until neuralink takes over and automatically installs the best habits possible into everyones brains at the touch of a button, rendering my hard work pointless.

I feel like, dammit. Are almost all knowledge workers / creative types / skillsets going to be replaced once neuralink comes around and is effectively able to reprogram your brain in 1 second? 

You could learn the guitar in like a minute with this tech (once its developed further), so anyone developing a guitar tutoring system is going to get steamrolled.


How the f**k do i reconcile this, how do we move forward and work on a project which is going to face impending doom?

My impact on the world will be tiny, as neuralink will replace it. 

I'm very excited about Neuralink, but its true potential is a long way off, many decades away.

And I suspect scaling it up will be a big road block because it literally requires a brain operation to get it implanted. And that operation has to be done by a very specialist machine. So Neuralink will have to mass produce their brain needle machines before anything goes anywhere near mainstream. So yea, a long way off.


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Neural link will be a further step for science to realize that consciousness is not found in the brain. There are many other signs that this realization is going to happen in the next decades. The scientific paradigm will crash onto itself. 

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5 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

@JaySwole You are massively underestimating how complex the human mind is and how little we understand it.

@Eren Eeager Not to mention the fact that even if we understood the mind perfectly, it would still be incredibly difficult to program it to learn to play guitar. That is also an extremely complex skill which requires a lot of training. Maybe this will be possible someday, but I don't see it happening any time soon. Creative jobs will probably be the last to be fully automated (if ever).

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@JaySwole can you recall another time where you had a dream and it was rendered redundant by something?

I am wondering whether the idea of your hopes getting shattered has happened before.

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15 years ago, people talked about installing a memory chip in a person's body connected to the brain. So whatever we need to remember the exact details of something, we can just assess the memory chip and retrieve the info.

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15 hours ago, hyruga said:

15 years ago, people talked about installing a memory chip in a person's body connected to the brain. So whatever we need to remember the exact details of something, we can just assess the memory chip and retrieve the info.

That's not how memory works. Memory is not stored in any specific region of the brain.

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I feel like people far overestimate how far we are in terms of any significant advancement in this area, similar to AI. From what I intuit we might be thousands of years away from a true AI that would actually have any kind of human like self-awareness, if it even is possible on the physical substrates we currently use.

Simulating behavior is very different from actually achieving intelligence. What many people don't realize is that it might take a significant amount of intelligence to even achieve simple tasks with it, that any dumb algorithm could achieve with ease. So we measure the progress in AI by tasks that are more or less effortful for a specific type of intelligence, and we get a completely false sense of where we actually are.

All of these technologies will face issues that might take hundreds of years to resolve, issues that we haven't even realized exist yet. It is the case that many things will get automated, but automation is not intelligence. In this particular framework it is pretty much the opposite of it.

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