
What veganism did to my body (photos)

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Hey before I joined here, I’ve been on a journey of going high fruit plant based. I thought I would share my progress so far. 

Before: 200 lbs and in a restricting and binging cycle. Eating meat and animal products.





The after is in the comments.

Edited by KennedyCarter

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Here’s the after: I weigh 150, I don’t count calories and I eat as much as I want


Edited by KennedyCarter

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The positive is you lost fat.

But lost muscle too due low animal protein intake, be aware of that.

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You looked great in the before photos. Now you're quite emaciated and anemic.

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1 hour ago, Village said:

You looked great in the before photos. Now you're quite emaciated and anemic.

Strongly disagree, I find her body to look very attractive and healthy now whereas before it didn't look healthy. 


Still this doesn't say anything about humans being "frugivores", bs. Look into human history, meat is healthy and natural. 

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

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3 hours ago, KennedyCarter said:


3 hours ago, KennedyCarter said:

Humans are frugivores723ADA53-3EF0-40DF-A24A-D4F2619680D3.jpeg

I could also come in with photos of skinny vegetarian guys who get on carnivore diet and come back with strong muscular bodies. Your individual experience doesn't say anything about humanity at large. 

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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I'd say you look good in both before and after. It's important that you feel good & happy in the body you've got now :) 

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Needing tonnes of protein is a myth

I think going to much fruit might be over doing it. Personally think it needs balance!

Looking good

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@KennedyCarter you look great and I hope you feel great too

Most importantly, what is outside is just the tip of the ice berg of what you are doing inside

Hydrating, energizing every cell while all the acid toxicity is efficiently taken out. 

Great job

@Shawn Philips  To all the dead animal fanatics:

1)protein deficiency is unheard of in humans provided one consumes sufficient calories. 

2) 99% of deficiencies in the first world are actually the consequence of toxicity. Toxicity prevents and stops absorbtion and what Kennedy is doing is precisely remove the toxicity in the most efficient, natural way.


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At least take protein as much as you weigh in kgs . And b12 supplement,


Vitamin D




Vitamin K2

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2 hours ago, Enlighten said:

Also Has anybody seen Leo's old video on supplements?



22 hours ago, KennedyCarter said:


22 hours ago, KennedyCarter said:



Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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 @KennedyCarter I think 170 would be a good weight for you. How you feel in your body is most important though. Just make sure to balance your diet and give your body the nutrients it needs.

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Just be careful not to conflate short term progress with long term viability.

If your diet was previously leaning on things like meat and / or processed foods, of course changing to frugivore is going to reap benefits, but that doesn't mean it will be the optimal diet for you for the rest of your life.

Also it's not as simple as "humans are frugivores". People have different genetics, gut microbiomes from birth, different environments, different lifestyles etc etc, the idea of there being some one size fits all diet is honestly just silly, I'd stick to just trying to figure out what works for you and sharing it, without making massive claims about how all humans on the planet should be eating.

Edited by CultivateLove

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@LoganI feel my best now. I actually feel comfortable in my body. I felt so disgusting at 170 as well. I think 130 or 140 is going to be my average weight. I’m still losing weight with this lifestyle.

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